< Mateo 2 >

1 Esi wodzi Yesu le Betlehem le Yudea, le Fia Herod ŋɔli la, ɣletivimenunyalawo tso ɣedzeƒe va Yerusalem, eye wonɔ amewo biam be,
NOW when Jeshu was born in Beth-lechem of Jehuda, in the days of Herodes the king, there came Magians from the East to Urishlem:
2 “Afi ka Yudatɔwo ƒe fia yeye si wodzi la le? Míekpɔ eƒe ɣletivi le ɣedzeƒe ke, ale míeva be míasubɔe.”
and they said, Where is the king of the Jews who is born? for we have seen his star in the east, and have come to worship him.
3 Esi Fia Herod se nya sia la, dzika tso eya kple Yerusalem dua me nɔlawo katã ƒo.
But Herodes the king heard, and was troubled, and all Urishlem with him.
4 Esia ta Fia Herod yɔ Yudatɔwo ƒe nunɔlagãwo kple agbalẽfialawo katã ƒo ƒu, eye wòbia du si me woadzi Kristo le la wo.
And he assembled all the chief priests and scribes of the people, and anxiously inquired of them where the Meshicha should be born.
5 Woɖo eŋu nɛ be, “Woadzi Kristo la le Betlehem le Yudea, elabena nenema woŋlɔe ɖi to nyagblɔɖila la dzi bena,
But they said, In Beth-lechem of Jehuda; for so it is written in the prophet:
6 “‘O, wò Betlehem, le Yudanyigba dzi, menye Yudatɔwo ƒe du sue maxɔŋkɔ aɖe ko nènye o, elabena wò mee fia si le nye dukɔ Israel dzi ɖu ge la ado atso.’”
Also thou, Beth-lechem of Jehuda, wast not the least among the kings of Jehuda; for from thee shall come forth the king who shall be as a shepherd to my people Isroel.
7 Esia megbe la, Herod dɔ ame ɖo ɖe ɣletivimenunyala siawo dzaa, eye wòbia wo be woagblɔ ɣeyiɣi si tututu wokpɔ ɣletivi la zi gbãtɔ la na ye, eye wogblɔe nɛ. Ale wòdɔ wo kple gbedeasi sia be,
Then Herodes privately called the Magians, and learned from them at what time the star appeared to them:
8 “Miyi Betlehem ne miadi ɖevi la, eye ne mieke ɖe eŋu la, mitrɔ va gblɔe nam bena nye hã mayi aɖasubɔe!”
and he sent them to Beth-lechem, and said to them, Go and inquire diligently concerning the child; and when you have found him, come, show me, and I also will go and will worship him.
9 Esi wose fia la ƒe nya la, wogayi woƒe mɔzɔzɔ dzi, eye ɣletivi si wokpɔ le ɣedzeƒe la gadze wo ŋgɔ heyi ɖatɔ ɖe aƒe si me ɖevi la le la tame.
But they, when they had heard the king, went forth; and, lo, the star, which they had seen in the east, proceeded before them, until it came and stood over against where the child was.
10 Ke esi wokpɔ ɣletivia la, dzi dzɔ wo ŋutɔ.
Now when they saw the star, they rejoiced with very great joy.
11 Esi woge ɖe aƒea me la, wokpɔ ɖevi la kple dadaa Maria, eye woyi ɖadze klo ɖe egbɔ enumake hede ta agu nɛ. Woʋu nu le woƒe nunanawo nu, eye wotsɔ sika, kotoklobo kple lifi nɛ.
And they entered the house, and beheld the child with Mariam his mother; and they fell down, and worshipped him. And they opened their treasures, and offered unto him oblations; gold, and myrrh, and frankincense.
12 Eye esi Mawu xlɔ̃ nu wo le drɔ̃eƒe bena womagatrɔ ayi Herod gbɔ o la, woto mɔ bubu yi wo de.
And it was shown to them in a dream, that they should not return unto Herodes; so, by another way, they went unto their place.
13 Esi ɣletivimenunyalawo dzo vɔ la, mawudɔla aɖe ɖe eɖokui fia Yosef le drɔ̃eƒe. Egblɔ nɛ be, “Tso kpla nàkplɔ ɖevi la kple dadaa, eye nàsi ayi Egipte, eye nànɔ afi ma va se ɖe esime magblɔe na wò, elabena Fia Herod le ɖevi la di ge be yeawu.”
AND when they were gone, the angel of the Lord appeared in a dream unto Jauseph, and said to him, Arise, take the child and his mother, and flee into Metsreen, and there be until I tell thee; for it will be that Herodes will seek the child, that he may destroy him.
14 Esia ta Yosef fɔ enumake, eye wòkplɔ ɖevi la kple dadaa le zã ma me ke hesi dzo yi Egipte,
Then Jauseph arose, took up the child and his mother, and fled by night into Metsreen,
15 eye wonɔ afi ma va se ɖe esime Fia Herod ku. Ale wowu nya si Aƒetɔ la gblɔ ɖi to nyagblɔɖila dzi la nu be, “Egipte meyɔ vinye la tsoe.”
and was there until the death of Herodes. That it might be fulfilled which was spoken from the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Metsreen have I called my son.
16 Esi Herod kpɔe be ɣletivimenunyalawo flu ye la, dɔ me vee ale gbegbe be wòdɔ asrafowo ɖo ɖe Betlehem kple eƒe nutowo me, be woaɖawu ŋutsuvi siwo katã xɔ ƒe eve kple esiwo mexɔ nenema haɖe o, ɖe ɣeyiɣi si ɣletivimenunyalawo gblɔ nɛ be yewokpɔ ɣletivia la nu.
Then Herodes, when he saw that he had been deluded by the Magians, was greatly wroth, and sent (and) killed all the children of Beth-lechem, and all its limits, from two years and under, according to the time which he had inquired from the Magians.
17 Ale wowu nya si wogblɔ ɖi to Nyagblɔɖila Yeremia dzi la nu be,
Then was fulfilled what was spoken by Eramio the prophet, who said,
18 “Wose ɣlidodo le Rama, avifafa kple nublanuiɣli ɖi bobobo; Rahel nɔ avi dzi le viawo ta, eye naneke mate ŋu afa akɔ nɛ o, elabena viawo megali o.”
A cry was heard in Rometha; weeping and great lamentation; Rochel weeping for her children, and not willing to be comforted, because they are not.
19 Esi Herod ku la, mawudɔla aɖe va ɖe eɖokui fia Yosef le drɔ̃eƒe le Egipte. Egblɔ nɛ be,
BUT when Herodes, the king, was dead, the angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Jauseph in Metsreen,
20 “Tso nàkplɔ ɖevi la kple dadaa atrɔ ayi Israelnyigba dzi, elabena ame siwo le ɖevi la ƒe agbe yome tim la ku!”
and said to him, Arise, take the child and his mother, and go into the land of Isroel; for they are dead who sought the life of the child.
21 Ale Yosef tso enumake, eye wòkplɔ Yesu kple dadaa trɔ yi Israelnyigba dzi.
And Jauseph arose, (and) took the child and his mother, and came into the land of Isroel.
22 Ke esi wòse be Arkelao nɔ dzi ɖum le Yudea ɖe fofoa Herod teƒe la, evɔ̃ na afi ma yiyi. Ke esi wogbe nya nɛ le drɔ̃eƒe ta la, eyi Galilea nutowo me,
But when he heard that Arkelaos was the king in Jehud, instead of Herodes his father, he was afraid to go thither: and it was shown to him in a dream, that he should go into the region of Galila.
23 eye wòyi ɖanɔ Nazaret. Esia wu nya si wogblɔ ɖi to nyagblɔɖilawo dzi la nu be, “Woayɔe be Nazaretitɔ.”
And he came and dwelt in a city which is called Natsrath. So would be fulfilled that which was spoken by the prophet, that a Nazarene he should be called.

< Mateo 2 >