< Luka 19 >

1 Yesu ge ɖe Yeriko du la me, eye wòzɔ to dua me.
When Jesus had entered, and was passing through Jericho,
2 Ŋutsu aɖe nɔ dua me, ame si ŋkɔe nye Zaxeo. Enye nudzɔlawo ƒe amegã, eye wònye kesinɔtɔ hã.
behold, a man named Zaccheus, a rich man, and chief of the publicans,
3 Ame sia di be yeakpɔ Yesu, gake mete ŋui o, esi wònye ame kpui ta eye amehawo hã ƒo xlãe.
endeavored to see what sort of person he was, but could not for the press, being of a low stature.
4 Le esia ta eƒu du dze wo ŋgɔ, yi ɖalia ati kɔkɔ aɖe si le mɔa to, be yeakpɔe tso afi ma.
Therefore, running before, he climbed up into a sycamore, to see him; having observed that he was going that way.
5 Esi Yesu va ɖo atia te la, ewu mo dzi kpɔ Zaxeo le atia me. Eyɔ eŋkɔ be, “Zaxeo, ɖi kaba! Elabena madze aƒewò me egbe.”
When Jesus came to the place, he looked up, and seeing him, said, Zaccheus, make haste and come down, for to-day I must abide at your house.
6 Zaxeo ɖi le atia dzi kaba eye wòxɔ Yesu kple dzidzɔ.
And he made haste, and came down, and received him joyfully.
7 Nu sia medzɔ dzi na ameha la o. Wolĩ liʋĩliʋĩ gblɔ be, “Eyi be yeadze nu vɔ̃ wɔla gã sia ƒe aƒe me.”
When the multitude perceived this, they said, murmuring, He is gone to be entertained by a sinner.
8 Le aƒea me la, Zaxeo gblɔ na Yesu be, “Aƒetɔ tso azɔ la, matsɔ nye kesinɔnuwo ƒe afã na ame dahewo, eye ne mexɔ ga le ame aɖe si wu ale si wòle be maxɔ la, maɖo eteƒe nɛ zi gbɔ zi ene sɔŋ!”
But Zaccheus, presenting himself before Jesus, said, Master, half of my goods I will give to the poor; and if in anything I have wronged any man, I will restore fourfold.
9 Yesu gblɔ nɛ be, “Egbe xɔxɔ va aƒe sia me, elabena ame sia hã la, Abraham vi wònye.
And Jesus said, concerning him, To-day is salvation come to this house; inasmuch as he also is a son of Abraham.
10 Elabena Amegbetɔ Vi la va be yeadi ame siwo bu la eye yeaɖe wo.”
For the Son of Man is come to seek and recover that which was lost.
11 Esi Yesu nɔ tetem ɖe Yerusalem ŋu la, edo lo aɖe si awɔe be amewo nagabu be mawufiaɖuƒe la le egɔme dze ge enumake o. Egblɔ be,
As the people were attentive, he added this parable, because he was nigh to Jerusalem, and they fancied the Reign of God would immediately commence.
12 “Bubume aɖe si nɔ nuto aɖe me le anyigba aɖe dzi la xɔ du be wòava anyigba la ƒe du gãtɔ me, ale be woatsɔe aɖo fiae ɖe eƒe nutometɔwo nu.
A certain nobleman went abroad to procure for himself the royalty, and then return;
13 Hafi wòadzo la, eyɔ eƒe dɔlawo dometɔ ewo ƒo ƒui, eye wòtsɔ ga sidi akpe eve na wo dometɔ ɖe sia ɖe eye wògblɔ na wo be, ‘Mitsɔ ga sia nɔ asi tsamii hafi magbɔ.’
and having called ten of his servants, and delivered to them ten pounds, he said, improve these till I return.
14 “Gake eteviwo lé fui, eye wodɔ amewo ɖo ɖe eyome gblɔ be, ‘Míele ame sia dim be wòaɖu fia ɖe mía dzi o.’
Now his citizens hated him; and sending an embassy after him, protested, We will not have this man for our king.
15 “Togbɔ be ele alea hã la, woɖoe fiae eye wòtrɔ gbɔ va aƒe. Tete wòdɔ be woayɔ yeƒe subɔla siwo wòtsɔ ga na la be yeakpɔe ɖa be wowɔ ga la ŋu dɔ kpɔ viɖe aɖe mahã.
When he returned, vested with royal power, he commanded those servants to be called to whom he had committed the money, that he might know what every one had gained.
16 “Ame gbãtɔ va do, eye wògblɔ be, ‘Aƒetɔ, ga home si nènam la mekpɔ viɖe teƒe ewo ɖe edzi.’
Then the first came, and said, My Lord, your pound has gained ten pounds.
17 “Fia la kafui gblɔ be, ‘Èdze agbagba, wò dɔla nyui! Esi nèɖi anukware le nu sue si metsɔ na wò me, eye abe wò fetu ene la, matsɔ du ewo ade wò dzikpɔkpɔ te.’
He answered, Well done, good servant; because you have been faithful in a very small matter, receive the government of ten cities.
18 “Ame evelia hã va do be, ‘Aƒetɔ, ga home si nètsɔ nam la mekpɔ viɖe teƒe atɔ̃ ɖe edzi.’
And the second who came, said, My Lord, your pound has gained five pounds.
19 Eƒe aƒetɔ gblɔ nɛ be, ‘Esia hã nyo! Matsɔ du atɔ̃ ade wò dzikpɔkpɔ te.’
He answered, Be you also governor of five cities.
20 “Ame bubu va hegblɔ be, ‘Aƒetɔ, ga home si nètsɔ nam lae nye esi. Metsɔ ga la dzra ɖo na wò be wòanɔ dedie,
Another came, saying, My Lord, here is your pound, which I have kept laid up in a napkin;
21 elabena mevɔ̃ be àbia viɖe tso asinye, evɔ wò nya ɖe wòsesẽ, èxɔa nu si menye tɔwò o le amewo si akpasesẽtɔe. Èxɔa amewo ƒe agblewo le wo si akpasesẽtɔe gɔ̃ hã.’
for I was afraid of you, because you are a hard master; you exact what you did not give, and reap what you did not sow.
22 “Fia la do dɔmedzoe hegblɔ na dɔla vɔ̃ɖi la be, ‘Wò kuviatɔ nèbe menye ŋutasẽla. Wò ŋutɔ wò nuƒoƒoe matsɔ adrɔ̃ ʋɔnu wòe. Ne ènya nyuie be ŋutasẽla menye ɖe,
He answered, Out of your own mouth, you malignant servant, I will condemn you. Did you know that I am a hard master, exacting what I did not give, and reaping what I did not sow?
23 nu ka tae mètsɔ ga la da ɖe gadzraɖoƒe bena wòahe viɖe vi aɖe teti vɛ nam o?’
Why, then, did you not put my money into the bank; that at my return I might have received it with interest?
24 “Etrɔ ɖe ame mamlɛ siwo le tsitre la gbɔ, eye wòɖe gbe na wo be, ‘Mixɔ ga la le esi ne miatsɔe na ame si kpɔ viɖe geɖe ɖe etɔ dzi la.’
Then he said to his attendants, Take the pound from him, and give it to him who has ten pounds.
25 “Woɖo eŋu nɛ be, ‘Aƒetɔ, ga geɖe le ame ma si xoxo ɖe!’
They answered, My Lord, he has ten pounds.
26 “Fia la ɖo eŋu be, ‘Ele eme nenema, gake enye nyateƒe matrɔmatrɔ be, ame siwo si nu le la, woawoe agakpɔ nu ɖe edzi, eye ame si si nu sue aɖe le la abu sue si le esi la gɔ̃ hã le ɣeyiɣi kpui aɖe me.
He replied, I tell you, that to every one who has, more shall be given; but from him who has not, even that which he has shall be taken.
27 Azɔ le nye futɔ siwo tsi tsitre ɖe ŋunye, eye womedi be maɖu fia ɖe yewo dzi o la, mikplɔ wo va ŋkunyemee ne miatso ta le wo nu.’”
But as for those my enemies, who would not have me for their king, bring them hither, and slay them in my presence.
28 Esi Yesu wu lo sia dodo nu la, edze nusrɔ̃lawo ŋgɔ ɖo ta Yerusalem.
After this discourse, Jesus walked foremost, traveling toward Jerusalem.
29 Esi wova ɖo Betfage kple Betania, du siwo le Amito dzi me la, edɔ eƒe nusrɔ̃la eve be woadze ŋgɔ ayi kɔƒe si le wo ŋgɔ la me.
When he approached Bethphage and Bethany, near the mountain called the Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples,
30 Ebe ne woge ɖe kɔƒea me la, woatsa ŋku na tedzi aɖe si wode kae la. Enye tedzivi si ame aɖeke medo kpɔ o. Egblɔ kpe ɖe eŋu be, “Ne miekpɔe la, mitu kae ne miakplɔe va afii.
saying, Go to yonder village, where, as you enter, you will find a colt tied, on which no man ever rode; loose him, and bring him.
31 Eye ne ame aɖe bia mi be, ‘Nu ka ta miele ka tumii ɖo?’ miegblɔ ko be, ‘Aƒetɔ la hiãe.’”
If any one ask you why you loose him, you shall answer, Because the Master needs him.
32 Wokpɔ tedzivi la abe ale si Yesu gblɔe ene,
Accordingly, they who received this order, went, and found everything as he had told them.
33 eye esi wonɔ ka tumii la, nutɔwo va wo gbɔ va bia wo be, “Nu kae nye ema wɔm miele? Nu ka ta miele ka tum míaƒe tedzivia ɖo?”
As they were loosing the colt, the owners said to them, Why loose you the colt?
34 Nusrɔ̃lawo ɖo eŋu na wo dzaa be, “Aƒetɔ la hiãe.”
They answered, The Master needs him.
35 Ale wokplɔ tedzivi la vɛ na Yesu, eye woɖo woƒe avɔwo ɖe edzi eye wokɔ Yesu ɖo edzi.
So they brought him to Jesus, and having thrown their mantles upon the colt, set Jesus on it.
36 Esi wònɔ yiyim la, amewo tsɔ woƒe avɔwo keke ɖe mɔƒome nɛ.
As he went, the people spread their mantles in the way before him.
37 Azɔ esi wògogo teƒe si woɖia Amito la ƒe aga le la, nusrɔ̃lawo ƒe ha blibo la de asi Mawu kafukafu me kple gbe sesĩe le nukunu siwo wokpɔ la ta,
When he was so near as the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples began to praise God in loud acclamations, for all the miracles which they had seen;
38 gblɔ be, “Woayra fia si gbɔna le Aƒetɔ la ƒe ŋkɔa me!” “Ŋutifafa le dziƒo, eye ŋutikɔkɔe le dziƒo ʋĩi!”
saying, Blessed be the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven, and glory in the highest heaven!
39 Gake Farisitɔ aɖewo siwo nɔ ameawo dome la gblɔ na Yesu be, “Aƒetɔ, gbe nya na wò nusrɔ̃lawo ne woadzudzɔ nya siawo gbɔgblɔ!”
Upon this, some Pharisees in the crowd said to him, Rabbi, rebuke your disciples.
40 Eɖo eŋu na wo be, “Nenye be ameawo zi ɖoɖoe hã la, kpewo atso aseye.”
He answered, I tell you, that if these were silent, the stones would cry out.
41 Esi wote ɖe Yerusalem ŋu, eye wòkpɔ dua la, efa avi ɖe eŋu,
When he came near, and beheld the city, he wept over it,
42 eye wògblɔ be, “Wò hã, ɖe nànya nu si na ŋutifafa wò le ŋkeke sia me hafi, ke eɣla ɖe wò ŋkuwo fifia.
saying, O that thou hadst known, at least in this thy day, the things which concern thy peace! But now they are hid from thine eyes:
43 Elabena ŋkeke aɖe gbɔna, eye wò futɔwo aƒu kpo ɖe ŋuwò, eye woaɖe to aƒo xlã wò, axaxa wò le goawo katã dzi,
for the days are coming upon thee, when thine enemies will surround thee with a rampart, and inclose thee, and shut thee up on every side;
44 eye woaxlã wò kple viwò siwo le mewò la ɖe anyi, eye womele kpe gblẽ ge ɖe kpe dzi le mewò o, elabena ègbe mɔnukpɔkpɔ si Mawu na wò be nàdzudzɔ nu vɔ̃ la.”
and will level thee with the ground, thee and thy children, and will not leave one stone upon another, because thou didst not know the time when thou wast visited.
45 Azɔ Yesu ge ɖe gbedoxɔ la me, eye wòde asi asiƒlelawo nyanya me.
Afterward he went into the temple, and drove out thence those who sold, and those who bought in it,
46 Egblɔ na wo be, “Woŋlɔ ɖi be, ‘Nye gbedoxɔ la anye gbedoɖaƒe’; gake miawo la, mietsɔe wɔ ‘fiafitɔwo ƒe nɔƒee.’”
saying to them, It is written, "My house is a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of robbers."
47 Le esia megbe la, efia nu le gbedoxɔ la me gbe sia gbe, gake nunɔlagãwo, sefialawo kple ame ŋkuta siwo le dua me la nɔ mɔnu dim be yewoaɖe eƒe agbe ɖa.
And he taught daily in the temple, while the chief priests and the scribes, and persons of principal note, sought his destruction;
48 Ke womekpɔ mɔ si dzi woato o, elabena ame sia ame kloe lɔ̃e vevie, eye eƒe nyawo sɔ to me na wo ŋutɔ.
but could not devise how to effect it: for all the people heard him with the greatest attention.

< Luka 19 >