< Yohanes 1 5 >

1 Ame sia ame si xɔe se be Yesue nye Kristo la la, wodzii tso Mawu me, eye ame sia ame si lɔ̃a Fofo la la, lɔ̃a Via hã.
Whosoeuer beleeueth that Iesus is that Christ, is borne of God: and euery one that loueth him, which begate, loueth him also which is begotten of him.
2 Esiae nye ale si míenyana be míelɔ̃a Mawu Viwo: to Mawu lɔlɔ̃ kple eƒe seawo dzi wɔwɔ me.
In this we know that we loue the children of God, when we loue God, and keepe his commandements.
3 Esiae nye lɔlɔ̃ na Mawu: be woawɔ eƒe seawo dzi, elabena eƒe sewo mesesẽ o.
For this is the loue of God, that we keepe his commandements: and his commandements are not burdenous.
4 Elabena ame si wodzi le Mawu me la ɖu xexea me dzi. Míaƒe xɔsee nye nu si ɖu xexea me dzi.
For all that is borne of God, ouercommeth this world: and this is that victorie that hath ouercome this world, euen our faith.
5 Ame kae nye ame si ɖu xexea me dzi? Ame si xɔe se be Yesue nye Mawu Vi la koe.
Who is it that ouercommeth this world, but he which beleeueth that Iesus is that Sonne of God?
6 Yesu Kristoe nye ame si va to tsi kple ʋu me. Meva to tsi me ɖeɖe ko o, ke boŋ to tsi kple ʋu me. Eye Gbɔgbɔ lae le ɖase ɖim le nu sia ŋu, elabena Gbɔgbɔ lae nye nyateƒe la.
This is that Iesus Christ that came by water and blood: not by water onely, but by water and blood: and it is that Spirit, that beareth witnesse: for that Spirit is trueth.
7 Ame etɔ̃e li, ame siwo le ɖase ɖim le dziƒo: Fofo la, Nya la kple Gbɔgbɔ kɔkɔe la, eye ame etɔ̃ siawo le ɖeka.
For there are three, which beare recorde in heauen, the Father, the Worde, and the holy Ghost: and these three are one.
8 Eye ame etɔ̃ siawo le ɖase ɖim le anyigba dzi, woawoe nye Gbɔgbɔ la, Tsi la kple Ʋu la, eye wo katã ƒe ɖaseɖiɖi le ɖeka.
And there are three, which beare record in the earth, the spirit, and the water and the blood: and these three agree in one.
9 Míexɔa amegbetɔwo ƒe ɖaseɖiɖiwo, ke Mawu ƒe ɖase si wòɖi le Via ŋu la de ŋgɔ sãa wu esiawo.
If we receiue the witnesse of men, the witnesse of God is greater: for this is the witnesse of God, which he testified of his Sonne.
10 Eya ta ame sia ame si xɔa Mawu Vi la dzi sena la ɖia ɖase le eƒe dzi me. Eye ame si mexɔa Mawu dzi se o la, ewɔ Mawu aʋatsokalae, elabena mexɔ ɖase si Mawu ɖi le Via ŋu la dzi se o.
He that beleeueth in that Sonne of God, hath the witnes in himselfe: he that beleeueth not God, hath made him a lyar, because he beleeued not ye record, that God witnessed of that his Sonne.
11 Ke ɖaseɖiɖi lae nye esi be Mawu na agbe mavɔ mí, eye agbe mavɔ sia le Via me. (aiōnios g166)
And this is that record, to wit, that God hath giuen vnto vs eternall life, and this life is in that his Sonne. (aiōnios g166)
12 Ame si si Vi la le la agbe le esi, eye ame si si Mawu Vi la mele o la, agbe mele esi o.
He that hath that Sonne, hath that life: and he that hath not that Sonne of God, hath not that life.
13 Mele nu siawo ŋlɔm ɖo ɖe mi ame siwo xɔ Mawu Vi la ƒe ŋkɔ dzi se la, ale be mianya be agbe mavɔ le mia si. (aiōnios g166)
These things haue I written vnto you, that beleeue in the Name of that Sonne of God, that ye may knowe that ye haue eternall life, and that ye may beleeue in the Name of that Sonne of God. (aiōnios g166)
14 Kakaɖedzi sia le mía si le tete ɖe Mawu ŋu me, be ne míebia nu si sɔ ɖe eƒe lɔlɔ̃nu dzi la, eɖoa to mí.
And this is that assurance, that we haue in him, that if we aske any thing according to his will, he heareth vs.
15 Eye ne míenyae be eɖoa to mí la, ekema nu sia nu si míebiae la, míenyae be míaƒe asi su edzi xoxo.
And if we know that he heareth vs, whatsoeuer we aske, we know that we haue the petitions, that we haue desired of him.
16 Ne ame aɖe kpɔ be ye nɔvi wɔ nu vɔ̃ si ƒe fetu menye ku o la, nedo gbe ɖa, ale be Mawu naxɔe ɖe agbe. Mele esia gblɔm ku ɖe ame siwo ƒe nu vɔ̃ mehea ku vanɛ o la ŋuti. Nu vɔ̃ aɖe li si hea ame yia ku me, menye nu vɔ̃ sia tɔgbe ƒe nya gblɔm mele o.
If any man see his brother sinne a sinne that is not vnto death, let him aske, and he shall giue him life for them that sinne not vnto death. There is a sinne vnto death: I say not that thou shouldest pray for it.
17 Nu gbegblẽ wɔwɔ ɖe sia ɖe ƒomevi nye nu vɔ̃, gake nu vɔ̃ aɖewo li siwo mehea ame yia ku mee o.
All vnrighteousnesse is sinne, but there is a sinne not vnto death.
18 Minyae kɔtɛe be ne wodzi ame aɖe tso Mawu me la, meganɔa nu vɔ̃ wɔwɔ dzi atraɖii o; Mawu Vi la ŋutɔ kpɔa eta be wònɔna dedie, eye Vɔ̃ɖitɔ la metea ŋu kaa asi eŋu o.
We know that whosoeuer is borne of God, sinneth not: but he that is begotten of God, keepeth himselfe, and that wicked one toucheth him not.
19 Míenyae be Mawu viwoe míenye, eye be xexea me blibo la le vɔ̃ɖitɔ la ƒe ŋusẽ te.
We knowe that we are of God, and this whole world lieth in wickednesse.
20 Míenyae hã be Mawu Vi la va, eye wòna nugɔmesese mí, ale be míanye eya ame si nye nyateƒea. Míele nyateƒea si nye Via Yesu Kristo la me. Eyae nye nyateƒe Mawu kple agbe mavɔ la. (aiōnios g166)
But we know that that Sone of God is come, and hath giue vs a mind to know him, which is true: and we are in him that is true, that is, in that his Sone Iesus Christ: this same is that very God, and that eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
21 Vinye lɔlɔ̃awo, miɖe mia ɖokuiwo ɖa le legbawo gbɔ.
Litle children, keepe your selues from idoles, Amen.

< Yohanes 1 5 >