< Markus 4 >
1 Jeesus hakkas taas mere ääres õpetama. Teda tuli kuulama nii palju rahvast, et ta astus paati ja istus vee peal paadis, sel ajal kui rahvas kuulas teda kaldal.
Jesus again began to teach by the Sea; and, as an immense crowd was gathering round him, he got into a boat, and sat in it on the Sea, while all the people were on the shore at the water’s edge.
2 Ta näitlikustas oma õpetusi paljude lugudega.
Then he taught them many truths in parables; and in the course of his teaching he said to them:
3 „Kuulake, “ütles ta. „Üks külvaja läks välja külvama.
“Listen! The sower went out to sow;
4 Kui ta külvates seemneid laiali puistas, kukkus osa teerajale, linnud tulid ja sõid seemned sealt ära.
and presently, as he was sowing, some of the seed fell along the path; and the birds came, and ate it up.
5 Osa seemneid pudenes kivisele pinnale, kus ei olnud eriti mulda. Madalas mullakihis hakkasid taimed kiiresti kasvama, aga kuna mullakiht ei olnud sügav,
Some fell on rocky ground, where it had not much soil, and, having no depth of soil, sprang up at once;
6 kõrvetas päike taimi. Kuna neil ei olnud päris juuri, närbusid taimed peagi.
but, when the sun rose, it was scorched, and, having no root, withered away.
7 Osa seemneid pudenes ohakate sekka. Ohakad kasvasid suureks ja lämmatasid tärkava orase, nii et sellest ei tulnud midagi.
Some of the seed fell among brambles; but the brambles shot up and completely choked it, and it yielded no return.
8 Osa seemneid langes heale pinnasele, kus nad idanesid ja kasvasid ning andsid saagiks mõni kolmkümmend, mõni kuuskümmend ja mõni sada korda külvatust rohkem.
Some fell into good soil, and, shooting up and growing, yielded a return, amounting to thirty, sixty, and even a hundred fold.”
9 Kui teil on kuulmiseks kõrvad, siis kuulake, mida ma teile räägin.“
And Jesus said: “Let any one who has ears to hear with hear.”
10 Kui Jeesus oli omapead, küsisid kaksteist jüngrit ja teised, kes olid koos temaga, mida need võrdlused tähendasid.
Afterwards, when he was alone, his followers and the Twelve asked him about his parables;
11 Ta ütles neile: „Teie saate Jumala riigi mõistatusest aru. Kuid kõrvalseisjatel on ainult lood,
and he said: “To you the hidden truth of the Kingdom of God has been imparted; but to those who are outside it all teaching takes the form of parables, that —
12 nii et kuigi nad näevad, nad tegelikult ei „näe“, ja kuigi nad kuulevad, nad ei mõista, muidu pöörduksid nad minu poole ja saaksid andeks.“
‘Though they have eyes, they may see without perceiving; and though they have ears, they may hear without understanding; lest some day they should turn and be forgiven.’
13 „Kas te ei saa sellest loost aru?“küsis Jeesus neilt. „Kui ei saa, kuidas te siis kõigist ülejäänud lugudest aru saate?
“You do not know the meaning of this parable!” he went on; “Then how will you understand all the other parables?
The sower sows the Message.
15 Seemned rajal, kuhu sõna külvati, kujutavad neid, kes kuulevad sõnumit, kuid siis tuleb kohe Saatan ja võtab ära sõna, mis neisse on külvatud.
The People meant by the seed that falls along the path are these — where the Message is sown, but, as soon as they have heard it, Satan immediately comes and carries away the Message that has been sown in them.
16 Samal kombel kujutab kivine pind, kuhu seemned langesid, neid, kes kuulevad sõna ja võtavad selle kohe rõõmuga vastu.
So, too, those meant by the seed sown on the rocky places are the people who, when they have heard the Message, at once accept it joyfully;
17 Aga kuna neil ei ole päris juuri, jäävad nad püsima ainult veidikeseks ajaks, kuni tulevad probleemid või tagakiusamine, ja siis langevad nad kiiresti.
but, as they have no root, they stand only for a short time; and so, when trouble or persecution arises on account of the Message, they fall away at once.
18 Ohakate sekka külvatu kujutab neid, kes kuulevad sõna,
Those meant by the seed sown among the brambles are different; they are the people who hear the Message,
19 kuid selle maailma mured, rikkuse ahvatlus ja muud segavad asjaolud lämmatavad sõna kasvu ja see ei kanna vilja. (aiōn )
but the cares of life, and the glamour of wealth, and cravings for many other things come in and completely choke the Message, so that it gives no return. (aiōn )
20 Ent heale pinnasele külvatud seemned kujutavad neid, kes kuulevad sõna, võtavad selle vastu ja kannavad vilja, andes kolmkümmend, kuuskümmend ja sada korda rohkem kui külvati.
But the people meant by the seed sown on the good ground are those who hear the Message, and welcome it, and yield a return, thirty, sixty, and even a hundred fold.”
21 Kes paneb lambi ämbri või voodi alla?“küsis Jeesus neilt. „Ei, lamp pannakse üles lambijalale.
And Jesus said to them: “Is a lamp brought to be put under the corn-measure or under the couch, instead of being put on the lamp-stand?
22 Kõik, mis on varjatud, tuleb ilmsiks ja kõik, mis on salajas, saab avalikuks.
Nothing is hidden unless it is some day to come to light, nor was anything ever kept hidden but that it should some day come into the light of day.
23 Kui teil on kõrvad kuulmiseks, siis kuulake, mida ma räägin!
Let all who have ears to hear with hear.
24 Pange tähele seda, mida te kuulete, “ütles ta neile, „sest teile antakse vastavalt sellele, kui palju tahate vastu võtta, mõõt mõõdu eest.
Take care what you listen to,” said Jesus. “The measure you mete will be meted out to you, and more will be added for you.
25 Neile, kel juba on arusaamine, antakse rohkem, kuid neilt, kes ei taha teada, võetakse ära seegi vähene arusaamine, mis neil on.
For, to those who have, more will be given; while, from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away.”
26 Jumala riik on nagu mees, kes külvab põllule seemet, “ütles Jeesus.
Jesus also said: “This is what the Kingdom of God is like — like a man who has scattered seed on the ground,
27 „Ta läheb magama ja tõuseb varakult üles ja nii iga päev, kuid ta ei tea, kuidas seeme idaneb ja tärkab.
and then sleeps by night and rises by day, while the seed is shooting up and growing — he knows not how.
28 Maa annab saaki iseenesest. Kõigepealt tuleb välja oras, seejärel viljapea ja siis küpse viljaga pea.
The ground bears the crop of itself — first the blade, then the ear, and then the full grain in the ear;
29 Kui vili on küps, koristab põllumees selle sirbiga, sest saak on valmis.
but, as soon as the crop is ready, immediately he ‘puts in the sickle because harvest has come’.”
30 Millega võrrelda Jumala riiki? Missugust näidet kasutada?“küsis ta.
Jesus also said: “To what can we liken the Kingdom of God?
31 „See on nagu sinepiseeme − kõige pisem seeme.
By what can we illustrate it? Perhaps by the growth of a mustard-seed. This seed, when sown in the ground, though it is smaller than all other seeds,
32 Aga kui see maha külvata, siis kasvab sellest taim, mis on suurem kui teised taimed. Selle oksad on piisavalt suured, nii et linnud saavad seal varjus olla.“
yet, when sown, shoots up, and becomes larger than any other herb, and puts out great branches, so that even ‘the wild birds can roost in its shelter.’”
33 Jeesus kasutas rahvale kõneledes palju selliseid näitlikke lugusid, et nad mõistaksid võimalikult hästi.
With many such parables Jesus used to speak to the people of his Message, as far as they were able to receive it;
34 Õigupoolest kasutas ta avalikult rääkides üksnes jutustusi, kuid omaette olles selgitas ta oma jüngritele kõike.
and to them he never used to speak except in parables; but in private to his own disciples he explained everything.
35 Samal päeval hiljem − õhtul − ütles ta oma jüngritele: „Lähme üle mere teisele poole.“
In the evening of the same day, Jesus said to them: “Let us go across.”
36 Jätnud rahvahulga maha, läksid jüngrid koos Jeesusega paati. Nende juures oli veel teisigi paate.
So, leaving the crowd behind, they took him with them, just as he was, in the boat; and there were other boats with him.
37 Peagi hakkas möllama kohutav torm, lained paiskusid vastu paati ja lõid vett sisse.
A violent squall came on, and the waves kept dashing into the boat, so that the boat was actually filling.
38 Jeesus magas ahtris, pea padjale toetatud. Jüngrid äratasid ta kisendades: „Õpetaja, kas sa ei hooli sellest, et me oleme uppumas?“
Jesus was in the stern asleep upon the cushion; and the disciples roused him and cried: “Teacher! is it nothing to you that we are lost?”
39 Jeesus ärkas. Ta käskis tuulel vaibuda ja ütles lainetele: „Rahunege! Ärge möllake!“Tuul vaibus ja vesi jäi täiesti tüüneks.
Jesus rose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea: “Hush! Be still!” Then the wind dropped, and a great calm followed.
40 „Miks te nii väga kohkusite? Kas te ei ole õppinud mind usaldama?“küsis ta neilt.
“Why are you so timid?” he exclaimed. “Have you no faith yet?”
41 Nad olid jahmunud ja ehmunud. Nad küsisid üksteiselt: „Kes ta ometi on? Isegi tuul ja lained kuuletuvad talle!“
But they were struck with great awe, and said to one another: “Who can this be that even the wind and the sea obey him?”