< Markus 12 >
1 Siis hakkas Jeesus kõnelema näitlikke jutustusi kasutades. „Kord oli üks mees, kes istutas viinapuuaia. Ta pani selle ümber tara, kaevas augu surutõrre jaoks ja ehitas valvetorni. Siis andis ta selle mõnedele põllumeestele rendile ja läks reisile.
And he began to discourse with them in similitudes. A certain man planted a vineyard, and inclosed it with a hedge, and dug in it a wine vat, and built a tower in it, and put it into the hands of husbandmen, and removed to a distance.
2 Kui jõudis kätte saagikoristuse aeg, saatis ta ühe oma sulastest rentike juurde, et koguda viinapuuaiast mõned viinamarjad.
And at the proper time, he sent his servant to the husbandmen, to receive of the fruits of the vineyard.
3 Aga nad haarasid temast kinni, peksid teda ja saatsid ta tühje käsi minema.
And they beat him, and sent him away empty.
4 Siis saatis mees järgmise sulase. Nad peksid teda näkku ja teotasid teda.
And again he sent to them another servant; and him also they stoned, and wounded, and sent him away under indignities.
5 Ta saatis veel ühe sulase ja selle tapsid nad ära. Ta saatis palju sulaseid veel ning osasid neist nad peksid ja teised tapsid ära.
And again he sent another; and him they killed. And he sent many other servants, some of whom they beat, and some they killed.
6 Lõpuks oli alles jäänud ainult tema poeg, keda ta armastas, ning viimaks saatis ta poja, arvates, et nad tema poega austavad.
At last, having an only and dear son, he sent him to them; for he said, Perhaps they will respect my son.
7 Kuid põllumehed rääkisid isekeskis: „See on omaniku pärija − kui me ta tapame, saame endale selle, mille tema oleks pärinud!“
But those husbandmen said among themselves: This is the heir; come, let us kill him, and the inheritance will be ours.
8 Nii võtsid nad ta kinni ja tapsid ära ning viskasid viinapuuaiast välja.
And they took him, and slew him, and cast him out of the vineyard.
9 Mida see viinapuuaia omanik nüüd teeb? Ta tuleb ja tapab ära need põllumehed ning annab viinapuuaia teistele rendile.
What therefore will the lord of the vineyard do? He will come and destroy those husbandmen, and transfer the vineyard to others.
10 Kas te ei ole seda Pühakirja teksti lugenud: „Kivi, mille ehitajad kõrvale heitsid, on saanud peamiseks nurgakiviks.
And have ye not read this scripture, The stone which the builders rejected, hath become the head of the corner:
11 Issandalt on see tulnud ja ilmaime silmale!“?“
From the Lord, was this; and it is wonderful in our eyes?
12 Juudi juhid üritasid teda kinni võtta, sest nad mõistsid, et näide käis nende pihta, kuid nad kartsid rahvast. Seega jätsid nad ta rahule ja läksid ära.
And they sought to apprehend him, but were afraid of the people; for they knew that he spoke this similitude against them. And they left him, and went away.
13 Pärastpoole saatsid nad mõned variserid koos Heroodese pooldajatega Jeesuse juurde, et üritada teda tema sõnade tõttu lõksu püüda.
And they sent to him some of the Scribes and of the household of Herod, to ensnare him in discourse.
14 Nad jõudsid kohale ja ütlesid: „Õpetaja, me teame, et sa oled tõtt armastav inimene, sest sa ei hooli seisundist ega positsioonist. Selle asemel õpetad sa Jumala teed kooskõlas tõega. Kas siis on õige maksta maksu Rooma keisrile või mitte?
And these came, and asked him: Teacher; we know that thou art veracious, and hast no fear of man; for thou regardest not the face of men, but teachest the way of God in truth. Is it lawful to give capitation money to Caesar; or not? Shall we give, or not give?
15 Kas peaksime maksma või peaksime sellest keelduma?“Mõistes, kui silmakirjalikud nad olid, küsis Jeesus neilt: „Miks te üritate mind lõksu püüda? Tooge mulle münt näha.“
And he knew their wile, and said to them: Why tempt ye me? Bring me a denarius, that I may see it.
16 Nad andsid talle mündi. „Kelle pilt see on ja kelle kiri?“küsis Jeesus neilt. „Rooma keisri, “vastasid nad.
And they brought one to him. And he said to them: Whose is this image and inscription? They said to him: Caesar's.
17 „Andke siis keisrile tagasi see, mis kuulub keisrile, ja Jumalale see, mis kuulub Jumalale, “ütles Jeesus neile. Nad olid tema vastusest hämmastuses.
Jesus said to them: What is Caesar's, give to Caesar; and what is God's, give to God. And they wondered at him.
18 Siis tulid saduserid, kes ei tunnista ülestõusmist, ja esitasid küsimuse:
Then came to him Sadducees, who say that there is no resurrection; and they asked him, and said:
19 „Õpetaja, Mooses õpetas, et kui mees sureb ja jätab naise lasteta lesena maha, siis peab tema vend naisega abielluma ja naisele oma venna jaoks lapsi andma.
Teacher; Moses wrote to us, that if a man's brother die, and leave a widow, but leave no children, his brother shall take his widow, and raise up seed to his brother.
20 Kord oli seitse venda. Esimene abiellus ja suri siis ilma lapsi saamata.
There were seven brothers: and the first took a wife, and died, and left no seed.
21 Teine abiellus venna lesega ja suri siis ilma lapsi saamata. Kolmanda vennaga juhtus sama.
And the second took her, and died, and he also left no seed: and the third in like manner.
22 Tegelikult surid kõik seitse, ilma et oleks lapsi saanud. Lõpuks suri ka see naine.
And the seven took her, and left no seed. Last of all, the woman also died.
23 Kelle naiseks ta siis ülestõusmisel saab, sest ta oli kõigi seitsme venna naine olnud?“
In the resurrection, therefore, of which of them will she be the wife? For all the seven took her.
24 Jeesus kostis neile: „See tõestab, et te eksite ja et te ei tunne Pühakirja ega Jumala väge.
Jesus said to them: Is it not on this account that ye err, because ye understand not the scriptures, nor the power of God?
25 Kui surnud üles ärkavad, siis nad ei võta naisi ega lähe mehele. Nad on nagu taeva inglid.
For when they rise from the dead, they do not take wives, nor are wives given to husbands; but they are as the angels that are in heaven.
26 Aga mis puutub ülestõusmisse, kas te ei ole lugenud Moosese kirjadest põleva põõsa lugu, kus Jumal kõneles Moosesega ja ütles talle: „Mina olen Aabrahami Jumal ja Iisaki Jumal ja Jaakobi Jumal?“
But concerning the dead, that they rise, have ye not read in a book of Moses, how God said to him from the bush: I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?
27 Ta ei ole surnute, vaid elavate Jumal. Te olete täiesti eksiteel!“
He is not the God of the dead, but of the living. Ye, therefore, do err greatly.
28 Üks vaimulikest õpetajatest tuli ja kuulis neid vaidlemas. Ta tundis, et Jeesus oli neile hea vastuse andnud. Seega küsis ta: „Missugune on kõigist kõige tähtsam käsk?“
And one of the Scribes came, and heard them as they discussed, and he saw that he gave them an excellent answer; and he asked him, Which is the first of all the commandments?
29 Jeesus vastas: „Esimene käsk on: „Kuule, Iisrael, meie Jumal Issand on ainus Jumal.
Jesus said to him: The first of all the commandments is: Hear, O Israel; the Lord our God is one Lord:
30 Armasta Issandat, oma Jumalat kogu oma südame, kogu oma vaimu, kogu oma mõistuse ja kogu oma jõuga.“
and thou shalt love the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy might. This is the first commandment.
31 Teine on: „Armasta oma kaasinimest nagu iseennast.“Neist olulisemat käsku ei ole.“
And the second, which is like it, is: Thou shalt love thy neighbor, as thyself. There is no other commandment greater than these.
32 „Just nii, Õpetaja, “vastas mees. „See on õige. Nagu sa ütlesid, Jumal on üksainus ja ühtki teist ei ole.
The Scribe said to him: Excellently! Rabbi; thou hast spoken the truth; for he is one God, and there is no other beside him.
33 Me peame armastama teda kogu oma südame, kogu oma mõistuse ja kogu oma jõuga ning me peame armastama oma kaasinimest nagu iseennast. See on palju olulisem kui annid ja ohvrid.“
And for a man to love him, with all the heart, and with all the mind, and with all the soul, and with all the might; and to love his neighbor, as himself; is better than all holocausts and sacrifices.
34 Jeesus nägi, et ta andis mõistliku vastuse, ning ütles: „Sa ei ole Jumala riigist kaugel.“Pärast seda ei julgenud enam keegi temale küsimusi esitada.
And Jesus perceived that he replied wisely; and he answered, and said to him: Thou art not far from the kingdom of God. And no one dared again to question him.
35 Templis õpetades küsis Jeesus: „Miks väidavad vaimulikud õpetajad, et Kristus on Taaveti poeg?
And as Jesus was teaching in the temple, he answered and said: How can the Scribes say, that Messiah is the son of David?
36 Sest Taavet ise kirjutas Püha Vaimu sisendusel, et Issand ütles minu Issandale: „Istu mu paremale käele, kuni ma panen su vaenlased su jalge alla.“
For David himself saith, by the Holy Spirit: The Lord said to my Lord; Seat thyself on my right hand, until I place thy enemies as a footstool beneath thy feet.
37 Kuna Taavet ise nimetab teda Issandaks, kuidas saab ta olla Taaveti poeg?“Suur rahvahulk kuulas Jeesuse sõnu suure heameelega.
David therefore calleth him " My Lord;" and how is he his son? And all the multitude heard him with pleasure.
38 Jeesus jätkas õpetamist ja ütles: „Hoiduge vaimulike õpetajate eest! Neile meeldib käia ringi pikas rüüs ja lasta end turuplatsil lugupidavalt tervitada.
And he said to them in his teaching: Beware of the Scribes, who choose to walk in long robes, and love the salutation in the streets,
39 Neile meeldib istuda sünagoogis kõige tähtsamal kohal ja pidusöögil parimal kohal.
and the chief seats in the synagogues, and the chief couches at feasts.
40 Nad petavad leskedelt välja selle, mis neil on, ja varjavad paljusõnaliste palvetega seda, missugused inimesed nad tegelikult on. Kohtupäeval saab nende osaks karm hukkamõist.“
They devour the houses of widows, under pretence that they prolong their prayers. These shall receive a greater condemnation.
41 Jeesus istus rahakogumiskasti vastas ja jälgis, kuidas inimesed münte sisse viskasid. Paljud rikkad viskasid sisse pillavalt palju raha.
And as Jesus sat over against the treasury-room, he saw how the multitude cast money into the treasury. And many rich ones cast in much.
42 Siis tuli üks vaene lesknaine ja pani sisse ainult kaks väikest münti.
And a poor widow came, and cast in two mites, which are a brass farthing.
43 Jeesus kutsus oma jüngrid kokku ja rääkis neile: „Ma räägin teile tõtt: see vaene lesknaine pani sinna sisse rohkem kui kõik ülejäänud kokku.
And Jesus called his disciples, and said to them: Verily I say to you, That this poor widow hath cast into the treasury more than all they that cast in.
44 Kõik nad andsid oma jõukusest, mis neil oli, kuid tema andis oma vaesusest seda, mida tal ei olnud. Ta pani kasti kõik selle, millest ta elama pidi.“
For they all cast in of that which abounded to them, but she, of her poverty, hath cast in all that she possessed, the whole of her property.