< Markus 10 >

1 Jeesus lahkus Kapernaumast ning läks Juudamaale ja teisele poole Jordanit. Taas kogunes rahvas tema juurde ja ta õpetas neid nagu alati.
Rising up thence He comes into the coasts of Judea, through the region beyond the Jordan; and the multitudes again come to Him, and, as was His custom, He again taught them.
2 Mõned variserid tulid tema juurde. Nad üritasid teda proovile panna küsimusega: „Kas lahutus on seaduspärane?“
And the Pharisees having come forward asked Him, If it is lawful for a man to send away his wife? tempting Him.
3 „Mida Mooses käskis teha?“küsis ta vastuseks.
And He responding said to them, What did Moses command you?
4 „Mooses lubas mehel kirjutada lahutustunnistuse ja naise minema saata, “vastasid nad.
And they said, Moses permitted to write a book of divorcement, and to send her away.
5 Siis ütles Jeesus neile: „Mooses kirjutas selle määruse teile teie kõva südame tõttu.
Jesus said to them, On account of the hardness of your heart he wrote this commandment to you.
6 Kuid alguses, loomisel, tegi Jumal meessoost ja naissoost inimese.
But from the beginning of creation God made them male and female.
7 Sellepärast jätab mees maha oma isa ja ema ning ühineb abielus oma naisega
On this account a man shall leave his father and his mother,
8 ja neist kahest saab üks ihu. Nad ei ole enam kaks, vaid üks.
and they two shall be one flesh; so they are no longer two, but one flesh.
9 Ärgu keegi lahutagu seda, mille Jumal on ühendanud.“
And what God joined together, let no man separate.
10 Kui nad olid tagasi majas, hakkasid jüngrid talle selle kohta küsimusi esitama.
And His disciples again around Him in the house asked Him. And He says to them,
11 „Iga mees, kes lahutab oma naisest ja abiellub uuesti, rikub abielu oma naisega, “rääkis ta neile.
Whosoever may send away his wife, and marry another, commits adultery unto her.
12 „Ja kui naine lahutab oma mehest ja abiellub uuesti, rikub ta abielu.“
And if she having sent away her husband, may marry another, she commits adultery.
13 Mõned tõid oma lapsi Jeesuse juurde, et ta saaks neid õnnistada, kuid jüngrid käskisid neil ära minna ning lapsed Jeesusest eemal hoida.
And they continued to bring little children to Him, that He should touch them: but the disciples rebuked those bringing them.
14 Aga kui Jeesus nägi, mida nad teevad, sai ta väga pahaseks ja ütles neile: „Laske lastel minu juurde tulla! Ärge takistage neid, sest Jumala riik kuulub sellistele, kes on nagu need lapsed.
But Jesus seeing was displeased, and said to them, Suffer the little children to come unto me; and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.
15 Ma räägin teile tõtt: igaüks, kes ei võta Jumala riiki vastu nagu laps, ei saa sinna sisse.“
Truly, I say unto you, Whosoever may not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, can not enter into it.
16 Ta kallistas lapsi, pani oma käed nende peale ja õnnistas neid.
And taking them up in His arms, putting His hands on them, He continued to bless them copiously.
17 Kui Jeesus asutas end teele, tuli üks mees jooksuga ja põlvitas Jeesuse ette maha. „Hea õpetaja, mida ma peaksin tegema, et ma kindlasti igavese elu saaksin?“küsis ta. (aiōnios g166)
And He traveling along the road, one having run to Him and worshiping Him, asked Him, Good Teacher, what shall I do in order that I may inherit eternal life? (aiōnios g166)
18 „Miks sa nimetad mind heaks?“küsis Jeesus temalt. „Keegi peale Jumala ei ole hea.
And Jesus said to him, Why do you call me good? No one is good but One, God.
19 Sa tead käske: sa ei tohi tappa, sa ei tohi abielu rikkuda, sa ei tohi varastada, sa ei tohi anda valetunnistust, sa ei tohi petta, sa pead oma isa ja ema austama …“
You know the commandments, thou must not commit adultery, thou must not murder, thou must not steal, thou must not bear false witness, thou must not defraud, honor thy father and mother.
20 „Õpetaja, “vastas mees, „kõiki neid käske olen ma täitnud lapsest saadik.“
And he said to Him, Teacher, I have kept all these from my youth.
21 Jeesus vaatas teda armastusega ja ütles: „Sul on puudu ainult üks asi. Mine ja müü ära kõik, mis sul on, ja anna raha vaestele ning sul on varandus taevas. Siis tule ja järgi mind.“
Jesus looking on him loved him, and said to him, One thing is wanting to thee: go, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me.
22 Selle peale vajus mees näost ära ja lahkus väga kurvalt, sest ta oli väga jõukas.
And he being grieved at the word, went away sorrowing: for he had great possessions.
23 Jeesus vaatas ringi ja ütles oma jüngritele: „Jõukad inimesed saavad Jumala riiki ainult suurte raskustega!“
And Jesus looking around, says to His disciples; How hardly shall those having riches enter into the kingdom of God!
24 Jüngrid olid sellest vapustatud. Kuid Jeesus jätkas: „Mu sõbrad, Jumala riiki on raske pääseda.
And the disciples were astonished at His words, and Jesus again responding, says to them, Children, how difficult it is to enter into the kingdom of God!
25 Lihtsam on kaamelil minna läbi nõelasilma kui rikkal Jumala riiki saada.“
It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to go into the kingdom of God.
26 Jüngrid olid veelgi suuremas segaduses. „Kes siis üldse maa peal päästetud saab?“küsisid nad üksteiselt.
And they were astonished exceedingly, saying to one another, And who is able to be saved?
27 Neile otsa vaadates vastas Jeesus: „Inimlikust vaatenurgast on see võimatu, aga mitte Jumala jaoks. Jumalal on kõik võimalik.“
And Jesus looking upon them says, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for all things are possible with God.
28 Peetrus hakkas rääkima: „Me oleme kõik maha jätnud, et sind järgida …“
Peter began to say to Him, Behold, we have left all things, and followed thee.
29 „Ma räägin teile tõtt, “vastas Jeesus, „igaüks, kes on minu ja hea sõnumi pärast maha jätnud oma kodu või vennad või õed või ema või isa või lapsed või maa,
Jesus said, Truly I say unto you, there is no one who has left house, or brothers, or sisters, or father, or mother, or children, or lands, on account of me and the gospel,
30 saab omal ajal vastu sada korda rohkem kodusid ja vendi ja õdesid ja lapsi ja maid, aga ka rohkem tagakiusamist. Tulevases maailmas saavad nad igavese elu. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
except he may receive a hundredfold now in this time, and brothers, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the coming age eternal life. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
31 Ent paljudest esimestest saavad viimased ja viimastest esimesed.“
But many who are first shall be last; and the last first.
32 Nad jätkasid oma teed Jeruusalemma poole ja Jeesus kõndis ees. Jüngrid olid ärevad ja teised järelkäijad hirmul. Nii võttis Jeesus jüngrid kõrvale ja hakkas neile selgitama, mis pidi temaga juhtuma.
And they were in the way, going up to Jerusalem; and Jesus was going before them: and they were amazed; and following they were afraid. And taking the twelve to Himself, again He began to tell them the things which were about to happen to Him;
33 „Me lähme Jeruusalemma, “rääkis ta neile, „ja inimese Poeg antakse ülempreestrite ja vaimulike õpetajate kätte. Nad mõistavad ta surma ning annavad võõramaalaste kätte.
Behold, we go up to Jerusalem; and the Son of man shall be betrayed to the chief priests and scribes; and they will condemn Him to death, and they will deliver Him to the Gentiles:
34 Nad pilkavad teda, sülitavad tema peale, piitsutavad teda ja tapavad ta. Kuid kolme päeva pärast tõuseb ta jälle surnuist üles.“
and they will mock Him, and will scourge Him, and will spit upon Him, and will kill Him; and He will rise the third day.
35 Jaakobus ja Johannes, Sebedeuse pojad, tulid tema juurde. „Õpetaja, “ütlesid nad, „me tahame, et sa teeksid meile seda, mida me sinult palume.“
James and John, the sons of Zebedee, come to Him, saying, Teacher, we wish that you may do unto us whatsoever we may ask.
36 „Mida te siis tahate, et ma teile teeksin?“vastas Jeesus.
And He said to them, What do you wish for me to do for you?
37 „Kui sa võidad ja istud oma troonile, siis hoolitse selle eest, et meie istuksime sinu kõrval, üks paremal, teine vasakul pool, “ütlesid nad talle.
And they said to Him, Grant unto us, that we may sit, one on thy right, and one on thy left, in thy glory.
38 „Te ei tea, mida te palute, “vastas Jeesus. „Kas te suudate juua karikast, millest mina joon? Kas te suudate saada ristitud valuristimisega, mida mina kannatan?“
And Jesus said to them, You know not what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup which I drink? and to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?
39 „Jah, me suudame, “kostsid nad. „Te joote sellest karikast, millest mina joon, ja teid ristitakse sama ristimisega millega mind, “ütles Jeesus neile,
And they said to Him, We are able. And Jesus said to them, You shall indeed drink the cup which I drink, and be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized:
40 „aga minu määrata ei ole, kes istub minu paremal või vasakul pool. Need kohad on reserveeritud neile, kelle jaoks need on valmistatud.“
but to sit on my right, and on my left, is not mine to give, but is for those for whom it has been prepared.
41 Kui ülejäänud kümme jüngrit sellest kuulsid, olid nad Jaakobuse ja Johannese peale pahased.
And the ten hearing, began to be indignant concerning James and John.
42 Jeesus kutsus jüngrid kokku ja rääkis neile: „Te mõistate, et need, kellel on võim rahvaste üle, rõhuvad oma rahvast. Valitsejad käituvad nagu türannid.
And Jesus calling them to Him, says to them: You know that those seeming competent to rule the Gentiles domineer over them; and their great ones exercise authority over them.
43 Aga teiega ei ole nõnda. Igaüks teist, kes tahab olla valitseja, peab olema teie teenija,
But it is not so among you: but whosoever may wish to be great among you, shall be your servant:
44 ja igaüks, kes tahab olla esimeste hulgas, peab olema teie kõigi ori.
and whosoever of you may wish to be first, shall be the slave of all:
45 Sest isegi inimese Poeg ei tulnud selleks, et lasta ennast teenida, vaid ise teenima ja andma oma elu lunarahaks paljude eest.“
for the Son of man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give His soul a ransom for many.
46 Jeesus ja tema jüngrid läksid läbi Jeeriko ning kui nad olid linnast suure rahvahulga saatel lahkumas, istus tee ääres pime kerjus Bartimeus.
And they come into Jericho: and He and His disciples and a great multitude going out from Jericho, blind Bartimeus, the son of Timeus, was sitting by the wayside, begging.
47 Kui ta kuulis, et see oli Jeesus Naatsaretist, hakkas ta hüüdma: „Jeesus, Taaveti poeg, halasta mu peale!“
And hearing that it is Jesus the Nazarene, began to cry out, and say, Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me.
48 Paljud käskisid tal vait olla, aga selle peale hakkas ta veel rohkem hüüdma: „Jeesus, Taaveti poeg, halasta mu peale!“
And many continued to rebuke him that he should keep silent: but he continued to cry out much more, O son of David, have mercy on me.
49 Jeesus peatus ja ütles: „Öelge talle, et ta tuleks siia.“Nii kutsuti ta kohale sõnadega: „Hea uudis! Tõuse üles, ta kutsub sind.“
And Jesus standing, said, that he should be called. And they call the blind man, saying to him, Take courage: rise up, He calls you.
50 Bartimeus hüppas püsti, viskas kuue maha ja tormas Jeesuse poole.
And he, casting away his cloak, rising, came to Jesus.
51 „Mida sa tahad, et ma sinu heaks teeksin?“küsis Jeesus talt. „Õpetaja, “vastas ta Jeesusele, „ma tahan näha!“
And Jesus responding said to him, What do you wish that I shall do to you? And the blind man said to Him, Great Master, that I may look up.
52 „Võid minna. Sinu usk minusse on su tervendanud.“Kohe suutis Bartimeus näha ja järgis Jeesust tema teel.
And Jesus said to him, Go; thy faith hath saved thee: and immediately he looked up, and followed Jesus in the way.

< Markus 10 >