< Johannes 3 >

1 Oli üks mees nimega Nikodeemos, variser ja juutide valitseva nõukogu liige.
There was a man named Nicodemus, a Pharisee and a member of the Jewish ruling council.
2 Ta tuli öösel sinna, kus Jeesus oli, ja ütles: „Rabi, me teame, et sa oled Jumala juurest tulnud õpetaja, sest keegi ei suudaks teha tunnustähti, mida sina teed, kui Jumal ei oleks temaga.“
He came at night to where Jesus was and said, “Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God, for nobody could do the miraculous signs you're doing unless God was with him.”
3 „Ma räägin sulle tõtt, “vastas Jeesus, „kui sa pole uuesti sündinud, ei saa sa Jumala riiki kogeda.“
“I tell you the truth,” Jesus replied, “Unless you are reborn, you can't experience God's kingdom.”
4 „Kuidas saab vana inimene uuesti sündida?“küsis Nikodeemos. „Ei saa ju minna tagasi emaüska ja teist korda sündida!“
“How can you be reborn when you're old?” Nicodemus asked. “You can't go back into your mother's womb and be born a second time!”
5 „Ma räägin sulle tõtt: sa ei saa Jumala riiki, kui sa ei ole sündinud veest ja Vaimust, “lausus Jeesus talle.
“I tell you the truth, you can't enter God's kingdom unless you are born of water and the Spirit,” Jesus told him.
6 „Mis ihust on sündinud, on ihu, ja mis Vaimust on sündinud, on Vaim.
“What's born of the flesh is flesh, and what's born of the Spirit is Spirit.
7 Ära üllatu, kui ma ütlen sulle: „Te peate uuesti sündima.“
Don't be surprised at my telling you, ‘You must be reborn.’
8 Tuul puhub, kust tahab, ja sa kuuled ainult tema häält, kuid ei tea, kust ta tuleb või kuhu läheb; nii on igaühega, kes on Vaimust sündinud.“
The wind blows wherever it wants, and just as you hear the sound it makes, but don't know where it's coming from or where it's going, that's how it is for everyone who is born of the spirit.”
9 „Kuidas see võimalik on?“küsis Nikodeemos.
“How is this possible?” Nicodemus asked.
10 „Sa oled Iisraelis kuulus õpetaja, aga ikkagi ei mõista sa selliseid asju?“vastas Jeesus.
“You're a famous teacher in Israel, and yet you don't understand such things?” Jesus replied.
11 „Ma räägin sulle tõtt: me kõneleme sellest, mida teame, ja tunnistame sellest, mida oleme näinud, kuid sina keeldud meie tunnistust vastu võtmast.
“I tell you the truth, we speak of what we know and give evidence regarding what we have seen, but you refuse to accept our testimony.
12 Kui sa ei usu seda, mida räägin sulle maistest asjadest, kuidas usuksid sa seda, kui räägiksin sulle taevastest asjadest?
If you don't trust what I say when I tell you about earthly things, how would you ever trust what I say if I were to tell you about heavenly things?
13 Keegi ei ole taevani jõudnud, kuid inimese Poeg tuli taevast alla.
No one has gone up to heaven, but the Son of man came down from heaven.
14 Samamoodi nagu Mooses tõstis mao kõrbes üles, tõstetakse ka inimese Poeg üles,
Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert, so the Son of man must be lifted up,
15 et igaühel, kes temasse usub, oleks igavene elu. (aiōnios g166)
that everyone who trusts in him will have eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
16 Sest Jumal armastas maailma nii väga, et andis oma ühe ja ainsa Poja, et igaüks, kes temasse usub, ei peaks surema, vaid tal oleks igavene elu. (aiōnios g166)
For God loved the world, and this is how: he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who trusts in him shouldn't die, but have eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
17 Jumal ei saatnud Poega maailma, et maailma hukka mõista, vaid et maailm tema kaudu päästa.
God didn't send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.
18 Neid, kes usuvad temasse, ei mõisteta hukka, kuid need, kes temasse ei usu, on juba hukka mõistetud, sest nad ei ole uskunud Jumala ühtainsat Poega.
Those who trust in him are not condemned, while those who don't trust in him are condemned already because they didn't trust in the one and only Son of God.
19 Otsus tehakse nii: valgus tuli maailma, kuid inimesed armastasid pigem pimedust, mitte valgust, sest nende teod olid kurjad.
This is how the decision is made: the light came to the world, but people loved the darkness rather than the light, for their actions were evil.
20 Kõik, kes teevad kurja, vihkavad valgust ega tule valguse kätte, sest nad ei taha, et nende teod avalikuks saaksid.
All those who do evil hate the light and don't come into the light, because they don't want their actions to be exposed.
21 Aga need, kes teevad head, tulevad valguse kätte, et saaks avalikuks see, mida Jumal neis teeb.“
But those who do good come into the light, so that what God accomplishes in them can be revealed.”
22 Pärast seda läks Jeesus koos oma jüngritega Juudamaale ning oli seal mõnda aega koos rahvaga ja ristis neid.
After this Jesus and his disciples went into Judea and spent some time with the people, baptizing them.
23 Ka Johannes ristis Ainonis Salimi lähedal, sest seal oli rohkelt vett ja inimesed tulid, et ristitud saada.
John was also baptizing at Aenon near Salim, because there was plenty of water there and people kept coming to be baptized.
24 (See oli enne Johannese vangistamist.)
(This was before John was imprisoned.)
25 Johannese jüngrite ja ühe juudi vahel tekkis vaidlus tseremoniaalse puhastamise pärast.
An argument developed between John's disciples and a Jew over ceremonial purification.
26 Nad läksid Johannese juurde ja ütlesid talle: „Rabi, see mees, kellega sa teiselpool Jordani jõge koos olid, see, kelle toetuseks sa tunnistasid, vaata, see ristib nüüd ja kõik lähevad tema juurde!“
They went to John and told him, “Rabbi, the man you were with on the other side of the Jordan River, the one you testified in support of—see, now he's baptizing, and everyone is going to him!”
27 „Keegi ei võta midagi vastu, kui seda ei anta talle taevast, “vastas Johannes.
“No one receives anything unless they're given it from heaven,” John replied.
28 „Te ise võite tunnistada, et ma ütlesin: „Mina ei ole Messias. Ma olen saadetud talle teed valmistama.“
“You yourselves can testify that I declared, ‘I'm not the Messiah. I've been sent to prepare his way.’
29 Peigmees on see, kellel on pruut! Isamees kuulatab peigmehe tulekut oodates ja ta on väga rõõmus, kui kuuleb peigmehe häält − samamoodi on minu rõõm nüüd täielik.
The bridegroom is the one who has the bride! The best man waits, listening for the bridegroom, and is so happy when he hears the bridegroom's voice—in the same way my happiness is now complete.
30 Tema peab saama tähtsamaks ja mina muutuma vähem tähtsaks.“
He must become more important, and I must become less important.”
31 See, kes tuleb ülevalt, on kõigist suurem; see, kes tuleb maa pealt, kuulub maa peale ja räägib maistest asjadest. See, kes tuleb taevast, on kõigist suurem.
He who comes from above is greater than all; he who comes from the earth belongs to the earth and talks about earthly things. He who comes from heaven is greater than all.
32 Tema tunnistab sellest, mida ta on näinud ja kuulnud, kuid keegi ei võta tema sõnu vastu.
He gives evidence about what he has seen and heard, but no one accepts what he has to say.
33 Kuid igaüks, kes tema sõnad vastu võtab, kinnitab, et Jumal on õige.
Yet anyone who accepts what he says confirms that God is truthful.
34 Sest see, kelle Jumal on läkitanud, kõneleb Jumala sõnu, sest Jumal ei piira Vaimu.
For the one God sent speaks God's words, because God doesn't restrict the Spirit.
35 Isa armastab Poega ja on kõik andnud tema kätte.
The Father loves the Son and has placed everything in his hands.
36 Igaühel, kes usub Pojasse, on igavene elu, aga see, kes keeldub Poega uskumast, ei saa igavest elu, vaid tema osaks saab Jumala hukkamõist. (aiōnios g166)
Anyone who trusts in the Son has eternal life, but anyone who refuses to trust the Son will not experience eternal life but remains under God's condemnation. (aiōnios g166)

< Johannes 3 >