< Matteuse 22 >
1 Jeesus rääkis neile veel tähendamissõnades ja ütles:
AND Jesus continuing his discourse, spake again to them in parables, saying,
2 „Taevariik on kui kuningas, kes korraldas oma pojale pulmapeo.
The kingdom of heaven is like to a certain king, who made a marriage-feast for his son:
3 Ta läkitas oma sulased juba kutsutuid pulmapeole paluma, aga nemad keeldusid.
and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the entertainment: and they would not come.
4 Taas ta läkitas teisi sulaseid ja käskis kutsutuile öelda: „Ma olen pidusöögi valmistanud. Mu härjad ja nuumvasikad on tapetud ja kõik on valmis. Tulge pulma!“
Again he sent other servants, saying, Tell those who have been invited, Behold, I have prepared my dinner; my oxen and the fatlings are killed, and all things are ready; come unto the marriage-feast.
5 Nemad aga ei teinud sellest väljagi ja läksid, kes põllule, kes äriasju ajama.
But they gave themselves no concern about it, and went their several ways, one to his own farm, and another to his traffick:
6 Mõned aga võtsid sulased kinni, mõnitasid neid jõhkralt ja tapsid nad ära.
And the rest seizing his servants, insulted and slew them.
7 Kuningas sai väga vihaseks. Ta saatis oma sõjaväe, hukkas need mõrtsukad ja põletas maha nende linna.
Then the king, when he heard it, was incensed: and sending out his armies, destroyed these murderers, and burnt down their city.
8 Siis ta ütles oma sulastele: „Pulmapidu on ette valmistatud, aga kutsutud ei olnud väärt tulema.
Then he said to his servants, The wedding entertainment indeed is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy:
9 Seepärast minge tänavanurkadele ja kutsuge pulma, keda te iganes leiate!“
go therefore into the thoroughfares of the roads, and as many as ye find, invite to the banquet.
10 Ja sulased läksid välja teedele ja tõid kokku kõik, keda leidsid, nii häid kui halbu, ning pulmasaal sai täis külalisi.
So these servants going out into the roads, collected all, as many as they found, both bad and good; and the wedding feast was fully furnished with guests.
11 Aga kui kuningas astus sisse külalisi vaatama, märkas ta meest, kellel ei olnud pulmariideid seljas.
Then the king coming in to look around on the guests, saw there a man who had not put on the wedding garment:
12 „Sõber, “ütles ta temale, „kuidas sina oled tulnud siia ilma pulmariieteta?“See aga ei suutnud midagi vastata.
and he saith to him, Friend, how came thou in here, not having the garment provided for the marriage feast? And he was speechless.
13 Siis kuningas ütles oma teenritele: „Siduge kinni tema jalad ja käed ning visake ta välja pimedusse, kus on ulgumine ja hammaste kiristamine!“
Then said the king to the servants, Bind his feet and hands, and take him away, and cast him into the darkness, which is without; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
14 Sest paljud on kutsutud, aga vähesed valitud.“
For many are called, but few elect.
15 Siis variserid läksid ja pidasid nõu, kuidas Jeesus tema sõnadest lõksu püüda.
Then went the Pharisees, and took counsel together how they might lay a snare to entrap him in his discourse.
16 Nad läkitasid ta juurde oma jüngreid koos heroodeslastega. „Õpetaja, “ütlesid nad, „me teame, et sina oled aus ja otsekohene ning õpetad Jumala teed tões ega lase end mõjutada kellestki, sest sa ei tee inimestel vahet.
And they sent to him their disciples, with the Herodians, saying, Master, we know that thou art true, and teachest the way of God with veracity; and carest for no man, for thou regardest not the person of men:
17 Seepärast ütle meile oma arvamus. Kas on õige maksta keisrile maksu või mitte?“
tell us therefore, What thinkest thou? Is it lawful to pay tribute to Caesar, or not?
18 Kuid Jeesus, teades nende alatust, ütles: „Miks te mind kiusate, silmakirjatsejad?
But Jesus knew their wicked design, and said, Why tempt ye me, ye hypocrites?
19 Näidake mulle maksumünti!“Nad tõid talle teenari,
Shew me the money for the tribute; and they brought him a denarius.
20 ja ta küsis neilt: „Kelle pilt ja nimi sellel on?“
And he saith unto them, Whose figure is this and inscription?
21 „Keisri, “vastasid nad. Siis Jeesus ütles neile: „Andke siis keisrile, mis kuulub keisrile, ja Jumalale, mis kuulub Jumalale!“
They say unto him, Caesar’s. Then saith he to them, Render therefore to Caesar, the things which are Caesar’s; and to God, the things which are God’s.
22 Seda kuuldes nad hämmastusid, jätsid ta rahule ja lahkusid.
And when they heard him, they marvelled, and leaving him, went away.
23 Samal päeval tulid Jeesuse juurde saduserid, kes eitavad surnuist ülestõusmist, ja küsisid temalt:
On the same day the Sadducees came to him, who say, that there is no resurrection, and they put a question to him,
24 „Õpetaja, Mooses on meile öelnud, et kui mees sureb lapsi saamata, siis peab tema vend abielluma lesega ja talle järglasi kasvatama.
saying, Master, Moses said, “If a man die having no children, his brother in right of affinity shall marry his wife, and raise up seed for his brother.”
25 Meie hulgas oli seitse venda. Esimene võttis naise ja suri. Kuna tal ei olnud järglasi, jättis ta naise oma vennale.
Now there were with us seven brothers; and the first marrying, died, and had no offspring, and left his wife to his brother;
26 Samuti juhtus teise ja kolmandaga, kuni kõik seitse venda olid surnud.
likewise the second also; then the third; so on to the seven.
27 Kõige viimasena suri naine.
Last of all the woman died also.
28 Kui nüüd tuleb ülestõusmine, kelle naine neist seitsmest ta siis on? Ta on ju olnud abielus nende kõikidega.“
In the resurrection therefore, whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her.
29 Jeesus vastas neile: „Te eksite, kuna ei tunne Pühakirja ega Jumala väge.
Jesus then answering, said unto them, Ye are in an error, from not knowing the Scriptures, and the power of God.
30 Ülestõusmises ei võeta naisi ega minda mehele, vaid ollakse nagu inglid taevas.
For at the resurrection, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
31 Aga mis puutub surnute ülestõusmisse – kas te ei ole lugenud, mida Jumal teile on rääkinud:
But with respect to the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read what was spoken to you of God, saying,
32 „Mina olen Aabrahami Jumal ja Iisaki Jumal ja Jaakobi Jumal!“Jumal ei ole surnute, vaid elavate Jumal.“
“I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob?” God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.
33 Seda kuuldes rahvas hämmastus tema õpetusest.
And when the multitude heard it, they were amazingly struck with his doctrine.
34 Kui variserid kuulsid, et Jeesus oli sulgenud saduseridel suu, kogunesid nad sinna
But the Pharisees hearing that he had stopped the Sadducees’ mouths, they assembled together:
35 ning üks kirjatundja nende seast küsis Jeesuselt teda proovile pannes:
and one of them, a teacher of the law, put a question to him, to make trial of him, and said,
36 „Õpetaja, milline käsk Seaduses on suurim?“
Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jeesus vastas: „ „Armasta Issandat, oma Jumalat, kogu oma südamest, kogu oma hingest ja kogu oma mõistusest!“
Then Jesus said to him, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.”
38 See on suurim ja ülim käsk.
This is the first and great commandment.
39 Ja teine on selle sarnane: „Armasta oma ligimest nagu iseennast!“
And the second is like to it, “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”
40 Neis kahes käsus on koos kogu Seadus ja Prohvetid.“
On these two commandments, the whole law and the prophets depend.
41 Pöördudes kokku tulnud variseride poole, küsis Jeesus neilt:
The Pharisees being then assembled, Jesus put a question to them,
42 „Mida te arvate Messia kohta: kelle poeg ta on?“„Taaveti poeg, “vastasid nad.
saying, What think ye of the Messiah, whose son is he? They say unto him, David’s.
43 „Miks siis Taavet nimetab teda Pühas Vaimus rääkides Issandaks?“küsis Jeesus. „Ta ütleb ju:
He saith unto them, How then doth David by the Spirit call him Lord? saying,
44 „Issand ütles minu Issandale: „Istu mu paremale käele, kuni ma panen sinu vaenlased su jalge alla.““
“The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit at my right hand, till I put thine enemies as a footstool for thy feet.”
45 Kui nüüd Taavet hüüab teda Issandaks, kuidas ta siis on tema poeg?“
If then David calleth him Lord, how is he his son?
46 Ja ükski ei suutnud Jeesusele vastata sõnagi ning keegi ei söandanud sellest päevast alates temalt midagi rohkem küsida.
And no man could answer him a word, neither durst any man, from that day, interrogate him any more.