< Luuka 12 >
1 Vahepeal, kui kokku oli kogunenud mitmetuhandeline rahvahulk, nii et üksteise peal tallati, kõneles Jeesus esmalt oma jüngritele: „Olge valvel variseride juuretise pärast, mis on silmakirjalikkus!
And when great multitudes were assembled by myriads, so that they trod one upon another, Jesus began to say to his disciples: First of all, beware for yourselves of that leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.
2 Midagi ei ole varjatut, mida ei paljastataks, ega salajast, mis teatavaks ei saaks.
For there is nothing hidden, which will not be revealed; nor concealed, that will not be known.
3 Mis te olete pimedas öelnud, saab kuuldavaks valges, ja mida te kõrva sosistate salakambrites, seda kuulutatakse katustelt.
For whatever ye speak in the dark, will be heard in the light; and what in secret chambers, ye whisper in the ear, will be proclaimed on the house-tops.
4 Ma ütlen teile, sõbrad, ärge kartke neid, kes ihu tapavad ja pärast seda ei saa midagi teha!
And to you, my friends, I say: Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and afterwards have nothing more they can do.
5 Aga ma näitan teile, keda te peate kartma: kartke teda, kellel on meelevald teid pärast tapmist heita põrgusse! Jah, ma ütlen teile, teda kartke! (Geenna )
But I will show you, of whom to be afraid: of him who, after he hath killed, hath authority to cast into hell. Yea, say I to you: be afraid of him. (Geenna )
6 Kas ei müüda viit varblast kahe penni eest? Ometi pole Jumal unustanud ühtki neist.
Are not five sparrows sold for two assarii? and not one of them is forgotten before God.
7 Ent teie juuksekarvadki on kõik ära loetud. Ärge kartke, te olete rohkem väärt kui palju varblasi.
And as for you, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; for ye are superior to many sparrows.
8 Ma ütlen teile, et igaüks, kes mind tunnistab inimeste ees, teda tunnistab ka Inimese Poeg Jumala inglite ees.
And I say to you, that every one that shall confess me before men, the Son of man will also confess him before the angels of God.
9 Aga kes mind ära salgab inimeste ees, salatakse ära ka Jumala inglite ees.
But he that shall deny me before men, shall himself be denied before the angels of God.
10 Igaühele, kes ütleb sõna Inimese Poja vastu, antakse andeks, aga kes teotab Püha Vaimu, sellele ei andestata.
And every one that shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but he that shall reproach the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him.
11 Kui teid viiakse sünagoogidesse ning võimude ja valitsejate ette, siis ärge muretsege, kuidas end kaitsta või mida öelda,
And when they shall bring you into the synagogues, before chiefs and men in authority, be not anxious how ye shall make defence, or what ye shall say;
12 sest sel hetkel õpetab Püha Vaim teile, mida te peate ütlema.“
for the Holy Spirit will, in that hour, instruct you what to say.
13 Keegi rahva seast ütles talle: „Õpetaja, käsi mu vennal jagada pärandus minuga!“
And one of the assembly said to him: Teacher, tell my brother, to divide the inheritance with me.
14 Jeesus vastas: „Kes mind on määranud teie vahele kohtunikuks või õigusemõistjaks?“
But Jesus said to him: Man, who established me a judge and distributor over you?
15 Siis ta ütles neile: „Olge valvel igasuguse ahnuse pärast, sest inimese elu ei seisne tema omandi külluses.“
And he said to his disciples: Beware of all avarice, for life consisteth not in abundance of riches.
16 Ja siis ta rääkis neile tähendamissõna: „Ühe rikka mehe põld andis hea saagi.
And he spoke to them a similitude: The land of a certain rich man brought forth produce in abundance.
17 Ta mõtles endamisi: „Mida ma pean tegema? Mul pole kuhugi oma saaki panna.“
And he considered with himself, and said: What shall I do; for I have not where I can store up my produce?
18 Ja ta ütles: „Ma teen nii: ma lõhun maha oma aidad ja ehitan suuremad, kuhu ma kogun vilja ülejäägi.
And he said: This will I do; I will pull down my storehouses, and build them larger; and there will I store up all my corn and my good things:
19 Ja ma ütlen iseendale: „Sul on kõrvale pandud külluses vara paljudeks aastateks. Puhka, söö, joo ja ole rõõmus!““
and I will say to my soul: My soul, thou hast good things in abundance, which are stored up for many years; take thy ease; eat, drink, and live in pleasure.
20 Aga Jumal ütles talle: „Sina rumal! Selsamal ööl võetakse sinult su elu. Aga kes saab siis selle, mis sa oled endale soetanud?“
But God said to him: Thou void of reason! This night, thy soul will be required of thee; and to whom will belong these things provided by thee?
21 Nii on igaühega, kes kogub asju enda jaoks, kuid ei ole rikas Jumalas.“
Such is he that layeth up treasures for himself, and is not rich in God.
22 Siis Jeesus ütles jüngritele: „Seepärast ma ütlen teile, ärge muretsege oma elu pärast, mida süüa, ega ihu pärast, mida selga panna,
And he said to his disciples: Therefore I tell you, Be not anxious for your life, what ye shall eat; nor for your body, what ye shall put on.
23 sest elu on enam kui toit ja ihu enam kui rõivad.
For the life is more important than food, and the body than raiment.
24 Vaadake kaarnaid – nad ei külva ega lõika, neil ei ole hoiuruumi ega aita, ometi Jumal toidab neid. Kui palju enam väärt lindudest olete teie!
Consider the ravens, which sow not, nor reap, nor have cellars and storehouses; yet God provideth them food. How much more important now are ye, than the birds!
25 Aga kes teie seast suudaks muretsemisega ennast ühe küünragi pikemaks teha?
And which of you, by taking pains, can add one cubit to his stature?
26 Ja kui te seda väikest asja ei suuda, milleks siis teiste asjade pärast muretseda!
And if ye are impotent for that which is least, why are ye anxious about the rest?
27 Vaadake, kuidas lilled kasvavad! Nad ei tööta ega ketra. Siiski ma ütlen teile, isegi Saalomon kogu oma hiilguses ei olnud riietatud nii nagu igaüks neist.
Consider the lilies, how they grow: they toil not, nor do they spin. Yet I say to you, that not even Solomon in all his glory, was clothed like one of these.
28 Kui aga Jumal niimoodi riietab väljal rohtu, mis täna on, aga homme heidetakse tulle, kui palju enam ta riietab siis teid, te nõdrausulised!
And if God so clothe the herb, which to-day exists in the field, and to-morrow falls into the oven, how much more you, ye little in faith?
29 Ärge muretsege selle pärast, mida süüa või juua, ärge vaevake ennast sellega.
And inquire not, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor let your mind wander upon these things.
30 Sest kõigi nende asjade järel jookseb paganlik maailm, kuid teie Isa ju teab, et te seda vajate.
For all these things the people of the world seek after; and your father knoweth that, for you also, these things are needful.
31 Pigem otsige tema kuningriiki, ja see kõik antakse teile samuti!
But seek ye the kingdom of God, and all these things will be added to you.
32 Ära karda, väike karjake, sest teie Isal on hea meel anda teile kuningriik!
Fear not, little flock; for your Father is disposed to give you the kingdom
33 Müüge enda omand ja andke tulu vaestele! Varuge enesele kulumatud kukrud ja soetage püsiv varandus taevas, kuhu varas ei tule ja mida koi ei riku.
Sell your property, and give alms: make for yourselves bags that do not become old, and a treasure that is not transient, in the heavens; where no thief approacheth, and no moth eateth.
34 Sest kus on su varandus, seal on ka su süda!
For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.
35 Olge riietatud teenimiseks ja hoidke oma lambid põlemas
Let your loins be girded, and your lamps burning.
36 nagu inimesed, kes ootavad isandat pulmapeolt koju. Et kui ta tuleb ja koputab, on nad otsekohe valmis talle ust avama.
And be ye like persons who are waiting for their lord, when he shall return from the house of feasting, that, when he shall come and knock, they may open to him immediately.
37 Õnnistatud on need sulased, kelle isand saabudes leiab nad ootamas. Ma kinnitan teile: ta riietab end teenimiseks, paneb nad lauda istuma ja toidab neid.
Happy are those servants, whom their lord, when he cometh, shall find so doing. Verily I say to you: He will gird his loins, and make them recline, and will pass around and serve them.
38 Õnnistatud on need sulased, kelle isand leiab nad valvamas, isegi kui ta tuleb teise või kolmanda vahikorra ajal öösel.
And if in the second watch, or in the third, he shall come and so find them, happy are those servants.
39 Küllap te mõistate, et kui peremees teaks, millisel öötunnil varas tuleb, ei laseks ta oma majja sisse murda.
And this know ye, that if the lord of the house had known at what watch the thief would come, he would have been awake and would not have suffered his house to be broken into.
40 Ka teie olge valmis, sest Inimese Poeg tuleb tunnil, mil te ei arvagi!“
Therefore be ye also ready; for at an hour that ye think not, the Son of man cometh.
41 Peetrus küsis: „Issand, kas sa räägid seda tähendamissõna meile või kõikidele?“
Simon Cephas saith to him: Our Lord, speakest thou this similitude to us, or also to all men?
42 Issand vastas: „Kes küll on ustav ja arukas majapidaja, kelle isand seab oma sulaste üle neid õigel ajal toitma?
Jesus said to him: Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his lord will place over all his domestics, to give them their portion in due time?
43 Õnnistatud on sulane, kelle ta isand tulles leiab nõnda tegevat!
Happy is that servant whom his lord, when he cometh, shall find so doing.
44 Tõesti, ma ütlen teile, ta annab tema hoolde kogu oma vara.
Verily I say to you: He will place him over all his possessions.
45 Aga kui see sulane mõtleb: „Mu isanda tulek viibib, “ning hakkab peksma teisi sulaseid ja tüdrukuid, sööma ja jooma ja purjutama,
But if that servant shall say in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming; and shall begin to smite the servants and the maidens of his lord; and shall begin to eat and to drink and be drunk;
46 siis selle sulase isand tuleb päeval, mil ta ei oota, ja tunnil, mida ta ei tea. Ta raiub sulase tükkideks ja annab talle sama koha uskmatutega.
the lord of that servant will come in a day he thinketh not, and in an hour he knoweth not, and will cut him in two; and will assign him his portion with them that are unfaithful.
47 See sulane, kes küll teab oma isanda tahtmist, kuid ei valmistu ega tee tema tahtmise järgi, saab palju peksa.
And the servant that knew his lord's pleasure, and did not prepare for him according to his pleasure, shall be beaten with many stripes.
48 Kuid kes ei tea, aga teeb karistamist väärivaid asju, saab peksa vähem. Igaühelt, kellele on antud palju, nõutakse palju, ja kellele on usaldatud palju, sellelt küsitakse palju rohkem.
But he that knew not, yet did that which deserved stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For to whomsoever much is given, from him will much be required; and to whom much is committed, the more will be required at his hand.
49 Tuld olen ma tulnud tooma maa peale, ja kuidas ma soovin, et see oleks juba süttinud!
I have come to cast fire on the earth; and I would, that it already burned.
50 Aga mul on vaja läbi minna ristimisest! Ja millise koorma all ma olen, kuni see on lõpetatud!
And I have a baptism to be baptized with; and I am much pressed until it be accomplished.
51 Kas te arvate, et ma tulin rahu tooma maa peale? Ei, üldse mitte, vaid lahkmeelt.
Suppose ye, that I have come to produce tranquillity on the earth? I tell you, No: but division.
52 Nüüdsest on ühes peres viis üksteise vastu lahkmeeles: kolm kahe vastu ja kaks kolme vastu.
For from this time, there will be five persons in one house, who will be divided, three against two, and two against three.
53 Lahkmeeles on isa poja vastu ja poeg isa vastu, ema tütre vastu ja tütar ema vastu, ämm minia vastu ja minia ämma vastu.“
For a father will be divided against his son, and a son against his father; a mother against her daughter, and a daughter against her mother; a mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law.
54 Jeesus ütles ka rahvahulgale: „Kui te näete pilve tõusmas läänest, ütlete kohe: „Läheb vihmale.“Ja nii ta läheb.
And he said to the multitudes: When you see a cloud rising out of the west, ye at once say: Rain is coming; and it is so.
55 Ja kui puhub lõunatuul, siis te ütlete: „Läheb palavaks.“Ja nõnda see on.
And when a south wind bloweth, ye say: It will be hot: and it is so.
56 Te silmakirjatsejad! Maa ja taeva ilmeid te teate, kuidas tõlgendada! Aga kuidas te siis praegust aega ei oska tõlgendada?
Ye hypocrites, ye know how to distinguish the aspect of the heavens and the earth; and why can ye not distinguish the present time?
57 Miks te ise ei otsusta, mis on õige?
And why do ye not, of yourselves, judge correctly?
58 Kui sa oma vastasega lähed valitseja ette, püüa temaga ruttu teel olles ära leppida, et ta sind ei veaks kohtuniku juurde ja kohtunik ei annaks sind kohtuteenri kätte ja kohtuteener ei heidaks sind vanglasse.
And when thou goest with thy adversary to the ruler, while on the way, make effort to be released by him; lest he bring thee to the judge and the judge deliver thee to the exactor, and the exactor cast thee into prison.
59 Ma ütlen sulle, sa ei pääse sealt enne, kui sa oled tagasi maksnud viimsegi veeringu.“
For verily I say to thee: Thou wilt not come out thence, until thou pay the last mite.