< Johannese 7 >
1 Pärast seda käis Jeesus Galileas ringi. Ta ei tahtnud liikuda Juudamaal, sest juutide juhid otsisid võimalust teda tappa.
After these things, Jesus was walking in Galilee, for he would not walk in Judea, because the Jewish leaders sought to kill him.
2 Kuna saabumas oli juutide lehtmajadepüha,
Now the Jewish festival, the Feast of Tabernacles, was near.
3 ütlesid Jeesuse vennad temale: „Lahku siit ja mine Juudamaale, et su jüngrid näeksid su suuri tegusid.
So his brothers said to him, "Depart from here, and go into Judea, that your disciples also may see your works that you are doing.
4 Kes tahab tegutseda avalikult, ei saa olla salajas. Kui sa juba teed sääraseid asju, siis näita end kogu maailmale!“
For no one does anything in secret when he himself seeks to be known openly. If you do these things, show yourself to the world."
5 Sest isegi Jeesuse vennad ei uskunud temasse.
For even his brothers did not believe in him.
6 Jeesus vastas neile: „Minu aeg ei ole veel saabunud, aga teile on iga hetk ühtviisi sobiv.
Jesus therefore said to them, "My time has not yet come, but your time is always ready.
7 Maailmal ei ole põhjust teid vihata, kuid mind ta vihkab, sest ma tunnistan, et ta teod on kurjad.
The world cannot hate you, but it hates me, because I testify about it, that its works are evil.
8 Minge teie pühi pidama. Mina ei lähe neile pidustustele, sest minu aeg ei ole veel käes.“
You go up to the feast. I am not yet going up to this feast, because my time is not yet fulfilled."
9 Seda öelnud, jäi ta Galileasse.
After he had said this, he stayed in Galilee.
10 Ent kui ta vennad olid läinud pidustustele, läks ka Jeesus, aga mitte avalikult, vaid salaja.
But when his brothers had gone up to the feast, then he also went up, not publicly, but as it were in secret.
11 Juutide ülemad otsisid Jeesust piduliste hulgast, küsides: „Kus ta siis on?“
The Jewish leaders therefore sought him at the feast, and said, "Where is he?"
12 Rahva seas oli tema kohta palju sosistamist. Ühed arvasid: „Ta on hea inimene.“Teised vaidlesid vastu: „Ei ole, ta eksitab rahvast.“
There was much murmuring among the crowds concerning him. Some said, "He is a good man." But others said, "Not so, but he leads the crowd astray."
13 Kuid keegi ei rääkinud temast avalikult hirmust juhtide ees.
Yet no one spoke openly of him for fear of the Jewish leaders.
14 Kui pühadenädal oli juba poole peal, läks Jeesus templisse ja hakkas õpetama.
But when it was now the midst of the feast, Jesus went up into the temple and taught.
15 „Kuidas see õppimata mees on säärase õpetuse saanud?“imestasid juutide ülemad.
Then the Jewish leaders were astonished, saying, "How does this man know such writings, having never been educated?"
16 Jeesus vastas neile: „Minu õpetus ei pärine minult endalt, vaid mu Läkitajalt.
Jesus therefore answered them, "My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me.
17 Kõik, kes otsustavad teha Jumala tahtmist, näevad, kas minu õpetus tuleb Jumalalt või kõnelen ma iseenesest.
If anyone desires to do his will, he will know about the teaching, whether it is from God, or if I am speaking from myself.
18 Iseenesest rääkijad teevad seda selleks, et endale au saada. Aga kes otsib tema au, kes teda saatis, kannab tõde. Temas pole midagi valelikku.
He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory, but he who seeks the glory of him who sent him is true, and no unrighteousness is in him.
19 Eks ole Mooses andnud teile Seaduse. Kuid keegi teist ei pea Seadust. Miks te tahate mind tappa?“
Did not Moses give you the Law, and yet none of you keeps the Law? Why do you seek to kill me?"
20 Siis öeldi rahva hulgast: „Sinus on kuri vaim. Kes sind tappa tahab?“
The crowd answered, "You have a demon. Who seeks to kill you?"
21 Jeesus vastas neile: „Ma tegin ühe ime ja te kõik olete imestunud.
Jesus answered them, "I did one work, and you are all amazed.
22 Eks ole, Mooses andis teile ümberlõikamiskäsu (ehkki see ei pärine Mooseselt, vaid esiisadelt) ja seepärast te lõikate inimese ümber ka hingamispäeval.
Moses has given you circumcision (not that it is of Moses, but of the fathers), and on the Sabbath you circumcise a boy.
23 Kui isegi hingamispäeval tuleb inimene ümber lõigata, et Moosese Seadust ei rikutaks, miks te siis mulle pahaks panete, et ma tegin kogu inimese terveks hingamispäeval?
If a boy receives circumcision on the Sabbath, that the Law of Moses may not be broken, are you angry with me, because I made a man completely healthy on the Sabbath?
24 Ärge hinnake välise järgi, vaid hinnake õiglaselt!“
Do not judge according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment."
25 Siis arutasid mõned jeruusalemlased omavahel: „Kas see pole sama mees, keda tahetakse tappa?
Therefore some of them of Jerusalem said, "Is not this he whom they seek to kill?
26 Ja näe, nüüd kõneleb ta avalikult ja talle ei öelda midagi. Ega ometi võimumehed ole jõudnud järeldusele, et tema ongi Messias?
Look, he speaks openly, and they say nothing to him. Can it be that the rulers indeed know that this is the Christ?
27 Aga meie ju teame, kust ta on pärit. Kui Messias tuleb, ei tea keegi, kust ta on.“
However we know where this man comes from, but when the Christ comes, no one will know where he comes from."
28 Siis hüüdis Jeesus templis õpetades: „Teie teate mind ja minu päritolu? Mina ei ole tulnud iseenda nimel. Mul on tõeline Läkitaja, keda teie ei tunne.
Jesus therefore called out in the temple, teaching and saying, "You both know me, and know where I am from. I have not come of myself, but he who sent me is true, whom you do not know.
29 Kuid mina tunnen teda, sest ma olen tulnud tema juurest ja tema on mind saatnud.“
I know him, because I am from him, and he sent me."
30 Siis tahtsid nad teda kinni võtta, kuid keegi ei puutunud teda, sest tema tund ei olnud veel käes.
They sought therefore to take him; but no one laid a hand on him, because his hour had not yet come.
31 Ent paljud rahva seast uskusid temasse, öeldes: „Kui Messias tuleb, kas ta peaks andma rohkem tunnustähti, kui see mees on teinud?“
But many in the crowd believed in him. They said, "When the Christ comes, he won't do more signs than those which this man has done, will he?"
32 Kui variserid kuulsid, mida rahvas Jeesuse kohta sosistas, saatsid nemad ja ülempreestrid mõned templivalvurid teda vahistama.
The Pharisees heard the crowd murmuring these things concerning him, and the chief priests and the Pharisees sent officers to arrest him.
33 Jeesus aga rääkis: „Veel pisut aega olen ma teie juures ja siis lähen tagasi oma Läkitaja juurde.
Then Jesus said, "I will be with you a little while longer, then I go to him who sent me.
34 Te otsite mind, aga ei leia. Ja kus mina olen, sinna teie ei saa tulla.“
You will seek me, but won't find; and where I am, you cannot come."
35 Siis arutasid juudid omavahel: „Kuhu ta mõtleb minna, et me teda ei leia? Ega ta ometi lähe võõrsil kreeklaste seas elavate juutide juurde, et hakata õpetama kreeklasi?
The Jewish leaders therefore said among themselves, "Where will this man go that we won't find him? Will he go to the Diaspora among the Greeks, and teach the Greeks?
36 Mida see tähendab, kui ta ütles „Te otsite mind, aga ei leia“ja „Kus mina olen, sinna teie ei saa tulla“?“
What is this word that he said, 'You will seek me, but won't find; and where I am, you cannot come'?"
37 Pidustuste viimasel, kõige tähtsamal päeval seisis Jeesus, hüüdes: „Kellel on janu, see tulgu minu juurde ja joogu!
Now on the last and greatest day of the feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.
38 Kes iganes usub minusse, sellest voolavad elava vee jõed, nagu Pühakirjas on öeldud.“
He who believes in me, as the Scripture has said, from within him will flow rivers of living water."
39 Seda ütles ta Jumala Vaimu kohta, kelle pidid hiljem saama need, kes temasse usuvad. Vaimu ei olnud veel antud, sest Jeesus ei olnud veel ausse tõstetud.
But he said this about the Spirit, which those believing in him were to receive. For the Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.
40 Neid sõnu kuuldes kostsid mõned rahva seast: „See mees on tõesti prohvet!“
Some of the crowd therefore, when they heard these words, said, "This is truly the Prophet."
41 Teised arvasid: „Tema on Messias!“„Kindlasti mitte, “vaidlesid kolmandad, „ega siis Messias tule Galileast?
Others said, "This is the Christ." But some said, "What, does the Christ come out of Galilee?
42 Pühakirjas ju öeldakse, et Messias tuleb Taaveti soost ja Petlemma külast, kus Taavet sündis.“
Hasn't the Scripture said that the Christ comes of the offspring of David, and from Bethlehem, the village where David was?"
43 Nii läksid rahva arvamused tema kohta lahku.
So there arose a division in the crowd because of him.
44 Mõned neist tahtsid teda kinni võtta, kuid siiski ei puutunud teda keegi.
Some of them would have arrested him, but no one laid hands on him.
45 Nüüd läksid templivalvurid tagasi ülempreestrite ja variseride juurde, kes küsisid neilt: „Miks te teda kaasa ei toonud?“
The officers therefore came to the chief priests and Pharisees, and they said to them, "Why did you not bring him?"
46 „Ükski inimene pole ealeski kõnelenud nõnda nagu tema, “vastasid valvurid.
The officers answered, "No man ever spoke like this man."
47 „Kas teiegi lasite end eksitada?“küsisid variserid.
The Pharisees therefore answered them, "You are not also led astray, are you?
48 „On siis keegi valitsejatest või variseridest uskunud temasse?
Have any of the rulers believed in him, or of the Pharisees?
49 Aga see rahvahulk, kes ei tunne Seadust, on neetud!“
But this crowd that does not know the Law is accursed."
50 Siis võttis sõna üks nende seast, Nikodeemos, seesama, kes oli käinud varem Jeesuse juures. Ta ütles:
Nicodemus (he who came to him before, being one of them) said to them,
51 „Meie Seadus ei mõista ju kedagi süüdi enne, kui on kuulanud ta üle ja uurinud välja, mida ta on teinud.“
"Does our Law judge a man, unless it first hears from him personally and knows what he does?"
52 Nemad aga vastasid talle: „Kas ehk sinagi oled Galileast? Uuri järele ja sa näed, et Galileast ei võrsu prohvetit!“
They answered him, "Are you also from Galilee? Search, and see that no prophet comes from Galilee."
53 Siis läksid nad kõik koju.
Then everyone went to his own house,