< Johannese 5 >
1 Pärast seda läks Jeesus juudi pühadeks Jeruusalemma.
After these things there was a feast of the Jews, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
2 Jeruusalemmas Lambavärava lähedal on tiik heebreakeelse nimega Betsata, mille juurde kuulub viis sammaskäiku.
And there was there in Jerusalem a certain place of baptizing, which was called in Hebrew Bethesda; and there were in it five porches.
3 Nende juures lebas palju haigeid: pimedaid, jalutuid, halvatuid, kes ootasid vee liikumist.
And in them were laid a great multitude of the sick, and the blind, and the lame, and the withered, waiting for the moving of the waters.
4 Sest aeg-ajalt laskus Issanda ingel alla tiiki ja segas vett. Kes siis pärast vee segamist esimesena tiiki astus, tervenes, ükskõik millisest haigusest.
For an angel, from time to time, descended into the baptistery, and moved the waters; and he who first went in, after the moving of the waters, was cured of whatever disease he had.
5 Seal oli mees, kes oli juba kolmkümmend kaheksa aastat haige olnud.
And a certain man was there, who had been diseased thirty and eight years.
6 Jeesus nägi teda lamamas, ja kuulnud tema pikaaegsest haigusest, küsis ta mehelt: „Kas sa tahad terveks saada?“
Jesus saw him lying, and knew that his disease had been a long time upon him, and said to him: Desirest thou to be healed?
7 „Isand, “vastas haige talle, „mul ei ole kedagi, kes mind tiiki aitaks, kui vett liigutatakse. Iga kord, kui ma minema hakkan, jõuab keegi minust ette.“
And the sick man answered and said: Yes, my lord; but I have no one who, when the water is moved, will put me into the baptistery; but while I am coming, another descendeth before me.
8 „Tõuse, “ütles Jeesus talle, „võta oma ase ja kõnni!“
Jesus said to him: Arise, take up thy bed, and walk.
9 Otsekohe sai mees terveks, võttis oma aseme ja kõndis. See päev oli aga hingamispäev.
And immediately the man was healed; and he arose, took up his bed, and walked; and it was the sabbath day.
10 Seepärast ütlesid juutide ülemad tervenenule: „Täna on hingamispäev, sul on keelatud magamisaset kanda!“
And the Jews said to him that was healed: It is the sabbath; it is not lawful for thee to bear thy bed.
11 Ent tema vastas neile: „See, kes mu terveks tegi, käskis mind: „Võta oma ase ja kõnni!““
But he answered, and said to them: He that made me whole, he said to me, Take up thy bed and walk.
12 „Kes on see mees, kes käskis sul selle võtta ja kõndida?“nõudsid ülemad temalt.
And they asked him: Who is the man that said to thee, Take up thy bed and walk?
13 Kuid tervenenu ei teadnud, kes oli ta tervendaja, sest Jeesus oli kadunud rahva hulka.
But the man that was healed, knew not who it was; for Jesus had slid away, in the great multitude that was in the place.
14 Hiljem kohtas Jeesus teda templis ja ütles talle: „Nüüd, kus sa oled saanud terveks, ära tee enam pattu, et sind ei tabaks midagi halvemat!“
After a time, Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him: Lo, thou art healed; sin not again, lest something worse come upon thee than before.
15 Tema läks seepeale tagasi ja teatas juutide ülemaile, et ta tervendaja oli Jeesus.
And the man went and told the Jews, that it was Jesus who had cured him.
16 Kuna aga Jeesus oli tervendanud hingamispäeval, hakkasid need nüüd Jeesust taga kiusama.
And for this cause the Jews persecuted Jesus, and sought to kill him; because he had done these things on the sabbath.
17 Jeesus ütles neile enda kaitseks: „Minu Isa teeb tööd tänase päevani ja ka mina töötan!“
But Jesus said to them: My Father worketh until now, and I work.
18 Seepeale hakkasid juutide ülemad veel enam otsima võimalust teda tappa. Sest ta oli rikkunud mitte ainult hingamispäeva, vaid ka nimetanud Jumalat oma Isaks, tehes end Jumalaga võrdseks.
And for this, the Jews sought the more to kill him, not only because he had broken the sabbath, but because he had said of God, that he was his Father, and had equalled himself with God.
19 Jeesus aga vastas: „Tõesti, tõesti, ma ütlen teile, Poeg ei saa teha midagi omapäi, ta teeb vaid seda, mida näeb Isa ees tegevat. Mida iganes Isa teeb, seda teeb ka Poeg,
And Jesus answered, and said to them: Verily, verily, I say to you: The Son can do nothing, of his own pleasure, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things the Father doeth, these in like manner doeth the Son.
20 sest Isa armastab Poega ja näitab talle kõike, mida ta ise teeb. Ja ta näitab talle veel suuremaid tegusid kui need, mida te olete näinud, nii et te hämmastute.
For the Father loveth his Son, and showeth him every thing he doeth: and greater works than these, will he show him, that ye may wonder.
21 Nõnda nagu Isa äratab üles surnuid ja teeb nad elavaks, annab ka Poeg elu neile, kellele soovib anda.
For as the Father raiseth the dead, and vivifieth them; so also the Son vivifieth whom he pleaseth.
22 Enamgi veel – Isa ei mõista kohut kellegi üle, vaid on kogu kohtumõistmise usaldanud Poja kätte,
For neither doth the Father judge any one, but hath given all judgment to the Son:
23 et kõik võiksid austada Poega, nagu nad austavad Isa. Kes keeldub austamast Poega, ei austa ka Isa, kes tema on läkitanud.
that every man may honor the Son, as he honoreth the Father. He that honoreth not the Son, honoreth not the Father that sent him.
24 Tõesti, tõesti, ma ütlen teile, kes võtab kuulda minu sõnu ja usub mu Läkitajat, sellel on igavene elu ja teda ei mõisteta süüdi, vaid ta on läinud surmast ellu. (aiōnios )
Verily, verily, I say to you, That he who heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath life eternal, and will not come into condemnation, but hath passed from death to life. (aiōnios )
25 Tõesti, tõesti, ma ütlen teile, tuleb aeg, ja see on juba käes, mil surnud kuulevad Jumala Poja häält ja need, kes kuulevad, elavad.
Verily, verily, I say to you, That the hour cometh, and even now come, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God; and they that hear, will live.
26 Sest nõnda nagu Isal on elu iseendas, on ta andnud elu ka Pojale.
For, as the Father hath life in himself, so hath he given to the Son also, to have life in himself:
27 Ja ta on andnud temale meelevalla kohut mõista, sest ta on Inimese Poeg.
and hath moreover given him authority to execute judgment. But that he is the Son of man,
28 Ärge hämmastuge, tuleb aeg, mil kõik, kes on haudades, kuulevad tema häält
wonder not at this; for the hour cometh when all that are in their graves will hear his voice;
29 ja tõusevad üles: need, kes on teinud head – selleks et elada, ning need, kes on teinud halba – selleks et kanda karistust.
and will come forth; they that have done good, to the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation.
30 Mina ei saa teha midagi omapäi; ma mõistan kohut nii, nagu mulle öeldakse. Minu kohtumõistmine on õiglane, sest ma ei püüa teha enese tahtmist, vaid oma Läkitaja tahtmist.
I can do nothing of my own pleasure; but as I hear, so I judge. And my judgment is just; for I seek not my own pleasure, but the pleasure of him that sent me.
31 Kui ma annaksin tunnistust iseenda kohta, ei oleks mu tunnistus tõde.
If I should bear testimony respecting myself, my testimony would not be valid.
32 Aga keegi teine tunnistab minu kasuks, ja ma tean, et tema tunnistus on tõde.
There is another that beareth testimony concerning me; and I know that the testimony which he beareth concerning me is true.
33 Teie saatsite käskjalgu Johannese juurde ja tema on tunnistanud tõest.
Ye sent unto John; and he bore testimony to the truth.
34 Mitte et ma võtan vastu inimlikku tunnistust, aga ma räägin seda selleks, et teie saaksite päästetud.
And I have not received testimony from men: but these things I say, that ye may live.
35 Johannes oli lamp, mis läideti ja andis valgust, ning mõnda aega te rõõmustasite tema valguse üle.
He was a burning and shining lamp; and ye were willing for a time, to glory in his light.
36 Minul on tunnistus, mis on mõjuvam Johannese omast: töö, mille Isa on andnud mulle lõpule viia. Need teod, mida mina teen, tõendavad, et Isa on minu läkitanud.
But I have a testimony, which is greater than that of John; for the works which my Father hath given me to accomplish, these works which I do, testify of me that the Father hath sent me.
37 Isa, kes mind saatis, on ise minu kohta tunnistusi andnud. Teie ei ole kunagi kuulnud ta häält ega näinud ta kuju,
And the Father who sent me, he testifieth of me. Ye have not at any time heard his voice, nor have ye seen his visage.
38 teie südames ei ole kohta tema sõnale, sest te ei usu teda, kelle tema on läkitanud.
And his word abideth not in you, because ye believe not in him whom he hath sent.
39 Te uurite küll hoolega Pühakirja, sest arvate, et see annab teile igavese elu. Aga seesama Pühakiri tunnistab minust! (aiōnios )
Search the scriptures; for in them, ye think, there is life eternal for you; and they testify of me. (aiōnios )
40 Ja siiski ei taha te tulla minu juurde, et saada elu.
And ye are unwilling to come to me, that life eternal may be yours.
41 Ma ei vaja austust inimestelt,
I do not receive glory from men.
42 aga ma tunnen teid. Ma tean, et teil ei ole südames Jumala armastust.
But I know you, that the love of God is not in you.
43 Mina olen tulnud oma Isa nimel, aga teie ei võta mind vastu. Samas kui mõni tuleb iseenda nimel, siis tema te võtate vastu.
I came in the name of my Father, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive.
44 Kuidas te võiksitegi uskuda, kui te võtate vastu austust üksteiselt, aga ei otsi seda austust, mis tuleb ainsalt Jumalalt.
How can ye believe, who receive glory from one another, and seek not the glory which cometh from God only?
45 Ometi ärge arvake, et mina hakkan teid Isa ees süüdistama. Teie süüdistaja on hoopis Mooses, kelle peale te loodate.
Do ye suppose, that I shall accuse you before the Father? There is one that will accuse you, that Moses, on whom ye rely.
46 Kui te tõepoolest usuksite Moosest, siis te usuksite ka mind, sest tema on minust kirjutanud.
For, if ye believed Moses, ye would also believe me; for Moses wrote concerning me.
47 Aga kui te isegi tema kirjutatut ei usu, kuidas te siis saate uskuda minu sõnu?“
But if ye believe not his writings, how will ye believe my words?