< 1 Peetruse 1 >

1 Peetruselt, Jeesuse Kristuse apostlilt, Jumala valituile, kes elavad laialipillutatult Pontoses, Galaatias, Kappadookias, Aasias ja Bitüünias ning on kutsutud
Peter, an Apostle of Jesus Christ: To God's own people scattered over the earth, who are living as foreigners in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Roman Asia, and Bithynia,
2 Jumala Isa etteteadmise järgi Vaimu pühitsuse läbi olema kuulekad ja Jeesuse Kristuse verega piserdatud: Armu ja rahu saagu teile rohkesti!
chosen in accordance with the foreknowledge of God the Father, through the sanctifying work of the Spirit, with a view to their obedience and to their being sprinkled with the blood of Jesus Christ. May more and more grace and peace be granted to you.
3 Kiidetud olgu Jumal, meie Issanda Jeesuse Kristuse Isa! Oma suurest halastusest on tema Jeesuse Kristuse ülestõusmise läbi surnuist meid uuesti sünnitanud elavale lootusele,
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in His great mercy has begotten us anew to an ever-living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
4 et saada hävimatu, määrdumatu ja tuhmumatu pärand, mis on taevas hoitud teie jaoks.
to an inheritance imperishable, undefiled and unfading, which has been reserved in Heaven for you,
5 Seda hoitakse Jumala väes usu läbi teie päästeks, mis on viimsel ajal valmis ilmuma.
whom God in His power is guarding through faith for a salvation that even now stands ready for unveiling at the End of the Age.
6 Sellest päästest te juubeldate, ehkki praegu te peate pisut kurvastama mitmesugustes katsumustes.
Rejoice triumphantly in the prospect of this, even if now, for a short time, you are compelled to sorrow amid various trials.
7 Isegi kaduvat kulda proovitakse tulega. Teie usk proovitakse samuti läbi, mis on kullast palju kallim, et selle ehtsus oleks ülistuseks, kiituseks ja auks Jeesuse Kristuse ilmumisel.
The sorrow comes in order that the testing of your faith--being more precious than that of gold, which perishes and yet is proved by fire--may be found to result in praise and glory and honour at the re-appearing of Jesus Christ.
8 Teda te armastate, kuigi te ei ole teda näinud. Temasse te usute, ehkki te praegu teda ei näe, ning te juubeldate sõnulseletamatu ja aulise rõõmuga,
Him you love, though your eyes have never looked on Him. In Him, though at present you cannot see Him, you nevertheless trust, and triumph with a joy which is unspeakable and is crowned with glory,
9 sest te saavutate oma usu eesmärgi – oma hinge pääste.
while you are securing as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls.
10 Seda päästet on otsinud ja seda püüdnud uurida prohvetid, kes on ennustanud teile osaks saavat armu.
There were Prophets who earnestly inquired about that salvation, and closely searched into it--even those who spoke beforehand of the grace which was to come to you.
11 Nad püüdsid teada saada, millise aja ja mis asjaolude kohta osutas nendes olev Kristuse Vaim, ennustades ette Messiale määratud kannatusi ja neile järgnevat kirkust.
They were eager to know the time which the Spirit of Christ within them kept indicating, or the characteristics of that time, when they solemnly made known beforehand the sufferings that were to come upon Christ and the glories which would follow.
12 Neile ilmutati, et nad ei teeninud mitte ennast vaid teid. Seda kõike on teile rääkinud need, kes teile taevast läkitatud Püha Vaimu läbi on kuulutanud evangeeliumi. Isegi inglid ihkavad neid asju vaadata.
To them it was revealed that they were serving not themselves but you, when they foretold the very things which have now been openly declared to you by those who, having been taught by the Holy Spirit which had been sent from Heaven, brought you the Good News. Angels long to stoop and look into these things.
13 Seepärast, käärige üles oma mõistuse käised ja mõtelge kainelt. Lootke armu peale, mida teile pakutakse Jeesuse Kristuse ilmumises.
Therefore gird up your minds and fix your hopes calmly and unfalteringly upon the boon that is soon to be yours, at the re-appearing of Jesus Christ.
14 Nõnda nagu sõnakuulelikud lapsed, ärge kohanege himudega, mis teil olid teadmatuses elades,
And, since you delight in obedience, do not shape your lives by the cravings which used to dominate you in the time of your ignorance,
15 vaid saage pühaks kogu oma olekult, nii nagu teie Kutsuja on püha!
but--in imitation of the holy One who has called you--you also must be holy in all your habits of life.
16 Eks öelda ka Pühakirjas: „Olge pühad, sest mina olen püha!“
Because it stands written, "You are to be holy, because I am holy."
17 Ja kui te palves hüüate Isaks teda, kes mõistab kohut erapooletult vastavalt igaühe tegudele, siis elage aukartuses oma pagulasepäevad!
And if you address as your Father Him who judges impartially in accordance with each man's actions, then spend in fear the time of your stay here on earth,
18 Te ju teate, et teid ei ole lunastatud kaduvate asjadega, hõbeda või kullaga teie tühisest esivanematelt päritud eluviisist,
knowing, as you do, that it was not with a ransom of perishable wealth, such as silver or gold, that you were set free from your frivolous habits of life which had been handed down to you from your forefathers,
19 vaid Kristuse kui veatu ja laitmatu Talle kalli verega.
but with the precious blood of Christ--as of an unblemished and spotless lamb.
20 Tema oli ette määratud enne maailma loomist, ent aegade lõpul sai ilmsiks teie pärast.
He was pre-destined indeed to this work, even before the creation of the world, but has been plainly manifested in these last days for the sake of you who, through Him,
21 Tema läbi te usute Jumalat, kes on tema üles äratanud surnuist ja andnud talle kirkuse, et teie usk ja lootus oleksid Jumalas.
are faithful to God, who raised Him from among the dead and gave Him glory, so that your faith and hope are resting upon God.
22 Kui te olete nüüd tõele kuuletumises ennast puhastanud siiraks armastuseks üksteise vastu, siis armastage üksteist sügavalt ja puhtast südamest!
Now that, through your obedience to the truth, you have purified your souls for cherishing sincere brotherly love, you must love another heartily and fervently.
23 Te olete uuesti sündinud mitte kaduvast, vaid kadumatust seemnest Jumala elava ja jääva sõna kaudu. (aiōn g165)
For you have been begotten again by God's ever-living and enduring word from a germ not of perishable, but of imperishable life. (aiōn g165)
24 Sest „Kõik inimesed on otsekui rohi, kogu nende hiilgus nagu rohu õieke; rohi kuivab ära ja õieke pudeneb maha;
"All mankind resemble the herbage, and all their beauty is like its flowers. The herbage dries up, and its flowers drop off;
25 aga Issanda sõna püsib igavesti.“See on aga seesama rõõmusõnum, mida teile on kuulutatud. (aiōn g165)
But the word of the Lord remains for ever." And that means the Message which has been proclaimed among you in the Good News. (aiōn g165)

< 1 Peetruse 1 >