< Romans 6 >

1 What, then, shall we say? shall we continue in the sin that the grace may abound?
prabhUtarUpENa yad anugrahaH prakAzatE tadarthaM pApE tiSThAma iti vAkyaM kiM vayaM vadiSyAmaH? tanna bhavatu|
2 let it not be! we who died to the sin — how shall we still live in it?
pApaM prati mRtA vayaM punastasmin katham jIviSyAmaH?
3 are ye ignorant that we, as many as were baptized to Christ Jesus, to his death were baptized?
vayaM yAvantO lOkA yIzukhrISTE majjitA abhavAma tAvanta Eva tasya maraNE majjitA iti kiM yUyaM na jAnItha?
4 we were buried together, then, with him through the baptism to the death, that even as Christ was raised up out of the dead through the glory of the Father, so also we in newness of life might walk.
tatO yathA pituH parAkramENa zmazAnAt khrISTa utthApitastathA vayamapi yat nUtanajIvina ivAcarAmastadarthaM majjanEna tEna sArddhaM mRtyurUpE zmazAnE saMsthApitAH|
5 For, if we have become planted together to the likeness of his death, [so] also we shall be of the rising again;
aparaM vayaM yadi tEna saMyuktAH santaH sa iva maraNabhAginO jAtAstarhi sa ivOtthAnabhAginO'pi bhaviSyAmaH|
6 this knowing, that our old man was crucified with [him], that the body of the sin may be made useless, for our no longer serving the sin;
vayaM yat pApasya dAsAH puna rna bhavAmastadartham asmAkaM pAparUpazarIrasya vinAzArtham asmAkaM purAtanapuruSastEna sAkaM kruzE'hanyatEti vayaM jAnImaH|
7 for he who hath died hath been set free from the sin.
yO hataH sa pApAt mukta Eva|
8 And if we died with Christ, we believe that we also shall live with him,
ataEva yadi vayaM khrISTEna sArddham ahanyAmahi tarhi punarapi tEna sahitA jIviSyAma ityatrAsmAkaM vizvAsO vidyatE|
9 knowing that Christ, having been raised up out of the dead, doth no more die, death over him hath no more lordship;
yataH zmazAnAd utthApitaH khrISTO puna rna mriyata iti vayaM jAnImaH| tasmin kOpyadhikArO mRtyO rnAsti|
10 for in that he died, to the sin he died once, and in that he liveth, he liveth to God;
aparanjca sa yad amriyata tEnaikadA pApam uddizyAmriyata, yacca jIvati tEnEzvaram uddizya jIvati;
11 so also ye, reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to the sin, and living to God in Jesus Christ our Lord.
tadvad yUyamapi svAn pApam uddizya mRtAn asmAkaM prabhuNA yIzukhrISTEnEzvaram uddizya jIvantO jAnIta|
12 Let not then the sin reign in your mortal body, to obey it in its desires;
aparanjca kutsitAbhilASAn pUrayituM yuSmAkaM martyadEhESu pApam AdhipatyaM na karOtu|
13 neither present ye your members instruments of unrighteousness to the sin, but present yourselves to God as living out of the dead, and your members instruments of righteousness to God;
aparaM svaM svam aggam adharmmasyAstraM kRtvA pApasEvAyAM na samarpayata, kintu zmazAnAd utthitAniva svAn IzvarE samarpayata svAnyaggAni ca dharmmAstrasvarUpANIzvaram uddizya samarpayata|
14 for sin over you shall not have lordship, for ye are not under law, but under grace.
yuSmAkam upari pApasyAdhipatyaM puna rna bhaviSyati, yasmAd yUyaM vyavasthAyA anAyattA anugrahasya cAyattA abhavata|
15 What then? shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? let it not be!
kintu vayaM vyavasthAyA anAyattA anugrahasya cAyattA abhavAma, iti kAraNAt kiM pApaM kariSyAmaH? tanna bhavatu|
16 have ye not known that to whom ye present yourselves servants for obedience, servants ye are to him to whom ye obey, whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness?
yatO mRtijanakaM pApaM puNyajanakaM nidEzAcaraNanjcaitayOrdvayO ryasmin AjnjApAlanArthaM bhRtyAniva svAn samarpayatha, tasyaiva bhRtyA bhavatha, Etat kiM yUyaM na jAnItha?
17 and thanks to God, that ye were servants of the sin, and — were obedient from the heart to the form of teaching to which ye were delivered up;
aparanjca pUrvvaM yUyaM pApasya bhRtyA AstEti satyaM kintu yasyAM zikSArUpAyAM mUSAyAM nikSiptA abhavata tasyA AkRtiM manObhi rlabdhavanta iti kAraNAd Izvarasya dhanyavAdO bhavatu|
18 and having been freed from the sin, ye became servants to the righteousness.
itthaM yUyaM pApasEvAtO muktAH santO dharmmasya bhRtyA jAtAH|
19 In the manner of men I speak, because of the weakness of your flesh, for even as ye did present your members servants to the uncleanness and to the lawlessness — to the lawlessness, so now present your members servants to the righteousness — to sanctification,
yuSmAkaM zArIrikyA durbbalatAyA hEtO rmAnavavad aham Etad bravImi; punaH punaradharmmakaraNArthaM yadvat pUrvvaM pApAmEdhyayO rbhRtyatvE nijAggAni samArpayata tadvad idAnIM sAdhukarmmakaraNArthaM dharmmasya bhRtyatvE nijAggAni samarpayata|
20 for when ye were servants of the sin, ye were free from the righteousness,
yadA yUyaM pApasya bhRtyA Asta tadA dharmmasya nAyattA Asta|
21 what fruit, therefore, were ye having then, in the things of which ye are now ashamed? for the end of those [is] death.
tarhi yAni karmmANi yUyam idAnIM lajjAjanakAni budhyadhvE pUrvvaM tai ryuSmAkaM kO lAbha AsIt? tESAM karmmaNAM phalaM maraNamEva|
22 And now, having been freed from the sin, and having become servants to God, ye have your fruit — to sanctification, and the end life age-during; (aiōnios g166)
kintu sAmprataM yUyaM pApasEvAtO muktAH santa Izvarasya bhRtyA'bhavata tasmAd yuSmAkaM pavitratvarUpaM labhyam anantajIvanarUpanjca phalam AstE| (aiōnios g166)
23 for the wages of the sin [is] death, and the gift of God [is] life age-during in Christ Jesus our Lord. (aiōnios g166)
yataH pApasya vEtanaM maraNaM kintvasmAkaM prabhuNA yIzukhrISTEnAnantajIvanam IzvaradattaM pAritOSikam AstE| (aiōnios g166)

< Romans 6 >