< Psalms 54 >
1 To the Overseer with stringed instruments. — An instruction, by David, in the coming in of the Ziphim, and they say to Saul, 'Is not David hiding himself with us?' O God, by Thy name save me, and by Thy might judge me.
神よねがはくは汝の名によりて我をすくひ なんぢの力をもて我をさばきたまへ
2 O God, hear my prayer, Give ear to the sayings of my mouth,
神よわが祈をききたまへ わが口のことばに耳をかたぶけたまへ
3 For strangers have risen up against me And terrible ones have sought my soul, They have not set God before them. (Selah)
そは外人はわれにさからひて起りたち強暴人はわがたましひを索むるなり かれらは神をおのが前におかざりき (セラ)
4 Lo, God [is] a helper to me, The Lord [is] with those supporting my soul,
みよ神はわれをたすくるものなり 主はわがたましひを保つものとともに在せり
5 Turn back doth the evil thing to mine enemies, In Thy truth cut them off.
主はわが仇にそのあしきことの報をなしたまはん 願くはなんぢの眞實によりて彼等をほろぼしたまへ
6 With a free will-offering I sacrifice to Thee, I thank Thy name, O Jehovah, for [it is] good,
我よろこびて祭物をなんぢに献ん ヱホバよ我なんぢの名にむかひて感謝せん こは宜しきことなればなり
7 For, from all adversity He delivered me, And on mine enemies hath mine eye looked!
そはヱホバはすべての患難より我をすくひたまへり わが目はわが仇につきての願望をみたり