< Psalms 52 >

1 To the Overseer. — An instruction, by David, in the coming in of Doeg the Edomite, and he declareth to Saul, and saith to him, 'David came in unto the house of Ahimelech.' What, boasteth thou in evil, O mighty one? The kindness of God [is] all the day.
以东人多益来告诉扫罗说:“大卫到了亚希米勒家。”那时,大卫作这训诲诗,交与伶长。 勇士啊,你为何以作恶自夸? 神的慈爱是常存的。
2 Mischiefs doth thy tongue devise, Like a sharp razor, working deceit.
你的舌头邪恶诡诈, 好像剃头刀,快利伤人。
3 Thou hast loved evil rather than good, Lying, than speaking righteousness. (Selah)
你爱恶胜似爱善, 又爱说谎,不爱说公义。 (细拉)
4 Thou hast loved all devouring words, O thou deceitful tongue.
诡诈的舌头啊, 你爱说一切毁灭的话!
5 Also — God doth break thee down for ever, Taketh thee, and pulleth thee out of the tent, And He hath uprooted thee Out of the land of the living. (Selah)
神也要毁灭你,直到永远; 他要把你拿去,从你的帐棚中抽出, 从活人之地将你拔出。 (细拉)
6 And the righteous see, And fear, and laugh at him.
义人要看见而惧怕, 并要笑他,
7 'Lo, the man who maketh not God his strong place, And trusteth in the abundance of his riches, He is strong in his mischiefs.'
说:看哪,这就是那不以 神为他力量的人, 只倚仗他丰富的财物,在邪恶上坚立自己。
8 And I, as a green olive in the house of God, I have trusted in the kindness of God, To the age and for ever,
至于我,就像 神殿中的青橄榄树; 我永永远远倚靠 神的慈爱。
9 I thank Thee to the age, because Thou hast done [it], And I wait [on] Thy name for [it is] good before Thy saints!
我要称谢你,直到永远, 因为你行了这事。 我也要在你圣民面前仰望你的名; 这名本为美好。

< Psalms 52 >