< Psalms 22 >

1 To the Overseer, on 'The Hind of the Morning.' — A Psalm of David. My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me? Far from my salvation, The words of my roaring?
In finem, pro susceptione matutina. Psalmus David. Deus, Deus meus, respice in me: quare me dereliquisti? longe a salute mea verba delictorum meorum.
2 My God, I call by day, and Thou answerest not, And by night, and there is no silence to me.
Deus meus, clamabo per diem, et non exaudies; et nocte, et non ad insipientiam mihi.
3 And Thou [art] holy, Sitting — the Praise of Israel.
Tu autem in sancto habitas, laus Israël.
4 In Thee did our fathers trust — they trusted, And Thou dost deliver them.
In te speraverunt patres nostri; speraverunt, et liberasti eos.
5 Unto Thee they cried, and were delivered, In Thee they trusted, and were not ashamed.
Ad te clamaverunt, et salvi facti sunt; in te speraverunt, et non sunt confusi.
6 And I [am] a worm, and no man, A reproach of man, and despised of the people.
Ego autem sum vermis, et non homo; opprobrium hominum, et abjectio plebis.
7 All beholding me do mock at me, They make free with the lip — shake the head,
Omnes videntes me deriserunt me; locuti sunt labiis, et moverunt caput.
8 'Roll unto Jehovah, He doth deliver him, He doth deliver him, for he delighted in him.'
Speravit in Domino, eripiat eum: salvum faciat eum, quoniam vult eum.
9 For thou [art] He bringing me forth from the womb, Causing me to trust, On the breasts of my mother.
Quoniam tu es qui extraxisti me de ventre, spes mea ab uberibus matris meæ.
10 On Thee I have been cast from the womb, From the belly of my mother Thou [art] my God.
In te projectus sum ex utero; de ventre matris meæ Deus meus es tu:
11 Be not far from me, For adversity is near, for there is no helper.
ne discesseris a me, quoniam tribulatio proxima est, quoniam non est qui adjuvet.
12 Many bulls have surrounded me, Mighty ones of Bashan have compassed me,
Circumdederunt me vituli multi; tauri pingues obsederunt me.
13 They have opened against me their mouth, A lion tearing and roaring.
Aperuerunt super me os suum, sicut leo rapiens et rugiens.
14 As waters I have been poured out, And separated themselves have all my bones, My heart hath been like wax, It is melted in the midst of my bowels.
Sicut aqua effusus sum, et dispersa sunt omnia ossa mea: factum est cor meum tamquam cera liquescens in medio ventris mei.
15 Dried up as an earthen vessel is my power, And my tongue is cleaving to my jaws.
Aruit tamquam testa virtus mea, et lingua mea adhæsit faucibus meis: et in pulverem mortis deduxisti me.
16 And to the dust of death thou appointest me, For surrounded me have dogs, A company of evil doers have compassed me, Piercing my hands and my feet.
Quoniam circumdederunt me canes multi; concilium malignantium obsedit me. Foderunt manus meas et pedes meos;
17 I count all my bones — they look expectingly, They look upon me,
dinumeraverunt omnia ossa mea. Ipsi vero consideraverunt et inspexerunt me.
18 They apportion my garments to themselves, And for my clothing they cause a lot to fall.
Diviserunt sibi vestimenta mea, et super vestem meam miserunt sortem.
19 And Thou, O Jehovah, be not far off, O my strength, to help me haste.
Tu autem, Domine, ne elongaveris auxilium tuum a me; ad defensionem meam conspice.
20 Deliver from the sword my soul, From the paw of a dog mine only one.
Erue a framea, Deus, animam meam, et de manu canis unicam meam.
21 Save me from the mouth of a lion: — And — from the horns of the high places Thou hast answered me!
Salva me ex ore leonis, et a cornibus unicornium humilitatem meam.
22 I declare Thy name to my brethren, In the midst of the assembly I praise Thee.
Narrabo nomen tuum fratribus meis; in medio ecclesiæ laudabo te.
23 Ye who fear Jehovah, praise ye Him, All the seed of Jacob, honour ye Him, And be afraid of Him, all ye seed of Israel.
Qui timetis Dominum, laudate eum; universum semen Jacob, glorificate eum.
24 For He hath not despised, nor abominated, The affliction of the afflicted, Nor hath He hidden His face from him, And in his crying unto Him He heareth.
Timeat eum omne semen Israël, quoniam non sprevit, neque despexit deprecationem pauperis, nec avertit faciem suam a me: et cum clamarem ad eum, exaudivit me.
25 Of Thee my praise [is] in the great assembly. My vows I complete before His fearers.
Apud te laus mea in ecclesia magna; vota mea reddam in conspectu timentium eum.
26 The humble do eat and are satisfied, Praise Jehovah do those seeking Him, Your heart doth live for ever.
Edent pauperes, et saturabuntur, et laudabunt Dominum qui requirunt eum: vivent corda eorum in sæculum sæculi.
27 Remember and return unto Jehovah, Do all ends of the earth, And before Thee bow themselves, Do all families of the nations,
Reminiscentur et convertentur ad Dominum universi fines terræ; et adorabunt in conspectu ejus universæ familiæ gentium:
28 For to Jehovah [is] the kingdom, And He is ruling among nations.
quoniam Domini est regnum, et ipse dominabitur gentium.
29 And the fat ones of earth have eaten, And they bow themselves, Before Him bow do all going down to dust, And he [who] hath not revived his soul.
Manducaverunt et adoraverunt omnes pingues terræ; in conspectu ejus cadent omnes qui descendunt in terram.
30 A seed doth serve Him, It is declared of the Lord to the generation.
Et anima mea illi vivet; et semen meum serviet ipsi.
31 They come and declare His righteousness, To a people that is borne, that He hath made!
Annuntiabitur Domino generatio ventura; et annuntiabunt cæli justitiam ejus populo qui nascetur, quem fecit Dominus.

< Psalms 22 >