< Proverbs 14 >
1 Every wise woman hath builded her house, And the foolish with her hands breaketh it down.
Mwanamke mwenye busara huijenga nyumba yake, bali mwanamke mpumbavu huibomoa kwa mikono yake mwenyewe.
2 Whoso is walking in his uprightness is fearing Jehovah, And the perverted [in] his ways is despising Him.
Yeye aendaye kwa uaminifu humcha Yehova, bali mkaidi humdharau katika njia zake.
3 In the mouth of a fool [is] a rod of pride, And the lips of the wise preserve them.
Katika kinywa cha mpumbavu hutoka chipukizi la kiburi chake, bali midomo ya wenye busara itawalinda.
4 Without oxen a stall [is] clean, And great [is] the increase by the power of the ox.
Pale pasipo na mifugo hori la kulishia ni safi, bali mazao mengi huweza kupatikana kwa nguvu za maksai.
5 A faithful witness lieth not, And a false witness breatheth out lies.
Shahidi mwaminifu hasemi uongo, bali shahidi wa uongo hupumua uongo.
6 A scorner hath sought wisdom, and it is not, And knowledge to the intelligent [is] easy.
Mwenye dharau hutafuta hekima na hakuna hata, bali maarifa huja kwa urahisi kwa mwenye ufahamu.
7 Go from before a foolish man, Or thou hast not known the lips of knowledge.
Nenda mbali kutoka kwa mtu mpumbavu, maana hutapata maarifa kwenye midomo yake.
8 The wisdom of the prudent [is] to understand his way, And the folly of fools [is] deceit.
Hekima ya mtu mwenye busara ni kuifahamu njia yake mwenyewe, bali upuuzi wa wapumbavu ni udanganyifu.
9 Fools mock at a guilt-offering, And among the upright — a pleasing thing.
Wapumbavu hudharau wakati sadaka ya hatia inapotolewa, bali miongoni mwao waaminifu hushiriki fadhila.
10 The heart knoweth its own bitterness, And with its joy a stranger doth not intermeddle.
Moyo unayajua machungu yake mwenyewe na hakuna mgeni anayeshiriki furaha yake.
11 The house of the wicked is destroyed, And the tent of the upright flourisheth.
Nyumba ya waovu itaangamizwa, bali hema ya watu waaminifu itasitawi.
12 There is a way — right before a man, And its latter end [are] ways of death.
Kuna njia ambayo huonekana sawa kwa mtu, lakini mwisho wake huelekea mauti tu.
13 Even in laughter is the heart pained, And the latter end of joy [is] affliction.
Moyo unaweza kucheka lakini bado ukawa katika maumivu na furaha inaweza kukoma ikawa huzuni.
14 From his ways is the backslider in heart filled, And a good man — from his fruits.
Yule asiyemwaminifu atapata anachostahili kwa njia zake, bali mtu mwema atapata kilicho chake.
15 The simple giveth credence to everything, And the prudent attendeth to his step.
Yeye ambaye hakufundishwa huamini kila kitu, bali mtu mwenye hekima huzifikiria hatua zake.
16 The wise is fearing and turning from evil, And a fool is transgressing and is confident.
Mtu mwenye hekima huogopa na kutoka kwenye ubaya, bali mpumbavu huliacha onyo kwa ujasiri.
17 Whoso is short of temper doth folly, And a man of wicked devices is hated.
Yeye ambaye anakuwa na hasira kwa haraka hufanya mambo ya kipumbavu, na mtu anayefanya hila mbaya huchukiwa.
18 The simple have inherited folly, And the prudent are crowned [with] knowledge.
Wajinga hurithi upumbavu, lakini watu wenye hekima wamezingirwa kwa maarifa.
19 The evil have bowed down before the good, And the wicked at the gates of the righteous.
Hao ambao ni waovu watainama mbele yao walio wema na wale wenye uovu watasujudu kwenye malango ya wenye haki.
20 Even of his neighbour is the poor hated, And those loving the rich [are] many.
Mtu masikini huchukiwa hata na marafiki zake, bali watu matajiri wanamarafiki wengi.
21 Whoso is despising his neighbour sinneth, Whoso is favouring the humble, O his happiness.
Yeye ambaye huonyesha dharau kwa jirani yake anafanya dhambi, bali yule ambaye huonyesha fadhila kwa masikini anafuraha.
22 Do not they err who are devising evil? And kindness and truth [are] to those devising good,
Je wale wanaofanya njama mbaya hawapotei? Bali wale wenye mpango wa kutenda mema watapokea agano la uaminifu na udhamini
23 In all labour there is advantage, And a thing of the lips [is] only to want.
Katika kazi zote ngumu huja faida, bali palipo na maongezi tu, huelekea kwenye umasikini.
24 The crown of the wise is their wealth, The folly of fools [is] folly.
Taji ya watu wenye busara ni utajiri wao, bali upuuzi wa wapumbavu huwaletea upuu zaidi.
25 A true witness is delivering souls, And a deceitful one breatheth out lies.
Shahidi mkweli huokoa maisha, bali shahidi wa uongo hupumua uongo.
26 In the fear of Jehovah [is] strong confidence, And to His sons there is a refuge.
Mtu anapokuwa na hofu ya Yehova, pia anakuwa na matumaini zaidi ndani yake; vitu hivi vitakuwa kama sehemu imara ya ulinzi kwa watoto wa mtu huyu.
27 The fear of Jehovah [is] a fountain of life, To turn aside from snares of death.
Kumcha Yehova ni chemchemi ya uzima, ili kwamba mtu aweze kujiepusha kutoka katika mitego ya mauti.
28 In the multitude of a people [is] the honour of a king, And in lack of people the ruin of a prince.
Utukufu wa mfalme upo katika idadi kubwa ya watu wake, bali pasipo watu mfalme huangamia.
29 Whoso is slow to anger [is] of great understanding, And whoso is short in temper is exalting folly.
Mtu mvumilivu anaufahamu mkubwa, bali mtu mwepesi wa kuhamaki hukuza upuuzi.
30 A healed heart [is] life to the flesh, And rottenness to the bones [is] envy.
Moyo wenye raha ni uzima wa mwili, bali husuda huozesha mifupa.
31 An oppressor of the poor reproacheth his Maker, And whoso is honouring Him Is favouring the needy.
Anayemkandamiza masikini humlaani Muumba wake, bali anayeonyesha fadhila kwa wahitaji humtukuza yeye.
32 In his wickedness is the wicked driven away, And trustful in his death [is] the righteous.
Mtu mwovu huangushwa chini kwa matendo yake mabaya, bali mtu mwenye haki anakimbilio hata katika kifo.
33 In the heart of the intelligent wisdom doth rest. And in the midst of fools it is known.
Hekima hukaa katika moyo wa ufahamu, bali hata miongoni mwa wapumbavu hujiachilia mwenyewe kwa kujulikana
34 Righteousness exalteth a nation, And the goodliness of peoples [is] a sin-offering.
Kutenda haki huliinua taifa, bali dhambi ni chukizo kwa watu wowote.
35 The favour of a king [is] to a wise servant, And an object of his wrath is one causing shame!
Fadhila ya mfalme ni kwa mtumishi mwenye kutenda kwa hekima, bali hasira yake ni kwa yule atendaye kwa kuaibisha.