< Obadiah 1 >
1 Thus said the Lord Jehovah to Edom, A report we have heard from Jehovah, And an ambassador among nations was sent, 'Rise, yea, let us rise against her for battle.'
Utvara Avdijeva. Ovako veli Gospod Gospod za Edomsku: èusmo glas od Gospoda, i glasnik bi poslan k narodima: ustajte, da ustanemo na nju u boj.
2 Lo, little I have made thee among nations, Despised [art] thou exceedingly.
Gle, uèiniæu te malijem meðu narodima, biæeš vrlo prezren.
3 The pride of thy heart hath lifted thee up, O dweller in clifts of a rock, (A high place [is] his habitation, He is saying in his heart, 'Who doth bring me down [to] earth?')
Ponos srca tvojega prevari te, tebe, koji živiš u rasjelinama kamenijem, u visokom stanu svom, i govoriš u srcu svom: ko æe me oboriti na zemlju?
4 If thou dost go up high as an eagle, And if between stars thou dost set thy nest, From thence I bring thee down, An affirmation of Jehovah.
Da podigneš visoko kao orao i meðu zvijezde da metneš gnijezdo svoje, odande æu te oboriti, govori Gospod.
5 If thieves have come in to thee, If spoilers of the night, How hast thou been cut off! Do they not steal their sufficiency? If gatherers have come in to thee, Do they not leave gleanings?
Kako si oplijenjen? da su došli k tebi kradljivci ili lupeži noæu, ne bi li pokrali koliko im je dosta? da su došli k tebi beraèi vinogradski, ne bi li ostavili pabiraka?
6 How hath Esau been searched out! Flowed out have his hidden things,
Kako se pretraži Isav, kako se naðoše potaje njegove!
7 Unto the border sent thee have all thine allies, Forgotten thee, prevailed over thee, have thy friends, Thy bread they make a snare under thee, There is no understanding in him!
Do granice te odvedoše svi koji bijahu s tobom u vjeri, prevariše te i nadvladaše te koji bijahu u miru s tobom; koji jedu hljeb tvoj podmetnuše ti zamku, da se ne opazi.
8 Is it not in that day — an affirmation of Jehovah, That I have destroyed the wise out of Edom, And understanding out of the mount of Esau?
U onaj dan, govori Gospod, neæu li pogubiti mudre u zemlji Edomskoj i razumne u gori Isavovoj?
9 And broken down have been thy mighty ones, O Teman, So that every one of the mount of Esau is cut off.
I tvoji æe se junaci uplašiti, Temane, da se istrijebe pokoljem svi iz gore Isavove.
10 For slaughter, for violence [to] thy brother Jacob, Cover thee doth shame, And thou hast been cut off — to the age.
Za nasilje uèinjeno bratu tvojemu Jakovu pokriæe te stid i istrijebiæeš se zasvagda.
11 In the day of thy standing over-against, In the day of strangers taking captive his force, And foreigners have entered his gates, And for Jerusalem have cast a lot, Even thou [art] as one of them!
Onaj dan, kad ti stajaše nasuprot; onaj dan, kad inostranci odvoðahu u ropstvo vojsku njegovu, i tuðinci ulažahu na vrata njegova i bacahu ždrijeb za Jerusalim, bješe i ti kao koji od njih.
12 And — thou dost not look on the day of thy brother, On the day of his alienation, Nor dost thou rejoice over sons of Judah, In the day of their destruction, Nor make great thy mouth in a day of distress.
Ali ti ne trebaše gledati dana brata svojega, dana, kad se odvoðaše u tuðu zemlju, niti se radovati sinovima Judinijem u dan kad propadahu, niti razvaljivati usta u dan nevolje njihove.
13 Nor come into a gate of My people in a day of their calamity, Nor look, even thou, on its misfortune in a day of its calamity, Nor send forth against its force in a day of its calamity,
Ne trebaše ti uæi na vrata naroda mojega u dan pogibli njihove, ne trebaše da i ti gledaš zlo njihovo u dan pogibli njihove ni da se mašaš dobra njihova u dan pogibli njihove.
14 Nor stand by the breach to cut off its escaped, Nor deliver up its remnant in a day of distress.
Niti trebaše da staneš na rasputicu da ubijaš bježan njihovu, niti da izdaješ onijeh koji ostaše u dan nevolje.
15 For near [is] the day of Jehovah, on all the nations, As thou hast done, it is done to thee, Thy deed doth turn back on thine own head.
Jer je dan Gospodnji blizu svijem narodima; kako si èinio, tako æe ti biti, plata æe ti se vratiti na glavu tvoju.
16 For — as ye have drunk on My holy mount, Drink do all the nations continually, And they have drunk and have swallowed, And they have been as they have not been.
Jer kao što ste vi pili na svetoj gori mojoj, tako æe piti svi narodi vazda, piæe, i ždrijeæe, i biæe kao da ih nije bilo.
17 And in mount Zion there is an escape, And it hath been holy, And the house of Jacob have possessed their possessions.
A na gori æe Sionu biti spasenje, i biæe sveta, i dom æe Jakovljev naslijediti našljedstvo svoje.
18 And the house of Jacob hath been a fire, And the house of Joseph a flame, And the house of Esau for stubble, And they have burned among them, And they have consumed them, And there is not a remnant to the house of Esau, For Jehovah hath spoken.
I dom æe Jakovljev biti oganj i dom Josifov plamen, a dom Isavov strnjika; i razgorjeæe se na njih, i spaliæe ih; i neæe biti ostatka domu Isavovu, jer Gospod reèe.
19 And they have possessed the south with the mount of Esau, And the low country with the Philistines, And they have possessed the field of Ephraim, And the field of Samaria, And Benjamin with Gilead.
I naslijediæe jug, goru Isavovu, i ravnicu, Filisteje; i naslijediæe polje Jefremovo i polje Samarijsko i Venijaminovo i Galad;
20 And the removed of this force of the sons of Israel, That [is with] the Canaanites unto Zarephat, And the removed of Jerusalem that [is] with the Sepharad, Possess the cities of the south.
I zarobljena vojska sinova Izrailjevijeh naslijediæe što je bilo Hananejsko do Sarepte; a roblje Jerusalimsko, što je u Sefaradu, naslijediæe južne gradove.
21 And gone up have saviours on mount Zion, To judge the mount of Esau, And the kingdom hath been to Jehovah!'
I izbavitelji æe izaæi na goru Sion da sude gori Isavovoj, i carstvo æe biti Gospodnje.