< Nehemiah 4 >

1 And it cometh to pass, when Sanballat hath heard that we are building the wall, that it is displeasing to him, and he is very angry and mocketh at the Jews,
Da Sanballat ya ji cewa muna sāke ginin katangar, sai ya husata, ya haukace ƙwarai. Ya yi wa Yahudawa dariya,
2 and saith before his brethren and the force of Samaria, yea, he saith, 'What [are] the weak Jews doing? are they left to themselves? do they sacrifice? do they complete in a day? do they revive the stones out of the heaps of the rubbish? — and they burnt!'
a gaban abokansa da kuma sojojin Samariya ya ce, “Me waɗancan Yahudawan nan marasa ƙarfi suke yi? Za su maido da katangarsu ne? Za su miƙa hadayu ne? Za su gama a rana ɗaya? Za su iya samun duwatsun gini daga tsibin matattun duwatsu?”
3 And Tobiah the Ammonite [is] by him and saith, 'Also, that which they are building — if a fox doth go up, then it hath broken down their stone wall.'
Tobiya wakilin mutanen Ammon wanda yake a gefensa ya ce, “Abin nan da suke gini, ko dila ma ya hau, zai rushe shi!”
4 Hear, O our God, for we have been despised; and turn back their reproach on their own head, and give them for a spoil in a land of captivity;
Ka ji mu, ya Allahnmu, gama an rena mu. Bari zagin da suke yi mana yă koma kansu. Ka sa a kwashe su a kai su bauta a wata ƙasa.
5 and do not cover over their iniquity, and their sin from before Thee let not be blotted out, for they have provoked to anger — over-against those building.
Kada ka rufe laifinsu, kada kuwa ka gafarta musu, gama sun ci mutuncinmu, mu da muke gini.
6 And we build the wall, and all the wall is joined — unto its half, and the people have a heart to work.
Sai muka sāke ginin katangar sai da duka ta kai rabin tsayinta, gama mutane sun yi aiki da dukan ƙarfinsu.
7 And it cometh to pass, when Sanballat hath heard, and Tobiah, and the Arabians, and the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites, that lengthening hath gone up to the walls of Jerusalem, that the breeches have begun to be stopped, then it is very displeasing to them,
Amma da Sanballat, da Tobiya, da Larabawa, da Ammonawa, da kuma mutanen Ashdod suka ji cewa gyare-gyaren katangar Urushalima yana cin gaba, ana kuma tattoshe wuraren da suka tsattsaga, sai suka husata ƙwarai.
8 and they conspire, all of them together, to come in to fight against Jerusalem, and to do to it injury.
Dukansu suka ƙulla su zo, su yi yaƙi da Urushalima, su tā da hankali a cikinta.
9 And we pray unto our God, and appoint a watch against them, by day and by night, because of them.
Amma muka yi addu’a ga Allahnmu muka kuma sa masu tsaro da rana da kuma dare don mu magance wannan barazana.
10 And Judah saith, 'The power of the burden-bearers hath become feeble, and the rubbish [is] abundant, and we are not able to build on the wall.'
Ana cikin haka, mutane a Yahuda suka ce, “Ƙarfin ma’aikata yana kāsawa, akwai kuma sauran tarkace da yawa da ba za mu iya sāke gina katangar ba.”
11 And our adversaries say, 'They do not know, nor see, till that we come in to their midst, and have slain them, and caused the work to cease.'
Abokan gābanmu sun ce, “Ba za su sani ba, ba kuwa za su gan mu ba, sai dai kawai su gan mu a cikinsu, za mu karkashe su, mu tsai da aikin.”
12 And it cometh to pass, when the Jews have come who are dwelling near them, that they say to us ten times from all the places whither ye return — [they are] against us.
Sau da yawa Yahudawan da suke da zama kusa da abokan gābanmu sun yi ta zuwa suna yin mana magana, suna cewa “Ko’ina muka juya, za su fāɗa mana.”
13 And I appoint at the lowest of the places, at the back of the wall, in the clear places, yea, I appoint the people, by their families, with their swords, their spears, and their bows.
Saboda haka na sa jama’a su ja ɗamara bisa ga iyalinsu a bayan katanga, a wuraren da ba a gina ba. Suna riƙe da takuba, da māsu, da bakkuna.
14 And I see, and rise up, and say unto the freemen, and unto the prefects, and unto the rest of the people, 'Be not afraid of them; the Lord, the great and the fearful, remember ye, and fight for your brethren, your sons, and your daughters, your wives, and your houses.'
Bayan na dudduba abubuwa, sai na miƙe tsaye na ce wa manyan gari da shugabanni da kuma sauran jama’a, “Kada ku ji tsoronsu. Ku tuna da Ubangiji, wanda yake mai girma da banrazana, ku yi yaƙi don’yan’uwanku, da’ya’yanku maza da mata, da matanku da kuma gidajenku.”
15 And it cometh to pass, when our enemies have heard that it hath been known to us, and God doth frustrate their counsel, and we turn back, all of us, unto the wall, each unto his work;
Da abokan gābanmu suka ji muna sane da shirinsu, Allah kuma ya wargaje shirin nan, sai duk muka dawo ga katangar, kowa ya kama aikinsa.
16 yea, it cometh to pass, from that day, half of my servants are working in the business, and half of them are keeping hold of both the spears, the shields, and the bows, and the coats of mail; and the heads [are] behind all the house of Judah.
Daga wannan rana zuwa gaba, rabin mutane suka yi aiki, yayinda sauran rabin suka kintsa da māsu, da garkuwa, da bakkuna da makamai. Shugabanni suka goyi bayan dukan mutanen Yahuda
17 The builders on the wall, and the bearers of the burden, those lading, [each] with one of his hands is working in the business, and one is laying hold of the missile.
waɗanda suke ginin katanga. Waɗanda suke ɗaukan kaya suka yi aikinsu da hannu ɗaya, suna kuma riƙe da makami a ɗaya hannun,
18 And the builders [are] each with his sword, girded on his loins, and building, and he who is blowing with a trumpet [is] beside me.
kuma kowane mai gini ya ɗaura takobinsa a gefe yayinda yake aiki. Amma mutum mai busa ƙaho ya kasance tare da ni.
19 And I say unto the freemen, and unto the prefects, and unto the rest of the people, 'The work is abundant, and large, and we are separated on the wall, far off one from another;
Sai na ce wa manyan gari, da shugabanni, da sauran jama’a, “Aikin nan babba ne kuma mai yawa, ga shi muna a rarrabe nesa da juna a katangar.
20 in the place that ye hear the voice of the trumpet thither ye are gathered unto us; our God doth fight for us.'
Duk inda kuka ji an busa ƙaho, sai ku taru a wurin. Allahnmu zai yi yaƙi dominmu!”
21 And we are working in the business, and half of them are keeping hold of the spears, from the going up of the dawn till the coming forth of the stars.
Saboda haka muka ci gaba da aiki, rabin mutane suna riƙe da māsu, daga wayewar gari har zuwa fitowar taurari.
22 Also, at that time I said to the people, 'Let each with his servant lodge in the midst of Jerusalem, and they have been to us by night a guard, and by day [for] the work:'
A wannan lokaci na kuma ce wa mutane, “A sa kowane mutum da mataimakinsa su zauna a Urushalima da dare, domin a yi tsaro da dare, da safe kuma a kama aiki.”
23 and there are none — I and my brethren and my servants, the men of the guard who [are] after me — there are none of us putting off our garments, each [hath] his vessel of water.
Saboda haka ni, da’yan’uwana, da bayina, da matsaran da suke tare da ni, ba wanda ya tuɓe tufafinsa; kowa ya rataye makaminsa, ko ya je shan ruwa ma.

< Nehemiah 4 >