< Luke 15 >

1 And all the tax-gatherers and the sinners were coming nigh to him, to hear him,
Ligono limonga vatola kodi na vevambudila Chapanga vamahele vahambili kumuyuwanila Yesu.
2 and the Pharisees and the scribes were murmuring, saying — This one doth receive sinners, and doth eat with them.'
Vafalisayu na vawula va malagizu ga Chapanga geampeli Musa vakatumbula kung'ung'uta, “Mumlola mundu mwenuyu, akuvakemela vandu vevambudila Chapanga na kavili ilya nawu!”
3 And he spake unto them this simile, saying,
Yesu akavajovela luhumu ulu,
4 'What man of you having a hundred sheep, and having lost one out of them, doth not leave behind the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go on after the lost one, till he may find it?
“Ngati mmonga winu avi na mambelele, miya yimonga na akamanya kuvya mmonga pagati yavi ayagili, yati ikita kyani? Yati akugaleka mambelele tisini na tisa gala kulugangatu na kuhamba kulonda yila yeyiyagili mbaka ampatayi.
5 and having found, he doth lay [it] on his shoulders rejoicing,
Ngati amuwona yati akuyigega mumavega kwa luheku.
6 and having come to the house, he doth call together the friends and the neighbours, saying to them, Rejoice with me, because I found my sheep — the lost one.
Peihika panyumba, Yati akuvakemela vamukozi vaki na veitama nawu papipi na kuvajovela, ‘Tivyai na luheku pamonga na nene ndava niliweni limbelele langu lelayagili.’
7 'I say to you, that so joy shall be in the heaven over one sinner reforming, rather than over ninety-nine righteous men, who have no need of reformation.
Mewawa nikuvajovela, yati kwivya na luheku kunani kwa Chapanga, mundu mmonga mweakumbudila Chapanga, paileka kubuda, kuliku vandu tisini na tisa vabwina na viganikwa lepi kumuwuyila Chapanga.”
8 'Or what woman having ten drachms, if she may lose one drachm, doth not light a lamp, and sweep the house, and seek carefully till that she may find?
“Amala mdala yoki mweavi na mashonga kumi, limonga likamyaga, yati ikita wuli? Nakupambika hahi, na kutyanyila nyumba na kuilonda neju mbaka ayilola?
9 and having found, she doth call together the female friends and the neighbours, saying, Rejoice with me, for I found the drachm that I lost.
Akamala kuipata, akuvakemela vankozi vaki na veitama nawu papipi na kuvajovela, ‘Mvya na luheku pamonga na nene muni nilipatili lishonga langu lelayagili!’
10 'So I say to you, joy doth come before the messengers of God over one sinner reforming.'
Mewawa nikuvajovela, ndi chavivya na luheku vamitumu va kunani kwa Chapanga, ndava ya mundu mmonga mweambudili Chapanga, paileka kubudila Chapanga.”
11 And he said, 'A certain man had two sons,
Yesu akayendelela kujova. Kwavili na mundu mmonga mweavi na vana vasongolo vavili.
12 and the younger of them said to the father, Father, give me the portion of the substance falling to [me], and he divided to them the living.
Mdebe yula akamjovela dadi waki, Dadi, nipelayi uhali wa vindu vyeviganikiwa kupewa, Dadi waki akavagavanisila vindu vyaki.
13 'And not many days after, having gathered all together, the younger son went abroad to a far country, and there he scattered his substance, living riotously;
Gapitili lepi Magono gamahele, mwana mdebe yula akagulisa vindu vyaki vyoha, na kuwuka na mashonga geapewili, akahamba kumulima wa kutali, kwenuko akazipomondana kwa mambu ga ukemi mashonga gala.
14 and he having spent all, there came a mighty famine on that country, and himself began to be in want;
Peamalili kila chindu cheavili nachu, ndi yikahumila njala yivaha pamulima wenuwo na mwene akatumbula kung'ahika.
15 and having gone on, he joined himself to one of the citizens of that country, and he sent him to the fields to feed swine,
Akahamba kwa mkolonjinji mmonga, wa mulima wenuwo na kuyupa lihengu, mwene akampela lihengu la kudima maguluvi kumgunda waki.
16 and he was desirous to fill his belly from the husks that the swine were eating, and no one was giving to him.
Anogili kulya chakulya cha maguluvi gala, nambu kawaka mundu mweampeli chindu cha kulya.
17 'And having come to himself, he said, How many hirelings of my father have a superabundance of bread, and I here with hunger am perishing!
Mumbele luhala lwamuyili akajova mumtima waki. Kuvi na vana lihengu, valinga kwa Dadi wangu, vevilya na kusigalisa chakulya na nene nifwa penapa na njala!
18 having risen, I will go on unto my father, and will say to him, Father, I did sin — to the heaven, and before thee,
Yati niwuya kwa dadi wangu na kumjovela, Dadi, nimbudili Chapanga na nikubudili veve mewa.
19 and no more am I worthy to be called thy son; make me as one of thy hirelings.
Niganikiwa lepi kavili kukemelewa, mwana waku, unikita ngati mmonga wa vana lihengu vaku.
20 'And having risen, he went unto his own father, and he being yet far distant, his father saw him, and was moved with compassion, and having ran he fell upon his neck and kissed him;
Ndi akatumbula lugendu kuwuya kwa dadi waki. “Mwene peavili cha kutali, dadi waki amuweni, kwa mtima wa lipyana amjumbalili na kumjambusa cha uganu.
21 and the son said to him, Father, I did sin — to the heaven, and before thee, and no more am I worthy to be called thy son.
Mwana yula akamjovela, ‘Dadi, nimbudili Chapanga, na nikubudili veve mewa. Nene niganikiwa lepi kavili kukemelewa mwana waku.’
22 'And the father said unto his servants, Bring forth the first robe, and clothe him, and give a ring for his hand, and sandals for the feet;
Nambu dadi waki akavajovela vanalihengu vaki, ‘Kanyata!’ Muleta nyula yabwina mumuwalika. Mumuwalika na pete pamonga na champali!
23 and having brought the fatted calf, kill [it], and having eaten, we may be merry,
Mukatola mpapakasi wa mweakulupi mukahinja, tilyayi na kuselebuka!
24 because this my son was dead, and did live again, and he was lost, and was found; and they began to be merry.
Ndava muni mwana vangu uyu kwa nene avi ngati afwili, nambu hinu akona mumi, ayagili hinu awonikini. Vakatumbula kuselebuka.”
25 'And his elder son was in a field, and as, coming, he drew nigh to the house, he heard music and dancing,
“Lukumbi lwenulo muhaja waki avi akona kumgunda. Ndi peawuyayi kuhegelela panyumba, akayuwana vilulu na vandu vikina ng'oma.
26 and having called near one of the young men, he was inquiring what these things might be,
Akamkemela mmonga wa mtumisi kumkota, ‘Chivii kyani kwenuko?’
27 and he said to him — Thy brother is arrived, and thy father did kill the fatted calf, because in health he did receive him back.
Mtumisi yula akayangula, ‘Mlongo waku awuyili kunyumba, na dadi waku amuhinjili mpapakasi mweakulupili, muni ampatili akona mumi.’”
28 'And he was angry, and would not go in, therefore his father, having come forth, was entreating him;
“Nambu mvaha yula akavya na ligoga na kubela kuyingila mugati. Ndi dadi waki akahuma kuvala na kumuyupa neju ayingila mugati.
29 and he answering said to the father, Lo, so many years I do serve thee, and never thy command did I transgress, and to me thou didst never give a kid, that with my friends I might make merry;
Nambu mwene akamyangula dadi waki, ‘Lola, Nikuhengili mahengu Miyaka yoha iyi ngati mvanda changabela malagizu gaku hati padebe. Unipeli kyani? Unipeli lepi hati kamene kadebe na nene nganiselebwiki na vankozi vangu.
30 but when thy son — this one who did devour thy living with harlots — came, thou didst kill to him the fatted calf.
Nambu mwana waku uyu mwepomondini mashonga gaku pamonga na vakemi, peabweli umuhinji mpapakasi mweakulupili!’
31 'And he said to him, Child, thou art always with me, and all my things are thine;
Dadi waki akamyangula, ‘Mwana vangu, veve uvi pamonga na nene magono goha na vindu vyoha vyenivi navyu vyaku.
32 but to be merry, and to be glad, it was needful, because this thy brother was dead, and did live again, he was lost, and was found.'
Nambu yatiganili kukita mselebuko na luheku ndava mlongo waku mweavi ngati afwili, hinu akona mumi, mweayagili nambu hinu awonikini.’”

< Luke 15 >