< Leviticus 13 >

1 And Jehovah speaketh unto Moses, and unto Aaron, saying,
Markaasaa Rabbigu la hadlay Muuse iyo Haaruun oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
2 'When a man hath in the skin of his flesh a rising, or scab, or bright spot, and it hath become in the skin of his flesh a leprous plague, then he hath been brought in unto Aaron the priest, or unto one of his sons the priests;
Haddii qof jidhkiisa lagu arko barar, ama qolof, ama bar dhalaalaysa, oo ay jidhkiisa ku noqoto cudurkii baraska, markaas waa in loo keenaa wadaadka Haaruun ah, amase wiilashiisa wadaaddada ah midkood,
3 and the priest hath seen the plague in the skin of the flesh, and the hair in the plague hath turned white, and the appearance of the plague [is] deeper than the skin of his flesh — it [is] a plague of leprosy, and the priest hath seen him, and hath pronounced him unclean.
oo wadaadku waa inuu fiiriyaa cudurka jidhka ku yaal, oo haddii meesha cudurka leh timaheedu ay caddaadeen, oo cudurka muuqashadiisu ay dubka sare hoos u sii dhaafsiisan tahay, markaas waa cudurkii baraska, oo wadaadku waa inuu fiiriyaa oo yidhaahdaa, Ninkanu waa nijaasaysan yahay.
4 'And if the bright spot is white in the skin of his flesh, and its appearance is not deeper than the skin, and its hair hath not turned white, then hath the priest shut up [him who hath] the plague seven days.
Laakiinse haddii barta dhalaalaysaa ay jidhka sare ka cad dahay, oo muuqashadeeduna ayan dubka sare hoos u sii dhaafsiisnayn, oo meeshaas timaheeduna ayan caddaan, markaas waa in wadaadku qofkaas cudurka qaba karantiilaa intii toddoba maalmood ah.
5 'And the priest hath seen him on the seventh day, and lo, the plague hath stood in his eyes, the plague hath not spread in the skin, and the priest hath shut him up a second seven days.
Oo haddana wadaadku maalinta toddobaad waa inuu isaga fiiriyaa, oo bal eeg, hadduu indhihiisa ku arko in cudurku joogsaday oo uusan dubka sare ku sii faafin, markaas waa in wadaadku qofkaas sii karantiilaa toddoba maalmood oo kale.
6 'And the priest hath seen him on the second seventh day, and lo, the plague is become weak, and the plague hath not spread in the skin — and the priest hath pronounced him clean, it [is] a scab, and he hath washed his garments, and hath been clean.
Oo haddana maalinta toddobaad waa in wadaadku fiiriyaa, oo bal eeg, haddii cudurkii yaraaday oo uusan dubka sare ku sii faafin, markaas wadaadku ha yidhaahdo, Ninkanu waa daahir, oo meeshu waa qolof keliya, oo isna dharkiisa ha maydho oo daahir ha ahaado.
7 'And if the scab spread greatly in the skin, after his being seen by the priest for his cleansing, then he hath been seen a second time by the priest;
Laakiinse qoloftu hadday jidhka ku sii faafto markii u daahirintiisa aawadeed wadaadka isu tuso dabadeed, waa inuu wadaadka mar kale istusaa.
8 and the priest hath seen, and lo, the scab hath spread in the skin, and the priest hath pronounced him unclean; it [is] leprosy.
Oo wadaadku waa inuu fiiriyaa, oo bal eeg, haddii qoloftu ay jidhka ku faafto, markaas wadaadku waa inuu yidhaahdaa, Ninkanu waa nijaasaysan yahay, waayo, kaasu waa baras.
9 'When a plague of leprosy is in a man, then he hath been brought in unto the priest,
Oo haddii nin cudurka baraska qabo waa in wadaadka loo keenaa,
10 and the priest hath seen, and lo, a white rising in the skin, and it hath turned the hair white, and a quickening of raw flesh [is] in the rising, —
oo wadaadku waa inuu fiiriyaa, oo bal eeg, haddii dubka sare barar cadu ku yaal, oo meeshaas timaheeduna ay caddaadeen, oo bararkana haddii boog xun ku dhex taal,
11 an old leprosy it [is] in the skin of his flesh, and the priest hath pronounced him unclean; he doth not shut him up, for he [is] unclean.
kaasu waa baras gaboobay oo dubka jidhka ku dhex jira, oo wadaadku kaas waa inuu yidhaahdaa, Ninkanu waa nijaasaysan yahay, oo isaga waa inuusan karantiilin, waayo, isagu waa nijaas.
12 'And if the leprosy break out greatly in the skin, and the leprosy hath covered all the skin of [him who hath] the plague, from his head even unto his feet, to all that appeareth to the eyes of the priest,
Oo haddii barasku dubka ku faafo, oo uu barasku kan cudurka qaba dubkiisa oo dhan qariyo tan iyo madaxiisa iyo ilaa cagihiisa, in alla intii wadaadka u muuqata,
13 then hath the priest seen, and lo, the leprosy hath covered all his flesh, and he hath pronounced [him who hath] the plague clean; it hath all turned white; he [is] clean.
markaas wadaadku waa inuu qofkaas fiiriyaa, oo bal eeg, haddii barasku jidhkiisa oo dhan ku faafay, markaas isagu kan cudurka qaba waa inuu ku yidhaahdaa, Ninkanu waa daahir, waayo, isagu wuu wada caddaaday oo waa daahir.
14 'And in the day of raw flesh being seen in him he is unclean;
Laakiinse mar alla markii boog xumu isaga ka muuqdo, waa inuu nijaas ahaadaa.
15 and the priest hath seen the raw flesh, and hath pronounced him unclean; the raw flesh is unclean, it [is] leprosy.
Oo wadaadku waa inuu boogtii xumayd fiiriyaa oo waa inuu yidhaahdaa, Ninkanu waa nijaasaysan yahay, waayo, boogta xumu waa nijaas oo waa baras.
16 Or when the raw flesh turneth back, and hath been turned to white, then he hath come in unto the priest,
Oo boogta xumu hadday mar kale beddelanto oo caddaato, markaas isagu waa inuu wadaadka u yimaadaa,
17 and the priest hath seen him, and lo, the plague hath been turned to white, and the priest hath pronounced clean [him who hath] the plague; he [is] clean.
oo wadaadkuna waa inuu fiiriyaa, oo bal eeg, haddii cudurkii caddaaday, markaas wadaadku kan cudurka qabi jiray ha ku yidhaahdo, Waa daahir, isagu waa daahir.
18 'And when flesh hath in it, in its skin, an ulcer, and it hath been healed,
Oo haddii jidhku kasoobax ku leeyahay dubka sare oo uu bogsaday,
19 and there hath been in the place of the ulcer a white rising, or a bright white spot, very red, then it hath been seen by the priest,
oo kasoobaxa meeshuu ku yaal haddii lagu arko barar cad ama bar dhalaalaysa oo ah guduud caddaan ku jiro, markaas waa in wadaadka la tusaa.
20 and the priest hath seen, and lo, its appearance [is] lower than the skin, and its hair hath turned white, and the priest hath pronounced him unclean; it [is] a plague of leprosy — in an ulcer it hath broken out.
Oo wadaadku waa inuu fiiriyaa, oo bal eeg, haddii muuqashadeedu hoos u sii dhaafsiisan tahay dubka sare oo meeshaas timaheeduna ay caddaadeen, markaas wadaadku waa inuu yidhaahdaa, Ninkanu waa nijaasaysan yahay, waayo, taasu waa cudurkii baraska oo soo baxay.
21 'And if the priest see it, and lo, there is no white hair in it, and it is not lower than the skin, and is become weak, then hath the priest shut him up seven days;
Laakiinse haddii wadaadku fiiriyo, oo meeshaas timo cad laga waayo, oo nabarkuna uusan dubka sare hoos u sii dhaafsiisnayn, illowse uu sii yaraaday, markaas waa in wadaadku karantiilaa intii toddoba maalmood ah,
22 and if it spread greatly in the skin, then hath the priest pronounced him unclean, it [is] a plague;
oo haddii cudurku dubka sare ku sii faafo, markaas wadaadku ha yidhaahdo, Ninkanu waa nijaasaysan yahay, waayo, kaasu waa cudur.
23 and if in its place the bright spot stay — it hath not spread — it [is] an inflammation of the ulcer; and the priest hath pronounced him clean.
Laakiinse bartii dhalaalaysay hadday meesheedii ku joogsatay oo ayan sii faafin, markaas waa astaantii kasoobaxii ka hadhay, oo wadaadku waa inuu yidhaahdaa, Ninkanu waa daahir.
24 'Or when flesh hath in its skin a fiery burning, and the quickening of the burning, the bright white spot, hath been very red or white,
Amase haddii dubka jidhku dab ku gubto oo jidhkii gubtay uu noqdo bar dhalaalaysa oo ah guduud caddaan ku jiro, amase caddaan,
25 and the priest hath seen it, and lo, the hair hath turned white in the bright spot, and its appearance [is] deeper than the skin; leprosy it [is], in the burning it hath broken out, and the priest hath pronounced him unclean; it [is] a plague of leprosy.
markaas wadaadku waa inuu meeshaas fiiriyaa, oo bal eeg, barta dhalaalaysa timaheedu hadday caddaadeen oo nabarka muuqashadiisuna ay dubka sare hoos u sii dhaafsiisan tahay, waa baras kaasu, oo wuxuu ka soo dhex baxay meeshii gubatay, oo wadaadku waa inuu yidhaahdaa, Ninkanu waa nijaasaysan yahay, waayo, kaasu waa cudurkii baraska.
26 'And if the priest see it, and lo, there is no white hair on the bright spot, and it is not lower than the skin, and it is become weak, then the priest hath shut him up seven days;
Laakiinse haddii wadaadku fiiriyo, oo barta dhalaalaysa laga waayo timo cad, oo nabarkuna uusan dubka sare hoos u sii dhaafsiisnayn laakiinse uu yaraaday, markaas wadaadku waa inuu qofkaas karantiilaa intii toddoba maalmood ah.
27 and the priest hath seen him on the seventh day, if it spread greatly in the skin, then the priest hath pronounced him unclean; a plague of leprosy it [is].
Oo maalinta toddobaad waa in wadaadku qofkaas fiiriyaa, oo haddii nabarku dubka sare ku faafay, markaas wadaadku waa inuu yidhaahdaa, Ninkanu waa nijaasaysan yahay, waayo, kaasu waa cudurkii baraska.
28 'And if the bright spot stay in its place, it hath not spread in the skin, and is become weak; a rising of the burning it [is], and the priest hath pronounced him clean; for it [is] inflammation of the burning.
Laakiinse bartii dhalaalaysay hadday meesheedii ku joogsatay, oo ayan dubka sare ku sii faafin, illowse ay yaraatay, markaas waa bararkii meeshii gubatay, oo wadaadku waa inuu yidhaahdaa, Ninkanu waa daahir, waayo, taasu waa astaantii gubashada.
29 'And when a man (or a woman) hath in him a plague in the head or in the beard,
Haddii nin ama naagu ay cudur ku yeeshaan madaxa amase gadhka,
30 then hath the priest seen the plague, and lo, its appearance is deeper than the skin, and in it a thin shining hair, and the priest hath pronounced him unclean; it [is] a scall — it [is] a leprosy of the head or of the beard.
markaas wadaadku waa inuu cudurka fiiriyaa, oo bal eeg, haddii cudurka muuqashadiisu ay dubka sare hoos u sii dhaafsiisan tahay, oo meeshaasna ay ku yaalliin timo casuur ah oo khafiif ah, markaas wadaadku waa inuu yidhaahdaa, Ninkanu waa nijaasaysan yahay, waayo, taasu waa cambaar oo waa baraskii madaxa iyo gadhka.
31 'And when the priest seeth the plague of the scall, and lo, its appearance is not deeper than the skin, and there is no black hair in it, then hath the priest shut up [him who hath] the plague of the scall seven days.
Oo wadaadku hadduu fiiriyo cudurka cambaarta ah, oo bal eeg, haddii muuqashadeedu ayan dubka sare hoos u sii dhaafsiisnayn, oo aan timo madoobu meeshaas ku oollin, markaas wadaadku waa inuu karantiilaa kan cudurka cambaarta ah qaba intii toddoba maalmood ah.
32 'And the priest hath seen the plague on the seventh day, and lo, the scall hath not spread, and a shining hair hath not been in it, and the appearance of the scall is not deeper than the skin,
Oo maalinta toddobaad wadaadku waa inuu cudurka fiiriyaa, oo bal eeg, haddii cambaartii ayan sii faafin, oo aan lagu arag timo casuur ah, oo cambaarta muuqashadeedu ayan dubka sare ka sii dhaafsiisnayn,
33 then he hath shaved himself, but the scall he doth not shave; and the priest hath shut up [him who hath] the scall a second seven days.
markaas isagu waa inuu xiirto, laakiinse meesha cambaarta leh yuusan xiirin, oo wadaadku waa inuu qofkaas karantiilaa toddoba maalmood oo kale.
34 And the priest hath seen the scall on the seventh day, and lo, the scall hath not spread in the skin, and its appearance is not deeper than the skin, and the priest hath pronounced him clean, and he hath washed his garments, and hath been clean.
Oo haddana maalinta toddobaad wadaadku waa inuu cambaartii fiiriyaa, oo bal eeg, cambaartu haddii ayan dubka sare ku sii faafin, oo muuqashadeeduna ayan dubka sare hoos u sii dhaafsiisnayn, markaas wadaadku waa inuu yidhaahdaa, Ninkanu waa daahir, oo isna waa inuu dharkiisa maydhaa oo uu daahir ahaadaa.
35 'And if the scall spread greatly in the skin after his cleansing,
Laakiinse cambaartii haddii ay dubka sare ku sii faafto daahirintiisa dabadeed,
36 and the priest hath seen him, and lo, the scall hath spread in the skin, the priest seeketh not for the shining hair, he is unclean;
markaas wadaadku waa inuu fiiriyaa, oo bal eeg, haddii cambaartu ay dubka sare ku sii faaftay wadaadku yuusan sii doondoonin timo casuur ah, waayo, ninkanu waa nijaasaysan yahay.
37 and if in his eyes the scall hath stayed, and black hair hath sprung up in it, the scall hath been healed — he [is] clean — and the priest hath pronounced him clean.
Laakiinse cambaartu hadday indhihiisa la ahaato inay joogsatay oo timo madoobuna ay ka bexeen, markaas cambaartu waa bogsatay, oo ninkaasuna waa daahir, oo wadaadkuna waa inuu yidhaahdaa, Ninkanu waa daahir.
38 'And when a man or woman hath in the skin of their flesh bright spots, white bright spots,
Oo haddii nin ama naagu ay dubka jidhkooda ku yeeshaan baro dhaldhalaalaya, oo ah baro cadcad oo dhaldhalaalaya,
39 and the priest hath seen, and lo, in the skin of their flesh white weak bright spots, it [is] a freckled spot broken out in the skin; he [is] clean.
markaas wadaadku waa inuu fiiriyaa, oo bal eeg, haddii baraha dhaldhalaalaya oo dubka jidhkooda ku yaallaa ay yihiin caddaan khafiif ah, taasu waa xaajiin jidhka ka soo baxday, oo qofkaasu waa daahir.
40 'And when a man's head [is] polished, he [is] bald, he [is] clean;
Oo haddii nin madaxiisa ay timahu ka dhammaadaan, isagu wuxuu leeyahay bidaar, hase ahaatee waa daahir.
41 and if from the corner of his face his head is polished, he [is] bald of the forehead; he [is] clean.
Oo haddii timihiisu ay foodda hore ka dhammaadaanna, isagu foodda horuu bidaar ku leeyahay, hase ahaatee waa daahir.
42 'And when there is in the bald back of the head, or in the bald forehead, a very red white plague, it [is] a leprosy breaking out in the bald back of the head, or in the bald forehead;
Laakiinse madaxa bidaarta leh ama foodda bidaarta leh haddii lagu arko cudur guduudan oo caddaan ku jiro, markaas waa baras ka soo baxay madaxiisii bidaarta lahaa ama fooddiisii bidaarta lahayd.
43 and the priest hath seen him, and lo, the rising of the very red white plague in the bald back of the head, or in the bald forehead, [is] as the appearance of leprosy, in the skin of the flesh,
Markaas wadaadku waa inuu fiiriyaa, oo bal eeg, cudurka bararkiisu hadduu yahay mid guduudan oo caddaan ku jiro, oo ku yaal madaxiisa bidaarta leh, ama fooddiisa bidaarta leh, sidii ay tahay muuqashada baraska oo dubka jidhkiisa ku taal,
44 he [is] a leprous man, he [is] unclean; the priest doth pronounce him utterly unclean; his plague [is] in his head.
isagu waa nin baras qaba, oo waa nijaasaysan yahay, oo sida xaqiiqada ah wadaadku waa inuu yidhaahdaa, Ninkanu waa nijaasaysan yahay; oo cudur buu madaxa ka qabaa.
45 'As to the leper in whom [is] the plague, his garments are rent, and his head is uncovered, and he covereth over the upper lip, and 'Unclean! unclean!' he calleth;
Oo qofkii cudurka baraska qaba dharkiisu wax jeexjeexan ha ahaadeen, oo timaha madaxiisuna ha bannaanaadeen, oo bushintiisa sarena ha daboolo, oo ha ku qayliyo, Waan nijaasaysnahay, waan nijaasaysnahay!
46 all the days that the plague [is] in him he is unclean; he [is] unclean, alone he doth dwell, at the outside of the camp [is] his dwelling.
Oo in alla intuu cudurkaas qabo oo dhan isagu waa inuu nijaasaysnaadaa, waayo, isagu waa nijaasaysan yahay, oo waa inuu keligiis meel ku hoydaa, oo hoygiisuna waa inuu ahaadaa xerada dibaddeeda.
47 'And when there is in any garment a plague of leprosy, — in a garment of wool, or in a garment of linen,
Oo dharkii uu cudurka barasku ku yaal, hadduu yahay dhar dhogor idaad ah amase dhar wanaagsan oo linen ah,
48 or in the warp, or in the woof, of linen or of wool, or in a skin, or in any work of skin,
hadduu ku jiro dunta fidsan amase tan gudubsan ee dharka wanaagsan oo linenka ah, ama kan dhogorta idaad ah, iyo hadduu ku jiro haragga ama wax alla wixii harag laga sameeyo,
49 and the plague hath been very green or very red in the garment, or in the skin, or in the warp, or in the woof, or in any vessel of skin, it [is] a plague of leprosy, and it hath been shewn the priest.
haddii cudurku ka cagaaran yahay ama ka guduudan yahay dharka ama haragga ama dunta fidsan ama tan gudubsan ama waxa alla wixii harag laga sameeyo, kaasu waa cudurkii baraska oo waa in wadaadka la tusaa.
50 'And the priest hath seen the plague, and hath shut up [that which hath] the plague, seven days;
Oo wadaadkuna waa inuu fiiriyaa cudurkaas, oo waxaas cudurka qabana waa inuu meel ku xereeyaa intii toddoba maalmood ah.
51 and he hath seen the plague on the seventh day, and the plague hath spread in the garment, or in the warp, or in the woof, or in the skin, of all that is made of skin for work; the plague [is] a fretting leprosy, it [is] unclean.
Oo haddana maalinta toddobaad waa inuu cudurka fiiriyaa, oo haddii cudurku dharka kaga sii faafay dunta fidsan ama tan gudubsan, ama haragga dhexdiisa, haraggaas hawl kasta oo loogu isticmaalaba, markaas cudurku waa baras wax xaganaya oo waxaasu waa nijaasaysan yahay.
52 'And he hath burnt the garment, or the warp, or the woof, in wool or in linen, or any vessel of skin in which the plague is; for it [is] a fretting leprosy; with fire it is burnt.
Oo isna waa inuu gubaa dharkaas cudurku ku jiro, hadduu yahay dunta fidsan ama tan gudubsan oo ku jirta dharka dhogorta idaad ah ama kan wanaagsan oo linenka ah, ama wax kasta oo harag laga sameeyey, waayo, kaasu waa baras wax xaganaya, ee waa in dab lagu gubaa.
53 'And if the priest see, and lo, the plague hath not spread in the garment, or in the warp, or in the woof, or in any vessel of skin,
Oo haddii wadaadku fiiriyo, oo markaa cudurkii uusan dharka kaga sii faafin dunta fidsan ama tan gudubsan toona, ama wax harag laga sameeyey,
54 then hath the priest commanded, and they have washed that in which the plague [is], and he hath shut it up a second seven days.
markaas wadaadku waa inuu ku amraa in la maydhaa waxaas cudurka qaba, oo isagu haddana waa inuu waxaas meel ku xereeyaa intii toddoba maalmood oo kale ah.
55 And the priest hath seen [that which hath] the plague after it hath been washed, and lo, the plague hath not changed its aspect, and the plague hath not spread, — it [is] unclean; with fire thou dost burn it; it [is] a fretting in its back-part or in its front-part.
Oo wadaadku waa inuu fiiriyaa, markii cudurka laga maydho dabadeed, oo bal eeg, cudurka midabkiisu hadduusan beddelmin, iyo haddii cudurku uusan faafinba, waxaasu waa nijaas, oo waa inaad dab ku gubtaa, oo haddii meeshii xumayd kaga taal hoosta ama dushaba, taasu waa wax xaganaya.
56 'And if the priest hath seen, and lo, the plague [is] become weak after it hath been washed, then he hath rent it out of the garment, or out of the skin, or out of the warp, or out of the woof;
Oo haddii wadaadku fiiriyo, oo bal eeg, cudurku hadduu yaraaday markii la maydhay dabadeed, markaas isagu waa inuu intaas ka dillaaciyaa dharka ama haragga ama dunta fidsan ama tan gudubsan.
57 and if it still be seen in the garment, or in the warp, or in the woof, or in any vessel of skin, it [is] a fretting; with fire thou dost burn it — that in which the plague [is].
Oo haddii cudurkii weli dharkii kaga sii muuqdo dunta fidsan ama tan gudubsan ama wax kasta oo harag laga sameeyey markaas waa inaad dab ku gubtaa waxa cudurku ku yaal, maxaa yeelay, cudurku waa soo faafayaa.
58 'And the garment, or the warp, or the woof, or any vessel of skin which thou dost wash when the plague hath turned aside from them, then it hath been washed a second time, and hath been clean.
Oo dharkii ha ahaado dunta fidsan ama tan gudubsan ama wax alla wixii harag laga sameeyey oo aad maydho, haddii cudurku iyaga ka baxo, haddana waa in mar labaad la maydhaa, oo kolkaasay daahir ahaan doonaan.
59 'This [is] the law of a plague of leprosy [in] a garment of wool or of linen, or of the warp or of the woof, or of any vessel of skin, to pronounce it clean or to pronounce it unclean.'
Kanu waa sharciga ku saabsan cudurka baraska ahu markuu dharka dhogorta idaad ah ama dharka wanaagsan oo linenka ah kaga dhaco dunta fidsan ama tan gudubsan, ama waxa kasta oo harag laga sameeyo, in la yidhaahdo, Waxaasu waa daahir, ama in la yidhaahdo, Waa nijaas.

< Leviticus 13 >