< Lamentations 5 >
1 Remember, O Jehovah, what hath befallen us, Look attentively, and see our reproach.
耶和华啊,求你记念我们所遭遇的事, 观看我们所受的凌辱。
2 Our inheritance hath been turned to strangers, Our houses to foreigners.
我们的产业归与外邦人; 我们的房屋归与外路人。
3 Orphans we have been — without a father, our mothers [are] as widows.
我们是无父的孤儿; 我们的母亲好像寡妇。
4 Our water for money we have drunk, Our wood for a price doth come.
我们出钱才得水喝; 我们的柴是人卖给我们的。
5 For our neck we have been pursued, We have laboured — there hath been no rest for us.
追赶我们的,到了我们的颈项上; 我们疲乏不得歇息。
6 [To] Egypt we have given a hand, [To] Asshur, to be satisfied with bread.
我们投降埃及人和亚述人, 为要得粮吃饱。
7 Our fathers have sinned — they are not, We their iniquities have borne.
我们列祖犯罪,而今不在了; 我们担当他们的罪孽。
8 Servants have ruled over us, A deliverer there is none from their hand.
奴仆辖制我们, 无人救我们脱离他们的手。
9 With our lives we bring in our bread, Because of the sword of the wilderness.
因为旷野的刀剑, 我们冒着险才得粮食。
10 Our skin as an oven hath been burning, Because of the raging of the famine.
因饥饿燥热, 我们的皮肤就黑如炉。
11 Wives in Zion they have humbled, Virgins — in cities of Judah.
敌人在锡安玷污妇人, 在犹大的城邑玷污处女。
12 Princes by their hand have been hanged, The faces of elders have not been honoured.
他们吊起首领的手, 也不尊敬老人的面。
13 Young men to grind they have taken, And youths with wood have stumbled.
少年人扛磨石, 孩童背木柴,都绊跌了。
14 The aged from the gate have ceased, Young men from their song.
老年人在城门口断绝; 少年人不再作乐。
15 Ceased hath the joy of our heart, Turned to mourning hath been our dancing.
我们心中的快乐止息, 跳舞变为悲哀。
16 Fallen hath the crown [from] our head, Woe [is] now to us, for we have sinned.
冠冕从我们的头上落下; 我们犯罪了,我们有祸了!
17 For this hath our heart been sick, For these have our eyes been dim.
这些事我们心里发昏, 我们的眼睛昏花。
18 For the mount of Zion — that is desolate, Foxes have gone up on it.
锡安山荒凉, 野狗行在其上。
19 Thou, O Jehovah, to the age remainest, Thy throne to generation and generation.
耶和华啊,你存到永远; 你的宝座存到万代。
20 Why for ever dost Thou forget us? Thou forsakest us for length of days!
你为何永远忘记我们? 为何许久离弃我们?
21 Turn us back, O Jehovah, unto Thee, And we turn back, renew our days as of old.
耶和华啊,求你使我们向你回转, 我们便得回转。 求你复新我们的日子,像古时一样。
22 For hast Thou utterly rejected us? Thou hast been wroth against us — exceedingly?
你竟全然弃绝我们, 向我们大发烈怒?