< Job 16 >
1 And Job answereth and saith: —
respondens autem Iob dixit
2 I have heard many such things, Miserable comforters [are] ye all.
audivi frequenter talia consolatores onerosi omnes vos estis
3 Is there an end to words of wind? Or what doth embolden thee that thou answerest?
numquid habebunt finem verba ventosa aut aliquid tibi molestum est si loquaris
4 I also, like you, might speak, If your soul were in my soul's stead. I might join against you with words, And nod at you with my head.
poteram et ego similia vestri loqui atque utinam esset anima vestra pro anima mea consolarer et ego vos sermonibus et moverem caput meum super vos
5 I might harden you with my mouth, And the moving of my lips might be sparing.
roborarem vos ore meo et moverem labia quasi parcens vobis
6 If I speak, my pain is not restrained, And I cease — what goeth from me?
sed quid agam si locutus fuero non quiescet dolor meus et si tacuero non recedet a me
7 Only, now, it hath wearied me; Thou hast desolated all my company,
nunc autem oppressit me dolor meus et in nihili redacti sunt omnes artus mei
8 And Thou dost loathe me, For a witness it hath been, And rise up against me doth my failure, In my face it testifieth.
rugae meae testimonium dicunt contra me et suscitatur falsiloquus adversus faciem meam contradicens mihi
9 His anger hath torn, and he hateth me, He hath gnashed at me with his teeth, My adversary sharpeneth his eyes for me.
collegit furorem suum in me et comminans mihi infremuit contra me dentibus suis hostis meus terribilibus oculis me intuitus est
10 They have gaped on me with their mouth, In reproach they have smitten my cheeks, Together against me they set themselves.
aperuerunt super me ora sua exprobrantes percusserunt maxillam meam satiati sunt poenis meis
11 God shutteth me up unto the perverse, And to the hands of the wicked turneth me over.
conclusit me Deus apud iniquum et manibus impiorum me tradidit
12 At ease I have been, and he breaketh me, And he hath laid hold on my neck, And he breaketh me in pieces, And he raiseth me to him for a mark.
ego ille quondam opulentus repente contritus sum tenuit cervicem meam confregit me et posuit sibi quasi in signum
13 Go round against me do his archers. He splitteth my reins, and spareth not, He poureth out to the earth my gall.
circumdedit me lanceis suis convulneravit lumbos meos non pepercit et effudit in terra viscera mea
14 He breaketh me — breach upon breach, He runneth upon me as a mighty one.
concidit me vulnere super vulnus inruit in me quasi gigans
15 Sackcloth I have sewed on my skin, And have rolled in the dust my horn.
saccum consui super cutem meam et operui cinere cornu meum
16 My face is foul with weeping, And on mine eyelids [is] death-shade.
facies mea intumuit a fletu et palpebrae meae caligaverunt
17 Not for violence in my hands, And my prayer [is] pure.
haec passus sum absque iniquitate manus meae cum haberem mundas ad Deum preces
18 O earth, do not thou cover my blood! And let there not be a place for my cry.
terra ne operias sanguinem meum neque inveniat locum in te latendi clamor meus
19 Also, now, lo, in the heavens [is] my witness, And my testifier in the high places.
ecce enim in caelo testis meus et conscius meus in excelsis
20 My interpreter [is] my friend, Unto God hath mine eye dropped:
verbosi mei amici mei ad Deum stillat oculus meus
21 And he reasoneth for a man with God, And a son of man for his friend.
atque utinam sic iudicaretur vir cum Deo quomodo iudicatur filius hominis cum collega suo
22 When a few years do come, Then a path I return not do I go.
ecce enim breves anni transeunt et semitam per quam non revertar ambulo