< Isaiah 53 >
1 Who hath given credence to that which we heard? And the arm of Jehovah, On whom hath it been revealed?
Ngubani okholwe umbiko wethu? Njalo ingalo yeNkosi yembulelwe bani?
2 Yea, he cometh up as a tender plant before Him, And as a root out of a dry land, He hath no form, nor honour, when we observe him, Nor appearance, when we desire him.
Ngoba uzakhula phambi kwakhe njengesihlahla esibuthakathaka, lanjengempande emhlabathini owomileyo; kalasimo kumbe ubuhle; lapho simbona, kalakubukeka ukuthi simloyise.
3 He is despised, and left of men, A man of pains, and acquainted with sickness, And as one hiding the face from us, He is despised, and we esteemed him not.
Uyeyiswa njalo udelelwa ngabantu; umuntu wezinsizi, njalo ejwayele inhlungu; kwangathi sifihla ubuso kuye; weyiswa, kasimnanzanga.
4 Surely our sicknesses he hath borne, And our pains — he hath carried them, And we — we have esteemed him plagued, Smitten of God, and afflicted.
Isibili yena wathwala inhlungu zethu, waphatha insizi zethu; kanti thina sathi ujezisiwe, utshayiwe nguNkulunkulu, njalo uhlutshiwe.
5 And he is pierced for our transgressions, Bruised for our iniquities, The chastisement of our peace [is] on him, And by his bruise there is healing to us.
Kodwa walinyazwa ngenxa yeziphambeko zethu, wachotshozwa ngenxa yobubi bethu; ukujeziswa kokuthula kwethu kwakuphezu kwakhe, langemivimvinya yakhe thina sisilisiwe.
6 All of us like sheep have wandered, Each to his own way we have turned, And Jehovah hath caused to meet on him, The punishment of us all.
Thina sonke njengezimvu siduhile; saphendukela ngulowo lalowo endleleni yakhe; njalo iNkosi yehlisele phezu kwakhe ububi bethu sonke.
7 It hath been exacted, and he hath answered, And he openeth not his mouth, As a lamb to the slaughter he is brought, And as a sheep before its shearers is dumb, And he openeth not his mouth.
Wacindezelwa njalo yena wahlutshwa, kube kanti kawuvulanga umlomo wakhe; walethwa ekuhlatshweni njengewundlu, lanjengemvu ithule phambi kwabagundi bayo, laye kawuvulanga umlomo wakhe.
8 By restraint and by judgment he hath been taken, And of his generation who doth meditate, That he hath been cut off from the land of the living? By the transgression of My people he is plagued,
Wasuswa ekucindezelweni lekwahlulelweni; njalo ngubani ongakhuluma ngesizukulwana sakhe? Ngoba waqunywa wasuswa elizweni labaphilayo; ngenxa yesiphambeko sabantu bami watshaywa.
9 And it appointeth with the wicked his grave, And with the rich [are] his high places, Because he hath done no violence, Nor [is] deceit in his mouth.
Wenza ingcwaba lakhe kanye lababi, njalo kanye lonothileyo ekufeni kwakhe; ngoba engenzanga okubi, njalo kungekho inkohliso emlonyeni wakhe.
10 And Jehovah hath delighted to bruise him, He hath made him sick, If his soul doth make an offering for guilt, He seeth seed — he prolongeth days, And the pleasure of Jehovah in his hand doth prosper.
Kanti kwayithokozisa iNkosi ukumchoboza, yamenza adabuke. Lapho uzakwenza umphefumulo wakhe umnikelo wesono, uzabona inzalo yakhe, elule izinsuku zakhe, lentokoziso yeNkosi izaphumelela esandleni sakhe.
11 Of the labour of his soul he seeth — he is satisfied, Through his knowledge give righteousness Doth the righteous one, My servant, to many, And their iniquities he doth bear.
Uzabona okuvela ekuhluphekeni komphefumulo wakhe, eneliswe; ngolwazi lwayo, inceku yami elungileyo izalungisisa abanengi, ngoba yona izathwala ububi babo.
12 Therefore I give a portion to him among the many, And with the mighty he apportioneth spoil, Because that he exposed to death his soul, And with transgressors he was numbered, And he the sin of many hath borne, And for transgressors he intercedeth.
Ngakho ngizayabela kanye labakhulu, yabelane impango kanye labalamandla; ngoba yathulula umphefumulo wayo ekufeni, yabalwa ndawonye labaphambeki; njalo yona yathwala isono sabanengi, yalabhelela abaphambeki.