< Genesis 5 >

1 This [is] an account of the births of Adam: In the day of God's preparing man, in the likeness of God He hath made him;
Hii ni orodha ya vizazi vya Adamu. Katika siku ambayo Mungu alimuumba mtu, aliwaumba katika mfano wake mwenyewe.
2 a male and a female He hath prepared them, and He blesseth them, and calleth their name Man, in the day of their being prepared.
Mwanaume na mwanamke aliwaumba. Akawabariki na akawaita Adam wakati walipoumbwa.
3 And Adam liveth an hundred and thirty years, and begetteth [a son] in his likeness, according to his image, and calleth his name Seth.
Wakati Adamu alipokuwa ameishi miaka 130, akamzaa mwana katika sura yake mwenyewe, kwa mfano wake, na akamuita jina lake Sethi.
4 And the days of Adam after his begetting Seth are eight hundred years, and he begetteth sons and daughters.
Baada ya Adamu kumzaa Sethi, aliishi miaka mia nane. Akawazaa wana wengi waume na wake.
5 And all the days of Adam which he lived are nine hundred and thirty years, and he dieth.
Adamu akaishi miaka 930 kisha akafariki.
6 And Seth liveth an hundred and five years, and begetteth Enos.
Wakati Sethi alipokuwa ameishi miaka 105, akamzaa Enoshi.
7 And Seth liveth after his begetting Enos eight hundred and seven years, and begetteth sons and daughters.
Baada ya kumzaa Enoshi, akaishi miaka 807 na akawazaa wana wengi waume na wake.
8 And all the days of Seth are nine hundred and twelve years, and he dieth.
Sethi akaishi miaka 912 kisha akafariki.
9 And Enos liveth ninety years, and begetteth Cainan.
Wakati Enoshi alipokuwa ameishi miaka tisini, akamzaa Kenani.
10 And Enos liveth after his begetting Cainan eight hundred and fifteen years, and begetteth sons and daughters.
Baada ya kumzaa Kenani, Enoshi aliishi miaka 815. Akazaa wana wengi wa ume na wake.
11 And all the days of Enos are nine hundred and five years, and he dieth.
Enoshi aliishi miaka 905 na kisha akafariki.
12 And Cainan liveth seventy years, and begetteth Mahalaleel.
Wakati Kanani alipokuwa ameishi miaka sabini, akamzaa Mahalaleli.
13 And Cainan liveth after his begetting Mahalaleel eight hundred and forty years, and begetteth sons and daughters.
Baada ya kumzaa Mahalaleli, Kenani aliishi miaka 840. Akawazaa wana wengi wa ume na wake.
14 And all the days of Cainan are nine hundred and ten years, and he dieth.
Kenani aliishi miaka 910, na kisha akafariki.
15 And Mahalaleel liveth five and sixty years, and begetteth Jared.
Mahalaleli alipokuwa ameishi miaka sitini na tano, alimzaa Yaredi.
16 And Mahalaleel liveth after his begetting Jared eight hundred and thirty years, and begetteth sons and daughters.
Baada ya kumzaa Yaredi, Mahalaleli aliishi miaka 830. Akazaa wana wengi wa ume na wake.
17 And all the days of Mahalaleel are eight hundred and ninety and five years, and he dieth.
Mahalaleli aliishi miaka 895 na kisha akafariki.
18 And Jared liveth an hundred and sixty and two years, and begetteth Enoch.
Yaredi alipokuwa ameishi miaka 162, alimzaa Henoko.
19 And Jared liveth after his begetting Enoch eight hundred years, and begetteth sons and daughters.
Baada ya kumzaa Henoko, Yaredi aliishi miaka mianane. Akazaa wana wengi waume na wake.
20 And all the days of Jared are nine hundred and sixty and two years, and he dieth.
Yaredi aliishi miaka 962 na kisha akafariki.
21 And Enoch liveth five and sixty years, and begetteth Methuselah.
Henoko alipokuwa ameishi miaka sitini na tano, akamzaa Methusela.
22 And Enoch walketh habitually with God after his begetting Methuselah three hundred years, and begetteth sons and daughters.
Henoko akaenenda na Mungu miaka miatatu baada ya kumzaa Methusela. Aliwazaa wana wengi wa ume na wake.
23 And all the days of Enoch are three hundred and sixty and five years.
Henoko aliishi miaka 365.
24 And Enoch walketh habitually with God, and he is not, for God hath taken him.
Henoko alienenda na Mungu, na kisha alitoweka, kwa kuwa Mungu alimtwaa.
25 And Methuselah liveth an hundred and eighty and seven years, and begetteth Lamech.
Wakati Methusela alipokuwa ameishi miaka 187, alimzaa Lameki.
26 And Methuselah liveth after his begetting Lamech seven hundred and eighty and two years, and begetteth sons and daughters.
Baada ya kumzaa Lameki, Methusela aliishi miaka 782. Akawazaa wana wengi wa ume na wake.
27 And all the days of Methuselah are nine hundred and sixty and nine years, and he dieth.
Methusela aliishi miaka 969. Kisha akafariki.
28 And Lamech liveth an hundred and eighty and two years, and begetteth a son,
Wakati Lameki alipokuwa ameishi miaka 182, alimzaa mwana.
29 and calleth his name Noah, saying, 'This [one] doth comfort us concerning our work, and concerning the labour of our hands, because of the ground which Jehovah hath cursed.'
Akamuita jina lake Nuhu, akisema, “Huyu ndiye atatupatia pumziko kutoka katika kazi yetu na kutoka katika kazi ya taabu ya mikono yetu, ambayo lazima tuifanye kwa sababu ya ardhi ambayo Yahwe ameilaani.”
30 And Lamech liveth after his begetting Noah five hundred and ninety and five years, and begetteth sons and daughters.
Lameki aliishi miaka 595 baada ya kumzaa baba wa Nuhu. Akazaa wanawengi wa ume na wake.
31 And all the days of Lamech are seven hundred and seventy and seven years, and he dieth.
Lameki aliishi miaka 777. Kisha akafariki.
32 And Noah is a son of five hundred years, and Noah begetteth Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
Baada ya Nuhu kuishi miaka miatano, akamzaa Shemu, Hamu, na Yafethi.

< Genesis 5 >