< Genesis 29 >

1 And Jacob lifteth up his feet, and goeth towards the land of the sons of the east;
Jakop ni pou a cei teh Kanîtholae taminaw e ram dawk a pha.
2 and he looketh, and lo, a well in the field, and lo, there three droves of a flock crouching by it, for from that well they water the droves, and the great stone [is] on the mouth of the well.
A khet navah tuikhu kaawm e lawpam vah tuhu kathum touh a kamkawn e hah a hmu. Bangkongtetpawiteh, tuikhu thung e tui hah tunaw ouk a pânei awh. Tuikhu koe lungsong ao.
3 (When thither have all the droves been gathered, and they have rolled the stone from off the mouth of the well, and have watered the flock, then they have turned back the stone on the mouth of the well to its place.)
Hote hmuen koe tunaw pueng pâkhueng lah ao han. Tuikhu khannae lungsong hah takhoe vaiteh, tu tui pânei hoi talung teh ama onae hmuen dawk bout teng lah ao han.
4 And Jacob saith to them, 'My brethren, from whence [are] ye?' and they say, 'We [are] from Haran.'
Jakop ni ahnimouh koevah, ka hmaunawnghanaw api kho maw, telah a pacei. Ahnimouh ni, Haran taminaw doeh telah atipouh awh.
5 And he saith to them, 'Have ye known Laban, son of Nahor?' and they say, 'We have known.'
Ahni ni ahnimouh koevah, Nahor capa Laban na panue awh maw telah a pacei. Ahnimouh ni, Oe ka panue awh, telah atipouh awh.
6 And he saith to them, 'Hath he peace?' and they say, 'Peace; and lo, Rachel his daughter is coming with the flock.'
Ahni ni ahnimouh koevah, a hring rah maw, telah a pacei. Ahnimouh ni, Oe a dam rah doeh, khenhaw! a canu Rachel hai tu hoi a tho lahun, telah atipouh awh.
7 And he saith, 'Lo, the day [is] still great, [it is] not time for the cattle to be gathered; water ye the flock, and go, delight yourselves.'
Ahni ni, Khenhaw! Kanî asaw rah, saring pâkhueng hanelah khout hoeh rah. Tunaw hah tui pânei awh nateh bout tha awh ei, telah atipouh.
8 And they say, 'We are not able, till that all the droves be gathered together, and they have rolled away the stone from the mouth of the well, and we have watered the flock.'
Hateiteh, ahnimouh ni, tuhunaw pueng pâkhueng teh tuikhu tengnae talung takhoe hoehnahlan pueng teh tui pânei thai lah awm awh hoeh. Takhoe hnukkhu to doeh tu heh tui ouk ka pânei awh, telah atipouh awh.
9 He is yet speaking with them, and Rachel hath come with the flock which her father hath, for she [is] shepherdess;
Hottelah, lawk a kâpan navah, Rachel teh a na pa e tunaw hoi a tho, bangkongtetpawiteh ahni teh tu ka khoum e napui lah ao.
10 and it cometh to pass when Jacob hath seen Rachel, daughter of Laban his mother's brother, and the flock of Laban his mother's brother, that Jacob cometh nigh and rolleth the stone from off the mouth of the well, and watereth the flock of Laban his mother's brother.
Hahoi, hettelah ao. Jakop ni a manu e a thangroi Laban e canu Rachel hoi tunaw a hmu toteh, a cei sin teh tuikhu tengnae talung hah a takhoe pouh teh a manu e a thangroi e tu hah tui a pânei pouh.
11 And Jacob kisseth Rachel, and lifteth up his voice, and weepeth,
Hahoi, Jakop ni Rachel hah a paco teh ngawngngawng a ka.
12 and Jacob declareth to Rachel that he [is] her father's brother, and that he [is] Rebekah's son, and she runneth and declareth to her father.
Jakop ni Rachel koe a na pa e a na minca lah a onae hoi Rebekah e capa lah a onae kong hah a dei pouh. Hatdawkvah, Rachel ni a na pa koe ayawng teh a dei pouh.
13 And it cometh to pass, when Laban heareth the report of Jacob his sister's son, that he runneth to meet him, and embraceth him, and kisseth him, and bringeth him in unto his house; and he recounteth to Laban all these things,
Hahoi, Laban ni a tawncanu e capa Jakop kong a thai tahma, ahni dawn hanelah ayawng. A tapam teh a paco hnukkhu, a im vah a hrawi. Jakop ni Laban koe hno kâhmo e akongnaw pueng a dei pouh.
14 and Laban saith to him, 'Only my bone and my flesh [art] thou;' and he dwelleth with him a month of days.
Laban ni ahni koe, nang teh ka misa katang doeh, telah atipouh teh ahni koevah thapa yung touh ao.
15 And Laban saith to Jacob, 'Is it because thou [art] my brother that thou hast served me for nought? declare to me what [is] thy hire.'
Laban ni Jakop koevah, Ka minca lah na o dawkvah, aphu laipalah ka thaw na tawk han na maw. Bangmaw na poe han dei haw, telah atipouh.
16 And Laban hath two daughters, the name of the elder [is] Leah, and the name of the younger Rachel,
Laban ni canu kahni touh a tawn teh a camin teh Leah a phung, a cahnoung teh Rachel a phung.
17 and the eyes of Leah [are] tender, and Rachel hath been fair of form and fair of appearance.
Leah teh a mit roumkawt e lah ao. Hatei, Rachel teh a tungtang hoi a mei kahawi e tami lah ao.
18 And Jacob loveth Rachel, and saith, 'I serve thee seven years for Rachel thy younger daughter:'
Jakop ni Rachel a ngai dawkvah, na canu kanaw e Rachel hanlah kum sari touh na thaw ka tawk han, telah atipouh.
19 and Laban saith, 'It is better for me to give her to thee than to give her to another man; dwell with me;'
Laban ni, ayâ alouke ka poe hlak teh nang na poe e heh ahawihnawn han doeh, kai koe awmh, telah atipouh.
20 and Jacob serveth for Rachel seven years; and they are in his eyes as some days, because of his loving her.
Hatdawkvah, Jakop ni Rachel hanlah kum sari touh a thaw a tawk pouh, a lungpataw poung dawkvah hnin dawngdengca e patetlah a pouk.
21 And Jacob saith unto Laban, 'Give up my wife, for my days have been fulfilled, and I go in unto her;'
Jakop ni Laban koe, ka ikhai thai nahanlah ka yu teh na poe leih, bangkongtetpawiteh, ahnintha teh akuep toe, telah atipouh.
22 and Laban gathereth all the men of the place, and maketh a banquet.
Laban ni khoca pueng a pâkhueng teh bu canae pawi a sak.
23 And it cometh to pass in the evening, that he taketh Leah, his daughter, and bringeth her in unto him, and he goeth in unto her;
Hahoi, kho a hmo nah a canu Leah a hrawi teh Jakop koevah a thak pouh teh a ikhai.
24 and Laban giveth to her Zilpah, his maid-servant, to Leah his daughter, a maid-servant.
Laban ni a sannu Zilpah hah a canu Leah koevah san hanlah a poe.
25 And it cometh to pass in the morning, that lo, it [is] Leah; and he saith unto Laban, 'What [is] this thou hast done to me? for Rachel have I not served with thee? and why hast thou deceived me?'
Khodai toteh, khenhaw! Leah lah a o, Jakop ni Laban koevah, ka lathueng vah na sak e heh bangmaw. Rachel ka yu nahanlah na thaw ka tawk hoeh na maw. Bangkongmaw na dum, telah atipouh.
26 And Laban saith, 'It is not done so in our place, to give the younger before the first-born;
Laban ni, Ka ram dawk a hmau hoehnahlan a nawngha ceisak phung roeroe nahoeh.
27 fulfil the week of this one, and we give to thee also this one, for the service which thou dost serve with me yet seven other years.'
Hete napui hanlah hnin sari kuep sak ei, hahoi, kum sari touh ka thaw bout na tawk han e dawk alouknaw hai na poe han, telah atipouh e patetlah,
28 And Jacob doth so, and fulfilleth the week of this one, and he giveth to him Rachel his daughter, to him for a wife;
Jakop ni hottelah a sak teh hnin sari touh a kuep sak teh Laban ni a canu Rachel haiyah a yu hanlah a poe.
29 and Laban giveth to Rachel his daughter Bilhah his maid-servant, for a maid-servant to her.
Hahoi, Laban ni a sannu Bilhah hah a canu Rachel koevah a san hanlah a poe.
30 And he goeth in also unto Rachel, and he also loveth Rachel more than Leah; and he serveth with him yet seven other years.
Rachel bout a ikhai. Leah hlakvah Rachel heh a lung hoe a pataw dawkvah, Laban e thaw kum sari touh bout a tawk pouh.
31 And Jehovah seeth that Leah [is] the hated one, and He openeth her womb, and Rachel [is] barren;
BAWIPA ni Leah teh lungpataw hoeh tie a panue dawkvah a thun a kamawng sak. Hatei, Rachel teh a carôe.
32 and Leah conceiveth, and beareth a son, and calleth his name Reuben, for she said, 'Because Jehovah hath looked on mine affliction; because now doth my husband love me.'
Leah teh camo a vawn teh ca tongpa a khe, a min lah Reuben a phung. Bangkongtetpawiteh, BAWIPA ni runae ka kâhmo e a panue. Hatdawkvah, atu teh ka vâ ni na lungpataw han toe, telah ati.
33 And she conceiveth again, and beareth a son, and saith, 'Because Jehovah hath heard that I [am] the hated one, He also giveth to me even this [one];' and she calleth his name Simeon.
Camo bout a vawn teh ca tongpa bout a khe. Kai na hnoun e BAWIPA ni a thai dawkvah, hete ca tongpa hai na poe telah ati teh Simeon telah min a phung.
34 And she conceiveth again, and beareth a son, and saith, 'Now [is] the time, my husband is joined unto me, because I have born to him three sons,' therefore hath [one] called his name Levi.
Camo bout a vawn teh ca tongpa bout a khe. Atu teh ca tongpa kathum touh ka khe pouh toe dawkvah, ka vâ ni na tha mahoeh toe, telah ati. Hatdawkvah, a min lah Levih a sak.
35 And she conceiveth again, and beareth a son, and saith this time, 'I praise Jehovah;' therefore hath she called his name Judah; and she ceaseth from bearing.
Hahoi, camo bout a vawn teh ca tongpa bout a khe. Atu teh, BAWIPA ka pholen han, telah ati. Hatdawkvah, a min Judah a phung. Hahoi teh, camo khe hoeh toe.

< Genesis 29 >