< Ezekiel 33 >

1 And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,
Un Tā Kunga vārds uz mani notika sacīdams:
2 'Son of man, speak unto the sons of thy people, and thou hast said unto them: A land — when I bring in against it a sword, And the people of the land have taken one man out of their borders, And made him to them for a watchman.
Cilvēka bērns, runā uz savu ļaužu bērniem un saki uz tiem: kad Es zobenu vedu pār kādu zemi, un tās zemes ļaudis ņem vienu vīru no savām robežām un to ieceļ sev par sargu,
3 And he hath seen the sword coming against the land, And hath blown with a trumpet, and hath warned the people,
Un viņš redz zobenu pār to zemi nākam un pūš ar bazūni un pamāca tos ļaudis,
4 And the hearer hath heard the voice of the trumpet, and he hath not taken warning, And come in doth the sword, and taketh him away, His blood is on his head.
Un ja kas to bazūnes skaņu dzirdēt dzird un neļaujas pamācīties, un zobens nāk un ņem viņu nost, - šī asinis lai ir uz viņa galvas.
5 The voice of the trumpet he heard, And he hath not taken warning, his blood is on him, And he who took warning his soul hath delivered.
Viņš dzirdēja bazūnes skaņu, bet nelikās pamācīties, viņa asinis ir uz viņa. Bet kas ļaujas pamācīties, tas izglābs savu dvēseli.
6 And the watchman, when he seeth the sword coming in, And he hath not blown with a trumpet, And the people hath not been warned, And come in doth a sword, And taketh away of them — a soul, He in his iniquity is taken away, And his blood from the hand of the watchman I require.
Bet kad tas sargs redz zobenu nākam un nepūš ar bazūni, tā ka tie ļaudis netiek pamācīti, un zobens nāk un ņem no tiem kādu dvēseli nost: tas gan savā noziegumā ir noņemts, bet viņa asinis Es prasīšu no tā sarga rokas.
7 And thou, son of man, A watchman I gave thee to the house of Israel, And thou hast heard from My mouth a word, And thou hast warned them from Me.
Tu tad cilvēka bērns, Es tevi esmu licis par sargu Israēla namam, ka tev nu no Manas mutes to vārdu būs klausīt un tos pamācīt no Manas puses.
8 In My saying to the wicked, O wicked one — thou dost surely die, And thou hast not spoken to warn the wicked from his way, He — the wicked — in his iniquity doth die, And his blood from thy hand I require.
Kad Es uz bezdievīgo saku. bezdievīgais, tu mirdams mirsi, un tu nemāci bezdievīgo, lai atgriežas no sava ļaunā ceļa, tad bezdievīgais nomirs savā noziegumā, bet viņa asinis Es prasīšu no tavas rokas.
9 And thou, when thou hast warned the wicked of his way, to turn back from it, And he hath not turned back from his way, He in his iniquity doth die, And thou thy soul hast delivered.
Bet ja tu bezdievīgo pamāci, lai atgriežas no sava ceļa, un viņš neatgriežas no sava ceļa, tad viņš mirs savā noziegumā, bet tu savu dvēseli esi izglābis.
10 And thou, son of man, say unto the house of Israel: Rightly ye have spoken, saying: Surely our transgressions and our sins [are] on us, And in them we are wasting away, How, then, do we live?
Tādēļ, cilvēka bērns, saki uz Israēla namu: jūs runājiet tā un sakāt: mūsu pārkāpumi un mūsu grēki ir uz mums, un mēs iekš tiem ejam bojā, kā tad mēs varam dzīvot?
11 Say unto them, I live — an affirmation of the Lord Jehovah, I delight not in the death of the wicked, But — in the turning of the wicked from his way, And he hath lived, Turn back, turn back, from your evil ways, Yea, why do ye die, O house of Israel?
Saki uz tiem: tik tiešām kā Es dzīvoju, saka Tas Kungs Dievs, Man nepatīk bezdievīgā nāve, bet ka bezdievīgais atgriežas no sava ceļa un dzīvo. Atgriežaties, atgriežaties no saviem ļauniem ceļiem. Jo kāpēc jūs gribat mirt, jūs no Israēla nama?
12 And thou, son of man, say unto the sons of thy people: The righteousness of the righteous doth not deliver him in the day of his transgression, And the wickedness of the wicked, He doth not stumble for it in the day of his turning from his wickedness, And the righteous is not able to live in it in the day of his sinning.
Tu tad, cilvēka bērns, saki uz savu ļaužu bērniem: taisno taisnība neizglābs viņa pārkāpšanas dienā, un bezdievīgais savas bezdievības dēļ neies bojā, kad tas atgriežas no savas bezdievības. Un pats taisnais nevar dzīvot caur savu taisnību, kad viņš apgrēkojās.
13 In My saying of the righteous: He surely liveth, And — he hath trusted on his righteousness, And he hath done perversity, All his righteous acts are not remembered, And for his perversity that he hath done, For it he doth die.
Kad Es uz taisno saku, ka tas dzīvot dzīvos, un tas paļaujas uz savu taisnību un dara nepareizi, tad visa viņa taisnība netaps pieminēta, bet viņš mirs tai netaisnībā, ko viņš dara.
14 And in My saying to the wicked: Thou surely diest, And — he hath turned back from his sin, And hath done judgment and righteousness,
Un kad Es uz bezdievīgo saku: tu mirdams mirsi, un tas atgriežas no saviem grēkiem un dara tiesu un taisnību,
15 (The pledge the wicked restoreth, plunder he repayeth, ) In the statutes of life he hath walked, So as not to do perversity, He surely liveth — he doth not die.
Tā ka bezdievīgais ķīlu atdod, laupījumu maksā un staigā dzīvības likumos, nevienam nedarīdams nepareizi, - tad tas dzīvot dzīvos un nemirs.
16 None of his sin that he hath sinned is remembered to him, Judgment and righteousness he hath done, He doth surely live.
Visi viņa grēki, ko viņš darījis, viņam netaps pieminēti; viņš darījis tiesu un taisnību, dzīvot viņš dzīvos.
17 And the sons of thy people have said: The way of the Lord is not pondered, As to them — their way is not pondered.
Tomēr tavu ļaužu bērni saka: Tā Kunga ceļš nav taisns! Bet viņu ceļš nav taisns.
18 In the turning back of the righteous from his righteousness, And he hath done perversity — he dieth for it.
Kad taisnais nogriežas no savas taisnības un dara nepareizi, tad viņš caur to mirs.
19 And in the turning back of the wicked from his wickedness, And he hath done judgment and righteousness, by them he liveth.
Un kad bezdievīgais nogriežas no savas bezdievības un dara tiesu un taisnību, tad viņš caur to dzīvos.
20 And ye have said: The way of the Lord is not pondered, Each according to his ways do I judge you, O house of Israel.'
Bet jūs sakāt: Tā Kunga ceļš nav pareizs. Es jūs tiesāšu, ikvienu pēc viņa ceļiem, ak Israēla nams! -
21 And it cometh to pass, in the twelfth year — in the tenth [month], in the fifth of the month — of our removal, come in unto me doth one who is escaped from Jerusalem, saying, 'The city hath been smitten.'
Un notikās divpadsmitā gadā pēc mūsu aizvešanas, desmitā mēnesī, piektā mēneša dienā, tad viens pie manis atnāca, kas no Jeruzālemes bija izglābies, un sacīja: tā pilsēta ir izkauta.
22 And the hand of Jehovah hath been unto me in the evening, before the coming in of the escaped one, and He openeth my mouth till the coming in unto me in the morning, and opened is my mouth, and I have not been silent again.
Bet Tā Kunga roka vakarā, iepriekš tā izglābtā atnākšanas, bija nākusi pār mani un atvērusi manu muti, pirms šis rītā pie manis nāca, un mana mute palika atvērta, un es nebiju vairs mēms.
23 And there is a word of Jehovah unto me, saying,
Tad Tā Kunga vārds uz mani notika sacīdams:
24 'Son of man, the inhabitants of these wastes on the ground of Israel are speaking, saying: Alone hath been Abraham — and he possesseth the land, and we [are] many — to us hath the land been given for a possession.
Cilvēka bērns! Tie, kas viņās posta vietās dzīvo Israēla zemē, runā un saka: Ābrahāms bija viens vienīgs un iemantoja to zemi, bet mūsu ir daudzi, tā zeme mums ir dota par mantību.
25 Therefore say unto them: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: With the blood ye do eat, And your eyes ye lift up unto your idols, And blood ye shed, and the land ye inherit!
Tādēļ saki uz tiem: tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs: jūs ēdat asinis un paceļat savas acis uz saviem elkiem un izlejat asinis, - un jūs to zemi gribat paturēt par mantību?
26 Ye have stood on your sword, Ye have done abomination, Each the wife of his neighbour ye have defiled, And the land ye possess!
Jūs stāvat uz savu zobenu, jūs darāt negantību un apgānāt cits cita sievu, un jūs to zemi gribat paturēt par mantību?
27 Thus dost thou say unto them: Thus said the Lord Jehovah: I live — do not they who [are] in the wastes by the sword fall? And they who [are] on the face of the field, To the beast I have given for food, And they who are in strongholds and in caves by pestilence die.
Tā tev uz viņiem būs sacīt: tā saka Tas Kungs Dievs: tik tiešām kā Es dzīvoju, tie, kas tais posta vietās dzīvo, kritīs caur zobenu, un to, kas uz lauka, Es nodošu zvēriem par barību, un tie, kas stiprās vietās un alās, mirs caur mēri.
28 And I have made the land a desolation and an astonishment, And ceased hath the excellency of its strength, And desolated have been mountains of Israel, Without any one passing through.
Un to zemi Es darīšu par posta vietu un tuksnesi, un viņas lepnais stiprums beigsies, un Israēla kalni būs postā, ka tur neviens pāri neies.
29 And they have known that I [am] Jehovah, In My making the land a desolation and an astonishment, For all their abominations that they have done.
Tad tie samanīs, ka Es esmu Tas Kungs, kad Es to zemi būšu darījis par posta vietu un par tuksnesi visas viņu negantības dēļ, ko tie darījuši.
30 And thou, son of man, the sons of thy people who are speaking about thee, By the walls, and in openings of the houses, Have spoken one with another, each with his brother, Saying: Come in, I pray you, And hear what [is] the word that cometh out from Jehovah.
Un tu, cilvēka bērns, tavu ļaužu bērni runā pret tevi istabās un nama durvīs, un viens runā ar otru, ikviens ar savu brāli, un saka: nāciet jel, dzirdēsim, kas tas tāds vārds, kas no Tā Kunga nāk.
31 And they come in unto thee as the coming in of a people, And they sit before thee — My people, And have heard thy words, and they do them not, For doting loves with their mouth they are making, After their dishonest gain their heart is going.
Un tie nāks pie tevis, tā kā ļaudis mēdz nākt, un sēž tavā priekšā kā Mani ļaudis un klausa tavus vārdus, bet tos nedara; jo tie ir mīlīgi ar savu muti, bet viņu sirds dzenās mantai pakaļ.
32 And lo, thou [art] to them as a singer of doting loves, A pleasant voice, and playing well on an instrument, And they have heard thy words, and they are not doing them.
Un redzi! Tu tiem esi kā jauka dziesmiņa, kā skaista balss, kas labi skan, tādēļ tie klausa tavus vārdus, bet tos nedara.
33 And in its coming in — lo, it hath come, And they have known that a prophet hath been in their midst!'
Bet kad nāks, - un redzi, nāk! - Tad tie samanīs, ka pravietis ir bijis viņu vidū.

< Ezekiel 33 >