< Esther 8 >

1 On that day hath the king Ahasuerus given to Esther the queen the house of Haman, adversary of the Jews, and Mordecai hath come in before the king, for Esther hath declared what he [is] to her,
Na ta dan je dal Kralj Ahasvér hišo Hamána, sovražnika Judov, kraljici Esteri. Mordohaj pa je prišel pred kralja, kajti Estera je povedala, kaj ji je bil.
2 and the king turneth aside his signet, that he hath caused to pass away from Haman, and giveth it to Mordecai, and Esther setteth Mordecai over the house of Haman.
Kralj je snel svoj prstan, ki ga je vzel od Hamána in ga dal Mordohaju. Estera pa je Mordohaja postavila nad Hamánovo hišo.
3 And Esther addeth, and speaketh before the king, and falleth before his feet, and weepeth, and maketh supplication to him, to cause the evil of Haman the Agagite to pass away, and his device that he had devised against the Jews;
Estera je ponovno spregovorila pred kraljem in padla dol pri njegovih stopalih in ga s solzami rotila, da odstrani vragolijo Hamána, Agágovca in njegov naklep, ki ga je zasnoval zoper Jude.
4 and the king holdeth out to Esther the golden sceptre, and Esther riseth, and standeth before the king,
Potem je kralj proti Esteri iztegnil zlato žezlo. Tako je Estera vstala in stala pred kraljem
5 and saith, 'If to the king [it be] good, and if I have found grace before him, and the thing hath been right before the king, and I [be] good in his eyes, let it be written to bring back the letters — a device of Haman son of Hammedatha the Agagite — that he wrote to destroy the Jews who [are] in all provinces of the king,
in rekla: »Če kralju ugaja in če sem našla naklonjenost v njegovem pogledu in se zdi stvar pravilna pred kraljem in sem prijetna v njegovih očeh, naj bo zapisano, da se razveljavijo pisma, ki jih je zasnoval Hamán, Hamedátov sin, Agágovec, katera je napisal, da uničijo Jude, ki so po vseh kraljevih provincah.
6 for how do I endure when I have looked on the evil that doth find my people? and how do I endure when I have looked on the destruction of my kindred?'
Kajti kako lahko prenašam gledanje zla, ki bo prišlo k mojemu ljudstvu? Ali kako lahko prenašam gledanje uničenja mojega sorodstva?«
7 And the king Ahasuerus saith to Esther the queen, and to Mordecai the Jew, 'Lo, the house of Haman I have given to Esther, and him they have hanged on the tree, because that he put forth his hand on the Jews,
Tedaj je kralj Ahasvér rekel kraljici Esteri in Judu Mordohaju: »Glejta, Esteri sem dal hišo Hamána, njega pa so obesili na vislice, ker je svojo roko položil na Jude.
8 and ye, write ye for the Jews, as [it is] good in your eyes, in the name of the king, and seal with the signet of the king — for the writing that is written in the name of the king, and sealed with the signet of the king, there is none to turn back.'
Tudi za Jude napišita, kakor vama to ugaja, v kraljevem imenu in to zapečatita s kraljevim prstanom, kajti pisanja, ki je napisano v kraljevem imenu in zapečateno s kraljevim pečatom, noben človek ne more razveljaviti.«
9 And the scribes of the king are called, at that time, in the third month — it [is] the month of Sivan — in the three and twentieth of it, and it is written, according to all that Mordecai hath commanded, unto the Jews, and unto the lieutenants, and the governors, and the heads of the provinces, that [are] from Hodu even unto Cush, seven and twenty and a hundred provinces — province and province according to its writing, and people and people according to its tongue, and unto the Jews according to their writing, and according to their tongue.
Potem so bili poklicani kraljevi pisarji, ob tistem času, v tretjem mesecu, ki je mesec siván, na njegov triindvajseti dan in to je bilo napisano glede na vse, kar je Mordohaj zapovedal Judom, poročnikom, namestnikom in vladarjem provinc, ki so od Indije do Etiopije, sto sedemindvajsetim provincam, vsaki provinci glede na njihovo pisanje in vsakemu ljudstvu glede na njihov jezik in Judom glede na njihovo pisanje in glede na njihov jezik.
10 And he writeth in the name of the king Ahasuerus, and sealeth with the signet of the king, and sendeth letters by the hand of the runners with horses, riders of the dromedary, the mules, the young mares,
Napisal je v imenu Kralja Ahasvérja in to zapečatil s kraljevim prstanom in pisma poslal po slih na konjskem hrbtu in jahačih na mulah, kamelah in mladih [enogrbih] velblodih.
11 that the king hath given to the Jews who [are] in every city and city, to be assembled, and to stand for their life, to cut off, to slay, and to destroy the whole force of the people and province who are distressing them, infants and women, and their spoil to seize.
V teh je kralj zagotovil Judom, ki so bili v vsakem mestu, da se zberejo skupaj in da stojijo za svoje življenje, da uničijo, da ubijejo in da povzročijo, da umre vsa moč ljudstva in province, ki bi jih hotela napasti, tako malčke kakor ženske in da njihov dobiček vzamejo za plen,
12 In one day, in all the provinces of the king Ahasuerus, on the thirteenth of the twelfth month — it [is] the month of Adar —
na en dan po vseh provincah Kralja Ahasvérja, namreč na trinajsti dan dvanajstega meseca, ki je mesec adár.
13 a copy of the writing to be made law in every province and province is revealed to all the peoples, and for the Jews being ready at this day to be avenged of their enemies.
Kopija pisanja za zapoved, ki naj bi bila dana v vsako provinco, je bila razglašena vsemu ljudstvu in da naj bodo Judje pripravljeni za ta dan, da se maščujejo na svojih sovražnikih.
14 The runners, riding on the dromedary, [and] the mules, have gone out, hastened and pressed by the word of the king, and the law hath been given in Shushan the palace.
Tako so sli, ki so jahali na mulah in kamelah, odšli ven, podvizani in pritisnjeni s kraljevo zapovedjo. In odlok je bil izdan pri palači Suze.
15 And Mordecai went out from before the king, in royal clothing of blue and white, and a great crown of gold, and a garment of fine linen and purple, and the city of Shushan hath rejoiced and been glad;
Mordohaj je odšel izpred prisotnosti kralja v kraljevski obleki iz modre in bele in z veliko krono iz zlata in z obleko iz tankega lanenega platna in vijolične, mesto Suze pa se je veselilo in bilo veselo.
16 to the Jews hath been light, and gladness, and joy, and honour,
Judje so imeli svetlobo, veselje, radost in čast.
17 and in every province and province, and in every city and city, the place where the word of the king, even his law, is coming, gladness and joy [are] to the Jews, a banquet, and a good day; and many of the peoples of the land are becoming Jews, for a fear of the Jews hath fallen upon them.
V vsaki provinci in v vsakem mestu, kamor sta prišla kraljeva zapoved in njegov odlok, so imeli Judje radost in veselje, praznovanje in dober dan. In mnogi izmed ljudstva dežele so postali Judje, kajti strah pred Judi je padel nanje.

< Esther 8 >