2 and all the work of his strength, and his might, and the explanation of the greatness of Mordecai with which the king made him great, are they not written on the book of the Chronicles of Media and Persia?
Anih lensawkhaih, a thacakhaih hoi siangpahrang mah pakoeh ih Mordekai lensawkhaihnawk boih loe, Media hoi Persia siangpahrangnawk toksak pakuemhaih cabu thungah tarik o na ai maw?
3 For Mordecai the Jew [is] second to king Ahasuerus, and a great man of the Jews, and accepted of the multitude of his brethren, seeking good for his people, and speaking peace to all his seed.
Judah kami Mordekai loe Ahasuerus siangpahrang pacoengah araengh kasang hnetto haih ah oh moe, Judahnawk thungah kalen koekah oh, anih loe angmah ih kaminawk hanah kahoih hmuen to sak moe, Judah kaminawk boih hanah monghaih lok a thuih pae pongah, angmah ih kaminawk mah anih to khingyahaih paek o.