< Deuteronomy 5 >
1 And Moses calleth unto all Israel, and saith unto them, 'Hear, Israel, the statutes and the judgments which I am speaking in your ears to-day, and ye have learned them, and have observed to do them.
Mojzes je sklical ves Izrael in jim rekel: »Poslušaj, oh Izrael, zakone in sodbe, ki jih ta dan govorim v vaša ušesa, da se jih lahko naučite in jih ohranjate in jih izvršujete.
2 Jehovah our God made with us a covenant in Horeb;
Gospod, naš Bog, je z nami sklenil zavezo na Horebu.
3 not with our fathers hath Jehovah made this covenant, but with us; we — these — here to-day — all of us alive.
Gospod te zaveze ni sklenil z našimi očeti, temveč z nami, torej nami, ki smo, vsi izmed nas, ta dan tukaj živi.
4 Face to face hath Jehovah spoken with you, in the mount, out of the midst of the fire;
Gospod je s teboj govoril iz obličja v obličje, na gori, iz srede ognja
5 I am standing between Jehovah and you, at that time, to declare to you the word of Jehovah, for ye have been afraid from the presence of the fire, and ye have not gone up into the mount; saying:
(ob tistem času sem stal med Gospodom in vami, da bi vam pokazal Gospodovo besedo, kajti vi ste se zaradi ognja bali in niste šli gor na goro), rekoč:
6 'I Jehovah [am] thy God, who hath brought thee out from the land of Egypt, from a house of servants.
›Jaz sem Gospod, tvoj Bog, ki te je privedel iz egiptovske dežele, iz hiše sužnosti.
7 'Thou hast no other gods in My presence.
Pred menoj ne boš imel nobenih drugih bogov.
8 'Thou dost not make to thee a graven image, any similitude which [is] in the heavens above, and which [is] in the earth beneath, and which [is] in the waters under the earth;
Sebi ne boš naredil nobene rezane podobe ali kakršnekoli podobnosti katerekoli stvari, ki je v nebesih zgoraj ali ki je na zemlji spodaj ali ki je v vodah pod zemljo.
9 thou dost not bow thyself to them nor serve them, for I Jehovah thy God [am] a zealous God, charging iniquity of fathers on children, and on a third [generation], and on a fourth, to those hating Me;
Ne boš se jim priklanjal niti jim služil, kajti jaz, Gospod, tvoj Bog, sem ljubosumen Bog, ki obiskujem krivičnost očetov na otrocih do tretjega in četrtega rodu teh, ki me sovražijo
10 and doing kindness to thousands, to those loving Me, and to those keeping My commands.
in izkazujem usmiljenje tisočim tistih, ki me ljubijo in varujejo moje zapovedi.
11 'Thou dost not take up the Name of Jehovah thy God for a vain thing, for Jehovah doth not acquit him who taketh up His Name for a vain thing.
Ne boš v prazno vzel imena Gospoda, svojega Boga, kajti Gospod ne bo brez krivde držal tistega, ki v prazno jemlje njegovo ime.
12 'Observe the day of the sabbath — to sanctify it, as Jehovah thy God hath commanded thee;
Varuj šabatni dan, da ga posvečuješ, kakor ti je zapovedal Gospod, tvoj Bog.
13 six days thou dost labour, and hast done all thy work,
Šest dni se boš trudil in opravljal vse svoje delo,
14 and the seventh day [is] a sabbath to Jehovah thy God; thou dost not do any work, thou, and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy man-servant, and thy handmaid, and thine ox, and thine ass, and all thy cattle, and thy sojourner who [is] within thy gates; so that thy man-servant, and thy handmaid doth rest like thyself;
toda sedmi dan je šabat Gospodu, tvojemu Bogu. Na [ta dan] ne boš opravljal nobenega dela, ne ti, niti tvoj sin, niti tvoja hči, niti tvoj sluga, niti tvoja dekla, niti tvoj vol, niti tvoj osel, niti nobena izmed tvoje živine, niti tvoj tujec, ki je znotraj tvojih velikih vrat, da lahko tvoj sluga in tvoja dekla počivata kakor ti.
15 and thou hast remembered that a servant thou hast been in the land of Egypt, and Jehovah thy God is bringing thee out thence by a strong hand, and by a stretched-out arm; therefore hath Jehovah thy God commanded thee to keep the day of the sabbath.
Spominjaj pa se, da si bil služabnik v egiptovski deželi in da te je Gospod, tvoj Bog, od tam privedel z mogočno roko in z iztegnjenim laktom. Zato ti je Gospod, tvoj Bog, zapovedal, da izvajaš šabatni dan.
16 'Honour thy father and thy mother, as Jehovah thy God hath commanded thee, so that thy days are prolonged, and so that it is well with thee, on the ground which Jehovah thy God is giving to thee.
Spoštuj svojega očeta in svojo mater, kakor ti je zapovedal Gospod, tvoj Bog, da bodo tvoji dnevi lahko podaljšani in da ti bo dobro šlo v deželi, ki ti jo daje Gospod, tvoj Bog.
17 'Thou dost not murder.
Ne boš ubil.
18 'Thou dost not commit adultery.
Niti ne boš zagrešil zakonolomstva.
20 'Thou dost not answer against thy neighbour — a false testimony.
Niti ne boš pričal po krivem zoper svojega bližnjega.
21 'Thou dost not desire thy neighbour's wife; nor dost thou covet thy neighbour's house, his field, and his man-servant, and his handmaid, his ox, and his ass, and anything which [is] thy neighbour's.
Niti si ne boš želel žene svojega bližnjega, niti ne boš hlepel [po] hiši svojega bližnjega, [po] njegovem polju ali [po] njegovem slugi ali [po] njegovi dekli, [po] njegovem volu ali [po] njegovem oslu ali [po] katerikoli stvari, ki je [od] tvojega bližnjega.‹
22 'These words hath Jehovah spoken unto all your assembly, in the mount out of the midst of the fire, of the cloud, and of the thick darkness — a great voice; and He hath not added, and He writeth them on two tables of stone, and giveth them unto me.
Te besede je Gospod govoril vsemu zboru na gori, iz srede ognja, iz oblaka in iz goste teme, z močnim glasom. In ni več dodal. Napisal jih je na dve kamniti plošči in mi ju izročil.
23 'And it cometh to pass as ye hear the voice out of the midst of the darkness, and of the mountain burning with fire, that ye come near unto me, all the heads of your tribes, and your elders,
Pripetilo se je, ko ste iz srede teme zaslišali glas (kajti gora je gorela z ognjem), da ste se mi približali, celó vsi poglavarji vaših rodov in vaše starešine
24 and say, Lo, Jehovah our God hath shewed us His honour, and His greatness; and His voice we have heard out of the midst of the fire; this day we have seen that God doth speak with man — and he hath lived.
in ste rekli: ›Glej, Gospod, naš Bog, nam je pokazal svojo slavo in svojo veličino in iz srede ognja smo slišali njegov glas. Ta dan smo videli, da Bog govori z možem in ta živi.
25 'And, now, why do we die? for consume us doth this great fire — if we add to hear the voice of Jehovah our God any more — then we have died.
Zdaj torej zakaj naj bi umrli? Kajti ta velik ogenj nas bo použil. Če še naprej slišimo glas Gospoda, našega Boga, potem bomo umrli.
26 For who of all flesh [is] he who hath heard the voice of the living God speaking out of the midst of the fire like us — and doth live?
Kajti kdo je tam od vsega mesa, ki je iz srede ognja slišal govoriti glas živega Boga, kakor smo mi in je živel?
27 Draw near thou, and hear all that which Jehovah our God saith, and thou, thou dost speak unto us all that which Jehovah our God speaketh unto thee, and we have hearkened, and done it.
Ti pojdi blizu in prisluhni vsemu, kar bo rekel Gospod, naš Bog in spregovori nam vse, kar ti bo govoril Gospod, naš Bog in mi bomo temu prisluhnili in to storili.‹
28 'And Jehovah heareth the voice of your words, in your speaking unto me, and Jehovah saith unto me, I have heard the voice of the words of this people which they have spoken unto thee; they have done well [in] all that they have spoken.
Gospod je slišal glas vaših besed, ko ste mi govorili in Gospod mi je rekel: ›Slišal sem glas besed tega ljudstva, ki so ti jih govorili. Dobro so povedali vse, kar so govorili.
29 O that their heart had been thus to them, to fear Me, and to keep My commands all the days, that it may be well with them, and with their sons — to the age!
Oh, da bi bilo takšno srce v njih, da bi se me bali in se vedno držali vseh mojih zapovedi, da bi bilo lahko dobro z njimi in z njihovimi otroki na veke!
30 'Go, say to them, Turn back for yourselves, to your tents;
Pojdi, reci jim: ›Ponovno se vrnite v svoje šotore.‹
31 and thou here stand thou with Me, and let Me speak unto thee all the command, and the statutes, and the judgments which thou dost teach them, and they have done in the land which I am giving to them to possess it.
Toda kar se tebe tiče, ti ostani tukaj, poleg mene in govoril ti bom vse zapovedi, zakone in sodbe, ki jih boš učil, da jih bodo lahko izpolnjevali v deželi, ki sem jim jo dal, da jo vzamejo v last.‹
32 'And ye have observed to do as Jehovah your God hath commanded you, ye turn not aside — right or left;
Obeleževali boste torej, da delate, kakor vam je zapovedal Gospod, vaš Bog. Ne boste se odvrnili vstran, ne k desni roki ne k levi.
33 in all the way which Jehovah your God hath commanded you ye walk, so that ye live, and [it is] well with you, and ye have prolonged days in the land which ye possess.
Hodili boste po vseh poteh, ki vam jih je zapovedal Gospod, vaš Bog, da boste lahko živeli in da bo lahko dobro z vami in da boste lahko podaljšali svoje dni v deželi, ki jo boste vzeli v last.