< Colossians 4 >
1 The masters! that which is righteous and equal to the servants give ye, having known that ye also have a Master in the heavens.
Domini, quod iustum est et æquum, servis præstate: scientes quod et vos Dominum habetis in cælo.
2 In the prayer continue ye, watching in it in thanksgiving;
Orationi instate, vigilantes in ea in gratiarum actione:
3 praying at the same time also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to speak the secret of the Christ, because of which also I have been bound,
orantes simul et pro nobis, ut Deus aperiat nobis ostium sermonis ad loquendum mysterium Christi (propter quod etiam vinctus sum)
4 that I may manifest it, as it behoveth me to speak;
ut manifestem illud ita ut oportet me loqui.
5 in wisdom walk ye toward those without, the time forestalling;
In sapientia ambulate ad eos, qui foris sunt: tempus redimentes.
6 your word always in grace — with salt being seasoned — to know how it behoveth you to answer each one.
Sermo vester semper in gratia sale sit conditus, ut sciatis quomodo oporteat vos unicuique respondere.
7 All the things concerning me make known to you shall Tychicus — the beloved brother, and faithful ministrant, and fellow-servant in the Lord —
Quæ circa me sunt, omnia vobis nota faciet Tychicus charissimus frater, et fidelis minister, et conservus in Domino:
8 whom I did send unto you for this very thing, that he might know the things concerning you, and might comfort your hearts,
quem misi ad vos ad hoc ipsum ut cognoscat, quæ circa vos sunt, et consoletur corda vestra,
9 with Onesimus the faithful and beloved brother, who is of you; all things to you shall they make known that [are] here.
cum Onesimo charissimo, et fideli fratre, qui ex vobis est. Omnia, quæ hic aguntur, nota facient vobis.
10 Salute you doth Aristarchus, my fellow-captive, and Marcus, the nephew of Barnabas, (concerning whom ye did receive commands — if he may come unto you receive him, )
Salutat vos Aristarchus concaptivus meus, et Marcus consobrinus Barnabæ, de quo accepistis mandata: si venerit ad vos, excipite illum:
11 and Jesus who is called Justus, who are of the circumcision: these only [are] fellow-workers for the reign of God who did become a comfort to me.
et Iesus, qui dicitur Iustus: qui sunt ex circumcisione: hi soli sunt adiutores mei in regno Dei, qui mihi fuerunt solatio.
12 Salute you doth Epaphras, who [is] of you, a servant of Christ, always striving for you in the prayers, that ye may stand perfect and made full in all the will of God,
Salutat vos Epaphras, qui ex vobis est, servus Christi Iesu, semper solicitus pro vobis in orationibus, ut stetis perfecti, et pleni in omni voluntate Dei.
13 for I do testify to him, that he hath much zeal for you, and those in Laodicea, and those in Hierapolis.
Testimonium enim illi perhibeo quod habet multum laborem pro vobis, et pro iis, qui sunt Laodiciæ, et qui Hierapoli.
14 Salute you doth Lukas, the beloved physician, and Demas;
Salutat vos Lucas medicus charissimus, et Demas.
15 salute ye those in Laodicea — brethren, and Nymphas, and the assembly in his house;
Salutate fratres, qui sunt Laodiciæ, et Nympham, et quæ in domo eius est, ecclesiam.
16 and when the epistle may be read with you, cause that also in the assembly of the Laodiceans it may be read, and the [epistle] from Laodicea that ye also may read;
Et cum lecta fuerit apud vos epistola hæc, facite ut et in Laodicensium Ecclesia legatur: et eam, quæ Laodicensium est, vos legatis.
17 and say to Archippus, 'See to the ministration that thou didst receive in the Lord, that thou mayest fulfil it.'
Et dicite Archippo: Vide ministerium, quod accepisti in Domino, ut illud impleas.
18 The salutation by the hand of me, Paul; remember my bonds; the grace [is] with you. Amen.
Salutatio, mea manu Pauli. Memores estote vinculorum meorum. Gratia vobiscum. Amen.