< 3 John 1 >

1 The Elder to Gaius the beloved, whom I love in truth!
Mukuru, kuna Gayo anodikanwa, wandinoda ini pachokwadi.
2 beloved, concerning all things I desire thee to prosper, and to be in health, even as thy soul doth prosper,
Mudikanwi, ndinonyengetera pazvinhu zvese kuti ubudirire, uye ugwinye, semweya wako uchibudirira.
3 for I rejoiced exceedingly, brethren coming and testifying of the truth in thee, even as thou in truth dost walk;
Nokuti ndakafara zvikuru, hama padzakasvika ndokupupurira chokwadi chako, sezvaunofamba iwe muchokwadi.
4 greater than these things I have no joy, that I may hear of my children in truth walking.
Handina mufaro unopfuura izvi, kuti ndinzwe vana vangu vachifamba muchokwadi.
5 Beloved, faithfully dost thou do whatever thou mayest work to the brethren and to the strangers,
Mudikanwi, unoita nekutendeka zvese zvaunobata kuhama nekuvaeni,
6 who did testify of thy love before an assembly, whom thou wilt do well, having sent forward worthily of God,
vakapupurira rudo rwako pamberi pekereke; uchaita zvakanaka kana ukavaperekedza zvakafanira Mwari.
7 because for [His] name they went forth, nothing receiving from the nations;
Nokuti nekuda kwezita rake vakabuda vasingagamuchiri chinhu kuvahedheni.
8 we, then, ought to receive such, that fellow-workers we may become to the truth.
Naizvozvo isu tinofanira kugamuchira vakadaro, kuti tigova vanobatsirana pachokwadi.
9 I did write to the assembly, but he who is loving the first place among them — Diotrephes — doth not receive us;
Ndakanyorera kereke; asi Dhiotirefesi, anoda kuva wekutanga pakati pavo asingatigamuchiri.
10 because of this, if I may come, I will cause him to remember his works that he doth, with evil words prating against us; and not content with these, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and those intending he doth forbid, and out of the assembly he doth cast.
Naizvozvo, kana ndichiuya, ndicharangarira mabasa ake aanoita, achitiitira makuhwa nemashoko akaipa; uye asingagutsikani neizvozvo, kunyange iye amene haagamuchiri hama, uye anovadzivisa vanoda, nekudzinga mukereke.
11 Beloved, be not thou following that which is evil, but that which is good; he who is doing good, of God he is, and he who is doing evil hath not seen God;
Mudikanwi, usatevera chakaipa, asi chakanaka. Anoita chakanaka ndeanobva kuna Mwari; asi anoita zvakaipa, haana kuona Mwari.
12 to Demetrius testimony hath been given by all, and by the truth itself, and we also — we do testify, and ye have known that our testimony is true.
Dhemetrio anopupurirwa zvakanaka nevese, uye nechokwadi pachacho; nesuwo tinopupura, nemwi munoziva kuti kupupura kwedu ndekwechokwadi.
13 Many things I had to write, but I do not wish through ink and pen to write to thee,
Ndakange ndine zvizhinji zvekunyora, asi handidi kukunyorera neingi nepeni;
14 and I hope straightway to see thee, and mouth to mouth we shall speak. Peace to thee! salute thee do the friends; be saluting the friends by name.
asi ndinovimba kukurumidza kukuona, titauriranewo muromo nemuromo. Rugare kwauri. Vadikanwi vanokukwazisa. Kwazisa vadikanwi nezita.

< 3 John 1 >