< 2 Samuel 13 >
1 And it cometh to pass afterwards that Absalom son of David hath a fair sister, and her name [is] Tamar, and Amnon son of David loveth her.
A potom se dogodi: Avesalom sin Davidov imaše lijepu sestru po imenu Tamaru, i zamilova je Amnon sin Davidov.
2 And Amnon hath distress — even to become sick, because of Tamar his sister, for she [is] a virgin, and it is hard in the eyes of Amnon to do anything to her.
I tužaše Amnon tako da se razbolje radi Tamare sestre svoje; jer bješe djevojka, te se Amnonu èinjaše teško da joj uèini što.
3 And Amnon hath a friend, and his name [is] Jonadab, son of Shimeah, David's brother, and Jonadab [is] a very wise man,
A imaše Amnon prijatelja, kojemu ime bješe Jonadav sin Same brata Davidova; i Jonadav bješe vrlo domišljat.
4 and saith to him, 'Wherefore [art] thou thus lean, O king's son, morning by morning? dost thou not declare to me?' And Amnon saith to him, 'Tamar — sister of Absalom my brother — I am loving.'
I reèe mu: što se tako sušiš, carev sine, od dana na dan? ne bi li mi kazao? A Amnon mu reèe: ljubim Tamaru sestru Avesaloma brata svojega.
5 And Jonadab saith to him, 'Lie down on thy couch, and feign thyself sick, and thy father hath come in to see thee, and thou hast said unto him, 'Let, I pray thee, Tamar my sister come in and give me bread to eat; and she hath made the food before mine eyes so that I see [it], and have eaten from her hand.'
Tada mu reèe Jonadav: lezi u postelju svoju, i uèini se bolestan; pa kad doðe otac tvoj da te vidi, ti mu reci: neka doðe Tamara sestra moja da me nahrani, i da zgotovi pred mojim oèima jelo da gledam, i iz njezine ruke da jedem.
6 And Amnon lieth down, and feigneth himself sick, and the king cometh in to see him, and Amnon saith unto the king, 'Let, I pray thee, Tamar my sister come, and she maketh before mine eyes two cakes, and I eat from her hand.'
I Amnon leže i uèini se bolestan; i kad doðe car da ga vidi, reèe Amnon caru: neka doðe Tamara sestra moja i zgotovi preda mnom dva jelca da jedem iz njezine ruke.
7 And David sendeth unto Tamar, to the house, saying, 'Go, I pray thee, to the house of Amnon thy brother, and make for him food.'
Tada David posla k Tamari kuæi, i poruèi joj: idi u kuæu brata svojega Amnona i zgotovi mu jelo.
8 And Tamar goeth to the house of Amnon her brother, and he is lying down, and she taketh the dough, and kneadeth, and maketh cakes before his eyes, and cooketh the cakes,
I Tamara otide u kuæu brata svojega Amnona, i on ležaše; i uze brašna i zamijesi i zgotovi jelo pred njim i skuha.
9 and taketh the frying-pan, and poureth out before him, and he refuseth to eat, and Amnon saith, 'Take ye out every one from me;' and they go out every one from him.
Potom uze tavicu i izruèi preda nj; ali Amnon ne htje jesti, nego reèe: kažite neka izidu svi koji su kod mene. I izidoše svi.
10 And Amnon saith unto Tamar, 'Bring the food into the inner chamber, and I eat from thy hand;' and Tamar taketh the cakes that she hath made, and bringeth in to Amnon her brother, into the inner chamber,
Tada reèe Amnon Tamari: donesi to jelo u klijet da jedem iz tvoje ruke. I Tamara uze jelo što bješe zgotovila, i donese Amnonu bratu svojemu u klijet.
11 and she bringeth nigh unto him to eat, and he layeth hold on her, and saith to her, 'Come, lie with me, my sister.'
A kad mu pruži da jede, on je uhvati i reèe joj: hodi, lezi sa mnom, sestro moja!
12 And she saith to him, 'Nay, my brother, do not humble me, for it is not done so in Israel; do not this folly.
A ona mu reèe: ne, brate, nemoj me osramotiti, jer se tako ne radi u Izrailju, ne èini toga bezumlja.
13 And I — whither do I cause my reproach to go? and thou — thou art as one of the fools in Israel; and now, speak, I pray thee, unto the king; for he doth not withhold me from thee.'
Kuda bih ja sa sramotom svojom? a ti bi bio kao koji od najgorih ljudi u Izrailju. Nego govori caru; on me neæe tebi odreæi.
14 And he hath not been willing to hearken to her voice, and is stronger than she, and humbleth her, and lieth with her.
Ali je on ne htje poslušati, nego savladavši je osramoti je i obleža je.
15 And Amnon hateth her — a very great hatred — that greater [is] the hatred with which he hath hated her than the love with which he loved her, and Amnon saith to her, 'Rise, go.'
A poslije omrze na nju Amnon veoma, te mržnja kojom mržaše na nju bješe veæa od ljubavi kojom je prije ljubljaše. I reèe joj Amnon: ustani, odlazi.
16 And she saith to him, 'Because of the circumstances this evil is greater than the other that thou hast done with me — to send me away;' and he hath not been willing to hearken to her,
A ona mu reèe: to æe biti veæe zlo od onoga koje si mi uèinio što me tjeraš. Ali je on ne htje poslušati.
17 and calleth his young man, his servant, and saith, 'Send away, I pray thee, this one from me without, and bolt the door after her;'
Nego viknu momka koji ga služaše, i reèe mu: vodi ovu od mene napolje, i zakljuèaj vrata za njom.
18 — and upon her [is] a long coat, for such upper robes do daughters of the king who [are] virgins put on, — and his servant taketh her out without, and hath bolted the door after her.
A ona imaše na sebi šarenu haljinu, jer take haljine nošahu carske kæeri dok su djevojke. I sluga njegov izvede je napolje, i zakljuèa za njom vrata.
19 And Tamar taketh ashes for her head, and the long coat that [is] on her she hath rent, and putteth her hand on her head, and goeth, going on and crying;
Tada Tamara posu se pepelom po glavi i razdrije šarenu haljinu koju imaše na sebi, i metnu ruku svoju na glavu, i otide vièuæi.
20 and Absalom her brother saith unto her, 'Hath Amnon thy brother been with thee? and now, my sister, keep silent, he [is] thy brother; set not thy heart to this thing;' and Tamar dwelleth — but desolate — in the house of Absalom her brother.
A brat njezin Avesalom reèe joj: da nije Amnon brat tvoj bio s tobom? ali, sestro moja, æuti, brat ti je, ne misli o tom. I tako osta Tamara osamljena u kuæi brata svojega Avesaloma.
21 And king David hath heard all these things, and it is very displeasing to him;
I car David èuvši sve ovo razgnjevi se vrlo.
22 and Absalom hath not spoken with Amnon either evil or good, for Absalom is hating Amnon, because that he humbled Tamar his sister.
Avesalom pak ne govoraše s Amnonom ni ružno ni lijepo; jer Avesalom mržaše na Amnona što mu osramoti sestru Tamaru.
23 And it cometh to pass, after two years of days, that Absalom hath shearers in Baal-Hazor, which [is] with Ephraim, and Absalom calleth for all the sons of the king.
A poslije dvije godine kad se strizijahu ovce Avesalomove u Val-Asoru, koji je kod Jefrema, on pozva sve sinove careve.
24 And Absalom cometh unto the king, and saith, 'Lo, I pray thee, thy servant hath shearers, let the king go, I pray thee, and his servants, with thy servant.'
I doðe Avesalom k caru i reèe mu: evo, sad se strigu ovce sluzi tvojemu; neka poðe car i sluge njegove sa slugom svojim.
25 And the king saith unto Absalom, 'Nay, my son, let us not all go, I pray thee, and we are not too heavy on thee;' and he presseth on him, and he hath not been willing to go, and he blesseth him.
Ali car reèe Avesalomu: nemoj, sine, nemoj da idemo svi, da ti ne budemo na tegotu. I premda navaljivaše, opet ne htje iæi, nego ga blagoslovi.
26 And Absalom saith, 'If not — let, I pray thee, Amnon my brother go with us;' and the king saith to him, 'Why doth he go with thee?'
A Avesalom reèe: kad ti neæeš, a ono neka ide s nama Amnon brat moj. A car mu reèe: što da ide s tobom?
27 and Absalom urgeth on him, and he sendeth with him Amnon, and all the sons of the king.
Ali navali Avesalom na nj, te pusti s njim Amnona i sve sinove carske.
28 And Absalom commandeth his young men, saying, 'See, I pray thee, when the heart of Amnon [is] glad with wine, and I have said unto you, Smite Amnon, that ye have put him to death; fear not; is it not because I have commanded you? be strong, yea, become sons of valour.'
Tada Avesalom zapovjedi momcima svojim govoreæi: pazite, kad se srce Amnonu razveseli od vina, i ja vam reèem: ubijte Amnona; tada ga ubijte; ne bojte se, jer vam ja zapovijedam, budite slobodni i hrabri.
29 And the young men of Absalom do to Amnon as Absalom commanded, and rise do all the sons of the king, and they ride, each on his mule, and flee.
I uèiniše s Amnonom sluge Avesalomove kako im zapovjedi Avesalom. Tada ustaše svi sinovi carevi i pojahaše svak svoju mazgu i pobjegoše.
30 And it cometh to pass — they [are] in the way — and the report hath come unto David, saying, 'Absalom hath smitten all the sons of the king, and there is not left of them one;'
A dokle još bijahu na putu, doðe glas Davidu da je Avesalom pobio sve sinove careve, da nije ostao od njih nijedan.
31 and the king riseth, and rendeth his garments, and lieth on the earth, and all his servants are standing by [with] rent garments.
Tada ustavši car razdrije haljine svoje, i leže na zemlju, i sve sluge njegove koje stajahu oko njega razdriješe haljine svoje.
32 And Jonadab son of Shimeah, David's brother, answereth and saith, 'Let not my lord say, The whole of the young men, the sons of the king, they have put to death; for Amnon alone [is] dead, for by the command of Absalom it hath been appointed from the day of his humbling Tamar his sister;
A Jonadav sin Same brata Davidova progovori i reèe: neka ne govori gospodar moj da su pobili svu djecu, careve sinove; poginuo je samo Amnon, jer Avesalom bješe tako naumio od onoga dana kad Amnon osramoti Tamaru sestru njegovu.
33 and now, let not my lord the king lay unto his heart the word, saying, All the sons of the king have died, for Amnon alone [is] dead.'
Neka dakle car gospodar moj ne misli o tom u srcu svojem govoreæi: svi sinovi carevi pogiboše; jer je samo Amnon poginuo.
34 And Absalom fleeth, and the young man who is watching lifteth up his eyes and looketh, and lo, much people are coming by the way behind him, on the side of the hill.
A Avesalom pobježe. A momak na straži podiže oèi svoje i ugleda, a to mnogi narod ide k njemu pokraj gore.
35 And Jonadab saith unto the king, 'Lo, the sons of the king have come; as the word of thy servant, so it hath been.'
I Jonadav reèe caru: evo idu sinovi carevi; kao što je kazao sluga tvoj, tako je bilo.
36 And it cometh to pass at his finishing to speak, that lo, the sons of the king have come, and they lift up their voice, and weep, and also the king and all his servants have wept — a very great weeping.
I kad izreèe, a to sinovi carevi doðoše, i podigavši glas svoj plakaše; a i car i sve sluge njegove plakaše vrlo.
37 And Absalom hath fled, and goeth unto Talmai, son of Ammihud, king of Geshur, and [David] mourneth for his son all the days.
Avesalom pak pobježe i otide k Talmaju sinu Amijudovu caru Gesurskom. A David plakaše za sinom svojim svaki dan.
38 And Absalom hath fled, and goeth to Geshur, and is there three years;
A kad Avesalom uteèe i doðe u Gesur, osta ondje tri godine.
39 and [the soul of] king David determineth to go out unto Absalom, for he hath been comforted for Amnon, for [he is] dead.
Potom zaželje car David otiæi k Avesalomu, jer se utješi za Amnonom što pogibe.