< 2 Kings 4 >

1 And a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets hath cried unto Elisha, saying, 'Thy servant, my husband, is dead, and thou hast known that thy servant was fearing Jehovah, and the lender hath come to take my two children to him for servants.'
Nitoreo amy Elisà ty rakemba raik’ amo tañanjomba’ o anam-pitokio, nanao ty hoe: Nihomake i valiko, mpitoro’oy, le fohi’o te nañeveñe am’ Iehovà i mpi­­toro’oy; vaho nipok’ eo ty mpampisongo hangalake ty ana-dahiko roe hon­devo’e.
2 And Elisha saith unto her, 'What do I do for thee? declare to me, what hast thou in the house?' and she saith, 'Thy maid-servant hath nothing in the house except a pot of oil.'
Le hoe t’i Elisà ama’e: Ino ty hanoeko ho azo? italilio, ino o hanaña’o añ’ anjomba’oo. Le hoe re: Tsy aman-draha añ’anjomba ao ty mpitoro’o ampela naho tsy vatavo menake raik’ avao.
3 And he saith, 'Go, ask for thee vessels from without, from all thy neighbours — empty vessels — let [them] not be few;
Le hoe re: Akia, indramo vatavo amo mpitrao-tanañe ama’o iabio, vatavo kapaike; le ko mindrañe tsy ampeampe.
4 and thou hast entered, and shut the door upon thee, and upon thy sons, and hast poured out into all these vessels, and the full ones thou dost remove.'
Mimoaha amy zay vaho agabeño ama’o naho amy ana-dahi’o rey i lalañey, le adoaño amo vatavo iabio, vaho aviho ty pea.
5 And she goeth from him, and shutteth the door upon her, and upon her sons; they are bringing nigh unto her, and she is pouring out,
Aa le nieng’ aze re naho narindri’e ama’e naho amo ana’eo i lalañey, le nandesa’ iereo vatavo vaho nañiliña’e.
6 and it cometh to pass, at the filling of the vessels, that she saith unto her son, 'Bring nigh unto me a vessel more,' and he saith unto her, 'There is not a vessel more;' and the oil stayeth.
Ie hene nipea o vatavoo, le hoe re amy ana’ey: endeso vatavo tovo’e. Fa hoe re ama’e: Tsy amam-batavo ka. Aa le nijihetse i menakey.
7 And she cometh and declareth to the man of God, and he saith, 'Go, sell the oil, and repay thy loan; and thou [and] thy sons do live of the rest.'
Nimb’eo re nitalily amy ‘ndatin’Añaharey. Le hoe re: Akia, aletaho i menakey, le ondroho i songoy le miveloma amy sisay, ihe naho i ana-dahi’o rey.
8 And the day cometh that Elisha passeth over unto Shunem, and there [is] a great woman, and she layeth hold on him to eat bread, and it cometh to pass, at the time of his passing over, he turneth aside thither to eat bread,
Ie te indraik’ andro, naho ho niranga i Sonamý t’i Elisà, le teo ty rakemba mpañarivo; nanjitse aze hikama mofo. Ie amy zao, ndra mbia’ mbia niary mb’ eo re le nitsile mb’eo hikama mofo.
9 and she saith unto her husband, 'Lo, I pray thee, I have known that a holy man of God he is, passing over by us continually;
Le hoe re amy vali’ey: Inao, apotako te ondaty miavak’ aman’ Añahare i miary aman-tika nainai’ey.
10 let us make, I pray thee, a little upper chamber of the wall, and we set for him there a bed, and a table, and a high seat, and a candlestick; and it hath been, in his coming in unto us, he doth turn aside thither.'
Ehe, antao handranjy efetse kedek’ an-tafo ey naho hasian-tika fandreañe naho latabatse naho seza vaho fitàn-jiro ty ao ho aze; aa ie miheo mb’ aman-tikañ’ atoy, le ao ty hiziliha’e.
11 And the day cometh, that he cometh in thither, and turneth aside unto the upper chamber, and lieth there,
Teo te indraik’ andro, niary eo re nimoak’ am-batsa ao le nandre.
12 and he saith unto Gehazi his young man, 'Call for this Shunammite;' and he calleth for her, and she standeth before him.
Le hoe re amy Gekazý, mpitoro’ey, Kanjio i nte-Sonamiy. Aa le kinanji’e, vaho nijohañe añatrefa’e.
13 And he saith to him, 'Say, I pray thee, unto her, Lo, thou hast troubled thyself concerning us with all this trouble; what — to do for thee? is it to speak for thee unto the king, or unto the head of the host?' and she saith, 'In the midst of my people I am dwelling.'
Le hoe re amy mpitoro’ey, Isaontsio ty hoe: Hehe, niatrak’ anay irehe amo fañasoañe iabio; aa le inoñe ty hanoeñe ho azo? ho saontsieñe amy mpanjakay hao, ndra amy mpifehe i valobohòkeiy? Le hoe ty natoi’e: Mimoneñe am’ondatikoo iraho.
14 And he saith, 'And what — to do for her?' and Gehazi saith, 'Verily she hath no son, and her husband [is] aged.'
Le hoe re, Ino arè ty hanoeñe? le hoe t’i Gekazý: Toe tsy aman’ ana-dahy re, vaho fa bey ty vali’e.
15 And he saith, 'Call for her;' and he calleth for her, and she standeth at the opening,
Le hoe re, Kanjio. Aa ie nikanjia’e, inge ie nijohañe an-dalam-bey eo.
16 and he saith, 'At this season, according to the time of life, thou art embracing a son;' and she saith, 'Nay, my lord, O man of God, do not lie unto thy maid-servant.'
Le hoe re: Ie mibalike ty taoñe ami’ty andro tinendre toy, le hiotroñe ana-dahy irehe. Le hoe re: Aiy! ry talèko, ry ondatin’ Añahareo, ko mandañitse amo anak’ampata’oo.
17 And the woman conceiveth and beareth a son, at this season, according to the time of life, that Elisha spake of unto her.
Fe niareñe i rakembay, nisamak’ ana-dahy amy sa zay, ie nibalike ty taoñe, ty amy saontsi’ i Elisà ama’ey.
18 And the lad groweth, and the day cometh that he goeth out unto his father, unto the reapers,
Ie nibey i ajajay, le teo ty andro, t’ie nihitrike mb’aman-drae’e, mb’ amo mpanatakeo mb’eo.
19 and he saith unto his father, 'My head, my head;' and he saith unto the young man, 'Bear him unto his mother;'
Le hoe re aman-drae’e: Ty lohako, ty lohako. Le hoe re amy mpitoro’ey: Babeo mb’ aman-drene’e mb’eo.
20 and he beareth him, and bringeth him in unto his mother, and he sitteth on her knees till the noon, and dieth.
Le nendese’e naho nasese’e aman-drene’e; ie nitobok’ añ’ongo’e eo am-para’ te tsipinde mena vaho nikenkañe.
21 And she goeth up, and layeth him on the bed of the man of God, and shutteth [the door] upon him, and goeth out,
Niañambone mb’eo re vaho nahitsi’e am-pandrea’ indatin’ Añaharey le narin­dri’e i lalañey vaho niakatse.
22 and calleth unto her husband, and saith, 'Send, I pray thee, to me, one of the young men, and one of the asses, and I run unto the man of God, and return.'
Kinanji’e amy zao i vali’ey nanao ty hoe: Ehe, ahitrifo amako ty mpitoroñe, naho ty borìke, hihitrifako mb’ indatin’ Añaharey mb’eo vaho himpoly.
23 And he saith, 'Wherefore art thou going unto him to-day? — neither new moon nor sabbath!' and she saith, 'Peace [to thee]!'
Le hoe re, Ino ty handenà’o añe te anito? tsy pea-bolañe, tsy Sabata. Le hoe re: Mbe ho soa.
24 And she saddleth the ass, and saith unto her young man, 'Lead, and go, do not restrain riding for me, except I have said [so] to thee.'
Aa le dinia’e i borìke’ey, le hoe re amy mpitoro’ey, Endeso, mionjona; le ko malaoñe ty amako naho tsy ivolañako.
25 And she goeth, and cometh in unto the man of God, unto the hill of Carmel, and it cometh to pass, at the man of God's seeing her from over-against, that he saith unto Gehazi his young man, 'Lo, this Shunammite;
Le nionjomb’ am’ indatin’ Añahare am-bohi’ Karmeley re. Aa ie nahatalake aze indatin’ Añaharey te eroy, le hoe re amy Gekazý, mpitoro’ey: Ingo, eroy i nte-Sonamiy.
26 now, run, I pray thee, to meet her, and say to her, Is there peace to thee? is there peace to thy husband? is there peace to the lad?' and she saith, 'Peace.'
Ehe mihitrihitrifa hifanalaka ama’e le añontaneo ty hoe: Jangam-b’iheo? mbe soa hao i vali’oy? mbe soa hao i ana’oy? le hoe ty navale’e: Mbe soa.
27 And she cometh in unto the man of God, unto the hill, and layeth hold on his feet, and Gehazi cometh nigh to thrust her away, and the man of God saith, 'Let her alone, for her soul [is] bitter to her, and Jehovah hath hidden [it] from me, and hath not declared [it] to me.'
Ie pok’ amy ‘ndatin’ Añahare an-kaboañey, le nifihine’e o fandia’eo. Nimb’eo t’i Gekazý hameve aze; fa hoe indatin’ Añaharey: Apoho, fa mafaitse ama’e ty fiai’e, naho naeta’ Iehovà amako; tsy nitaroña’e.
28 And she saith, 'Did I ask a son from my lord? did I not say, Do not deceive me?'
Le hoe re: Nisalala ana-dahy hao iraho ry talèko? tsy nanoeko ty hoe hao: Ko mamañahy ahy?
29 And he saith to Gehazi, 'Gird up thy loins, and take my staff in thy hand, and go; when thou dost meet a man, thou dost not salute him; and when a man doth salute thee, thou dost not answer him; and thou hast laid my staff on the face of the youth.'
Aa le hoe re amy Gekazý: Midiaña vania, rambeso am-pità’o i kobaikoy, le akia mb’eo; ie mifanalaka ama’ondaty, ko mañontane; ie añontaneane, ko manoiñe; le ampandreo an-tarehe’ i ajajay i kobaikoy.
30 And the mother of the youth saith, 'Jehovah liveth, and thy soul liveth — if I leave thee;' and he riseth and goeth after her.
Hoe ty rene’ i ajajay: Kanao veloñe t’Iehovà, naho veloñe ty fiai’o, tsy hieng’ azo iraho. Aa le niongake re nañorik’ aze.
31 And Gehazi hath passed on before them, and layeth the staff on the face of the youth, and there is no voice, and there is no attention, and he turneth back to meet him, and declareth to him, saying, 'The youth hath not awaked.'
Niaolo iereo t’i Gekazý, le napo’e an-tarehe’ i ajajay i kobaiñey; fe po-feo naho fitsanoñañe. Nibalik’ amy zay re hifanalaka vaho natalili’e ty hoe: Mboe tsy nisotrake i ajajay.
32 And Elisha cometh in to the house, and lo, the youth is dead, laid on his bed,
Ie nimoak’ añ’ anjomba ao t’i Elisà zoe’e te nivetrake i ajaja nandre am-pandrea’ey.
33 and he goeth in and shutteth the door upon them both, and prayeth unto Jehovah.
Aa le nizilik’ ao re naho narin­dri’e am’ ie roe i lalañey, vaho nihalaly amy Iehovà.
34 And he goeth up, and lieth down on the lad, and putteth his mouth on his mouth, and his eyes on his eyes, and his hands on his hands, and stretcheth himself upon him, and the flesh of the lad becometh warm;
Niongake re naho nandre amy ajajay, natoho’e am-bava’e ty falie’e; an-taña’e o fità’eo, amo maso’eo o fihaino’eo naho niatatse ama’e vaho nihamafana ty sandri’ i ajajay.
35 and he turneth back and walketh in the house, once hither and once thither, and goeth up and stretcheth himself upon him, and the youth sneezeth till seven times, and the youth openeth his eyes.
Nibalike re, nibelobelo amy trañoy ao, le nibalike, nihitsy ama’e indraike; nihatsihe im-pito i ajajay vaho nabolana’ i ajajay o maso’eo.
36 And he calleth unto Gehazi, and saith, 'Call unto this Shunammite;' and he calleth her, and she cometh in unto him, and he saith, 'Lift up thy son.'
Tinoka’e t’i Gekazý ami’ty hoe: Kanjio i nte-Sonamiy. Le tinoka’e. Aa ie nimoak’ ao, hoe re: Intoy o ana’oo.
37 And she goeth in, and falleth at his feet, and boweth herself to the earth, and lifteth up her son, and goeth out.
Nizilik’ ao re nibabok’ am-pandia’e eo, nidròdreke mb’an-tane naho rinam­be’e i ana-dahi’ey vaho niavotse.
38 And Elisha hath turned back to Gilgal, and the famine [is] in the land, and the sons of the prophets are sitting before him, and he saith to his young man, 'Set on the great pot, and boil pottage for the sons of the prophets.'
Ie nibalike mb’e Gilgale mb’eo t’i Elisà; nisalikoeñe i taney; naho nitobok’ aolo’e o anam-pitokio, le hoe re amy mpitoro’ey, Apoho ama’e i valàñe jabajabay le anokono ahandro o anam-pitokio.
39 And one goeth out unto the field to gather herbs, and findeth a vine of the field, and gathereth of it gourds of the field — the fulness of his garment — and cometh in and splitteth [them] into the pot of pottage, for they knew [them] not;
Niakatse mb’an-tetek’ ey ty raike hitsongo añañe le naharendreke vahen’ ala naho tsinongo’e naho natsafe’e sarevazavozavo i siki’ey, vaho pinatepate’e am-balañe ao, fe tsy napota’e te inoñe.
40 and they pour out for the men to eat, and it cometh to pass at their eating of the pottage, that they have cried out, and say, 'Death [is] in the pot, O man of God!' and they have not been able to eat.
Aa le naili’ iareo hikama’ ondatio. Ie nikama amy natokoñey iereo le nipazake ty hoe, O ondatin’ Añahareo, fikoromahañe ty am-balàñe ao. Le tsy nahafikama ama’e iereo.
41 And he saith, 'Then bring ye meal;' and he casteth into the pot, and saith, 'Pour out for the people, and they eat;' and there was no evil thing in the pot.
Aa hoe re, Endeso atoy i lilañey, le nadoa’e am-balàñe ao izay, le hoe re: Amoaro ondatio hikama, le tsy nijoy ka ty am-balàñe ao.
42 And a man hath come from Baal-Shalishah, and bringeth in to the man of God bread of first-fruits, twenty loaves of barley, and full ears of corn in its husk, and he saith, 'Give to the people, and they eat.'
Pok’ eo ka t’indaty boake Baale-salisà, ninday mofo boak’ amo loha-voao mb’am’ indatin’ Añaharey, vonga-mofo hordea roapolo; naho tsako-le an-koro’e ao. Le hoe re anjotso ondatio hikama.
43 And his minister saith, 'What — do I give this before a hundred men?' and he saith, 'Give to the people, and they eat, for thus said Jehovah, Eat and leave;'
Fa hoe i mpitoro’ey, Akore ty hanjo­tsoako toy am’ondaty zatoo? Fa hoe re: Anjotsò ondatio hikama, fa hoe ty nafè’ Iehovà: Toe hikama iereo vaho hanisa.
44 and he giveth before them, and they eat and leave, according to the word of Jehovah.
Aa le nanjotsoa’e le nikama iereo vaho nanisa, ty amy tsara’ Iehovày.

< 2 Kings 4 >