< 1 Samuel 13 >

1 A son of a year [is] Saul in his reigning, yea, two years he hath reigned over Israel,
Şaul paççah ıxhamee, mang'uqa xhebts'al senniy vod. Mana yoq'ts'ale q'olle senna İzrailyna paççah ıxha.
2 and Saul chooseth for himself three thousand [men] out of Israel; and two thousand are with Saul in Michmash, and in the hill-country of Beth-El; and a thousand have been with Jonathan in Gibeah of Benjamin; and the remnant of the people he hath sent each to his tents.
Şaulee cune g'oşunbışeeqa xhebıd aazır İzrailyğançena g'əyxə. Manbışda q'öd aazır insan cukasana Mikmas eyhene şahareeyiy Bet-Elyne tepabışee vooxhe. Aazır insanmee cune duxayka, Yonatanıka, Benyaminna nasıl vooxhene Givea eyhene şaharee vooxhe. Mansa axuyn milletmee Şaulee cone xaybışeeqa yəqqı'l ha'a.
3 And Jonathan smiteth the garrison of the Philistines which [is] in Geba, and the Philistines hear, and Saul hath blown with a trumpet through all the land, saying, 'Let the Hebrews hear.'
Yonatanee Giveayeene Filiştinaaşde zastaaveebın eskerar gyabat'a, manıd Filiştinaaşik'le ats'axhxhen. Şauleeme: «Cühüt'yaaşik'le g'ayxhecenva!» uvhu, ölkavolle şeypur hook'as ulyookka.
4 And all Israel have heard, saying, 'Saul hath smitten the garrison of the Philistines,' and also, 'Israel hath been abhorred by the Philistines;' and the people are called after Saul to Gilgal.
İzrailybışde gırgıng'uk'le Şaulee, Filiştinaaşde zastaveebın eskerar gyapt'ıyıd, Filiştinaaşik'le İzrailybı g'umooce qeepxhayıd g'ayxhiyn. Millet Şaulne hiqiy-alla salecenva Gilgaleeqa qoyt'al.
5 And the Philistines have been gathered to fight with Israel; thirty thousand chariots, and six thousand horsemen, and a people as the sand which [is] on the sea-shore for multitude; and they come up and encamp in Michmash, east of Beth-Aven.
Filiştinarıb İzrailybışika səvxəsva savayle. Manbışe xhebts'al aazır dəv'əyn daşk'a, yixhıd aazırır balkanılyna sa'a. Manbışda g'oşun deryahne mıglekna g'um xhinne geeb vuxha. Manbı apk'ın Bet-Aven eyhene şaharne şargıl Mikmasee çadırbı giyxə.
6 And the men of Israel have seen that they are distressed, that the people hath been oppressed, and the people hide themselves in caves, and in thickets, and in rocks, and in high places, and in pits.
İzrailybışik'le cok ixhesın g'acumee, co ooşaa'a g'avcumee, manbı mağarabışee, axtıne ok'bışee, suvabışee, k'oralybışee, kahrızbışee dyuguleebaxhenbı.
7 And Hebrews have passed over the Jordan to the land of Gad and Gilead; and Saul [is] yet in Gilgal, and all the people have trembled after him.
Manbışiken sabarabı İordanne damayne şene aqvalqa Qadne nasıleneyiy Gileadne cigabışeeqa ılğeebaç'e. Şaul vuc Gilgalee axva, cukane milletınıd qəpq'ı'niyvalin yik'bı qoda eyxhe.
8 And he waiteth seven days, according to the appointment with Samuel, and Samuel hath not come to Gilgal, and the people are scattered from off him.
Şaulee, Şamuelee uvhuyn xhinne yighılle yiğna gozet ha'an. Mane gahıl Şamuel Gilgalqa arayle deş. Şaulne hiqiy-alla sabıyn insanar heebaxa giviyğal.
9 And Saul saith, 'Bring nigh unto me the burnt-offering, and the peace-offerings;' and he causeth the burnt-offering to ascend.
Şaulee eyhen: – Gyoxhxhan ha'asıniy medın q'urbanbı zasqa qale. Mang'vee vuceecab gyooxhan haa'ana q'urban ablyaa'a.
10 And it cometh to pass at his completing to cause the burnt-offering to ascend, that lo, Samuel hath come, and Saul goeth out to meet him, to bless him;
Gyooxhan haa'ana q'urban ablyav'u ç'əveepxhamee, Şamuel qarı hiyxhar. Şaul salam hevlesva mang'une ögilqa qığeç'e.
11 and Samuel saith, 'What hast thou done?' And Saul saith, 'Because I saw that the people were scattered from off me, and thou hadst not come at the appointment of the days, and the Philistines are gathered to Michmash,
Şamuelee eyhen: – Ğu in hı'iyn kar hucoone? Şaulee mang'us cuvab qele: – Zak'le g'acuyn yizde hıqiy-alladın millet hexva vod, ğunar ğu eyhene yiğıl arı hirxhıl deş, Filiştinarıb Mikmasqa vob sabı.
12 and I say, Now do the Philistines come down unto me to Gilgal, and the face of Jehovah I have not appeased; and I force myself, and cause the burnt-offering to ascend.'
Zı zaled-alqa uvhuyn: «Həşde xhinnee Filiştinar Gilgalılqa zalqa k'yooharas, zımee Rəbbina xayir-düə alyapt'ı deş». Mançil-allar zıcar zı gyooxhan haa'ana q'urban ablyaa'as alikkı.
13 And Samuel saith unto Saul, 'Thou hast been foolish; thou hast not kept the command of Jehovah thy God, which He commanded thee, for now had Jehovah established thy kingdom over Israel unto the age;
Şamuelee Şauluk'le eyhen: – Ğu ək'el deşin kar hı'ı. Yiğne Allahne, Rəbbine, əmrılqa əməl hı'ı deş. Ğu məxüd hidi'iynxhiy, Rəbbee yiğna paççahiyvalla İzrailil oğa gırgıne gahbışis havaacesdaniy.
14 and, now, thy kingdom doth not stand, Jehovah hath sought for Himself a man according to His own heart, and Jehovah chargeth him for leader over His people, for thou hast not kept that which Jehovah commanded thee.'
Həşdemee yiğna paççahiyvalla xıliyba ts'ıts'uvxhes deş. Rəbbee Cus ıkkanna, Cune yik'es sik'ına insan t'abal hı'ı. Ğu Rəbbine əmrılqa əməl hidi'iynçil-alla, Rəbbee mana insan Cune milletna xərna gixhxhı.
15 And Samuel riseth, and goeth up from Gilgal to Gibeah of Benjamin; and Saul inspecteth the people who are found with him, about six hundred men,
Mançile qiyğa Şamuel Gilgaleençe qığeç'u, Benyaminaaşine Givea eyhene şahareeqa ılqeç'e. Şaulee cun insanar qəpq'ı'mee, yixhıd vəşilqa ələəna insan eyxhe.
16 and Saul, and Jonathan his son, and the people who are found with them, are abiding in Gibeah of Benjamin, and the Philistines have encamped in Michmash.
Şaulıy cuna dix Yonatan, cone insanaaşika Benyaminaaşine Givea eyhene şaharee ulyobzur vuxha. Filiştinarmee mane gahıl, Mikmasee çadırbı gı'xı', ulyobzur vuxha.
17 And the destroyer goeth out from the camp of the Philistines — three detachments; the one detachment turneth unto the way of Ophrah, unto the land of Shual;
Filiştinaaşin g'oşunbı xhebne cigeeqa bit'aleetxha hücum haa'asva qığeedaç'e. Manbışda sa deste Şualne cigabışeene Ofra eyhene şaharne suralqa siviyk'al.
18 and the one detachment turneth the way of Beth-Horon, and the one detachment turneth the way of the border which is looking on the valley of the Zeboim, toward the wilderness.
Manasa desteb Bet-Xoronne yəqqı'lqa avayk'an. Xheyib'esda destemee Tsevoimne q'adaalilqa, sarhadılqa avayk'an. Maa sahraaniy vob.
19 And an artificer is not found in all the land of Israel, for the Philistines said, 'Lest the Hebrews make sword or spear;'
Filiştinaaşe uvhuynniy: «Hasre cühüt'yaaşe g'ılınciy nize hıma'acen». Mançil-allad İzrailee sa ixheyir yiva getas əxəna insan deşdaniy.
20 and all Israel go down to the Philistines, to sharpen each his ploughshare, and his coulter, and his axe, and his mattock;
Gırgın İzrailybı kyotanbı, toxabı, yak'vbı, ərabbı ek'a'asva Filiştinaaşde k'anyaqa abayle vuxha.
21 and there hath been the file for mattocks, and for coulters, and for three-pronged rakes, and for the axes, and to set up the goads.
Manbışike kyotan, yaba, yak'v, rab, toxa ek'a'as sa pim nuk'raynaniy hooqqana.
22 And it hath been, in the day of battle, that there hath not been found sword and spear in the hand of any of the people who [are] with Saul and with Jonathan — and there is found to Saul and to Jonathan his son.
Mançil-allad dəv'ənang'a Şaulneyiy Yonatanne milletıqa g'ılıncbıyiy nizebı ıxha deş. G'ılınciy nize saccu Şauluqayiy cune duxayqa Yonatanıqa ıxha.
23 And the station of the Philistines goeth out unto the passage of Michmash.
Filiştinaaşda deste Mikmasısneene ı'lğəəne cigeeqa qavayle.

< 1 Samuel 13 >