< 1 Kings 12 >

1 And Rehoboam goeth to Shechem, for to Shechem hath all Israel come to make him king.
Aa le nomb’e Sekeme añe t’i Rekhavame, ie fa niheo mb’e Sekeme mb’eo t’Israele iaby hañory aze ho mpanjaka.
2 And it cometh to pass, at Jeroboam son of Nebat's hearing (and he [is] yet in Egypt where he hath fled from the presence of Solomon the king, and Jeroboam dwelleth in Egypt),
Ie amy zao, naho jinanji’ Iarovame ana’ i Nebate e Mitsraime añe—ie fa nitriban-day boak’ añatrefa’ i Se­lomò mpanjaka vaho nimoneñe e Mitsraime añe
3 that they send and call for him; and they come — Jeroboam and all the assembly of Israel — and speak unto Rehoboam, saying,
le nañitrike naho nikoik’ aze iereo naho niheo mb’ amy Rekhavame mb’eo t’Iarovame rekets’ i valobohò’ Israeley, nanao ty hoe:
4 'Thy father made hard our yoke, and thou, now, make light [some] of the hard service of thy father, and his heavy yoke that he put upon us, and we serve thee.'
Nanoan-drae’o jokan-tsa­rererake; aa le hamaivaño ty fitoloñan-tsare­rerahan-drae’o, naho i joka mavesatse nampitarazoe’e anaiy, le hitoroñ’ azo zahay.
5 And he saith unto them, 'Go — yet three days, and come back unto me;' and the people go.
Le hoe re am’ iereo: Misitaha telo andro heike, le mibaliha amako. Le nienga ondatio.
6 And king Rehoboam consulteth with the elders who have been standing in the presence of Solomon his father, in his being alive, saying, 'How are ye counselling to answer this people?'
Nisafiry amo androanavy nijohañe añatrefa’ i Selomò rae’e, ie mbe niveloñe, t’i Rekhavame, ami’ty hoe: Ino ty fanoroañe hatolo’ areo amako hamaleako ondatio?
7 And they speak unto him, saying, 'If, to-day, thou art servant to this people, and hast served them, and answered them, and spoken unto them good words, then they have been to thee servants all the days.'
Le hoe ty nisaontsia’ iareo: Naho toe ho mpitoro’ ondatio irehe te anito hitoroña’o naho hihaoña’o vaho hisaon­tsia’o mora, le ho mpitoro’o nainai’e iereo.
8 And he forsaketh the counsel of the elders which they counselled him, and consulteth with the lads who have grown up with him, who are standing before him;
Fe nifarie’e ty safiry natolo’ o androanavio aze, vaho nandrambe ty fanoroa’ o ajalahy nindre nibey ama’e naho nijohañe añatrefa’eo.
9 and he saith unto them, 'What are ye counselling, and we answer this people, who have spoken unto me, saying, Lighten [somewhat] of the yoke that thy father put upon us?'
Fa hoe re am’ iereo: Akore ty safiri’ areo, hamalean-tika ondaty nisaontsy amako ami’ty hoe: Hamaivaño ty joka nampitarazoen-drae’o anaio?
10 And they speak unto him — the lads who had grown up with him — saying, 'Thus dost thou say to this people who have spoken unto thee, saying, Thy father made our yoke heavy, and thou, make [it] light upon us; thus dost thou speak unto them, My little [finger] is thicker than the loins of my father;
Aa le hoe ty asa’ o ajalahy nindre nibey ama’eo: Inao ty ho saon­tsie’o am’ondaty nisaontsy ama’o nanao ty hoe: Nanoen-drae’o mavesatse ty joka’ay, aa le hamaivaño ama’ay; Inao ty hilañona’o: Bey ta i fisafoan-draekoy ty anakikiko.
11 and now, my father laid on you a heavy yoke, and I add to your yoke; my father chastised you with whips, and I — I chastise you with scorpions.'
Aa ndra t’ie nampijinien-draeko joka mavesatse, mbe ho tompeako ka o joka’ areoo; ie nandafa anahareo an-karavantsy, fa an-kalengo ka ty ihamofohako.
12 And they come — Jeroboam and all the people — unto Rehoboam, on the third day, as the king had spoken, saying, 'Come back unto me on the third day.'
Aa le nomb’ amy Rekhavame amy andro fahateloy t’Iarovame rekets’ ondaty iabio, ty amy saontsi’ i mpanjakaiy, vaho nanao ty hoe: Mibaliha amako ami’ty andro fahatelo.
13 And the king answereth the people sharply, and forsaketh the counsel of the elders which they counselled him,
Le sinotra’ i mpanjakay ondatio, vaho napo’e i fanoroañe natolo’ o androana­vioy;
14 and speaketh unto them, according to the counsel of the lads, saying, 'My father made your yoke heavy, and I add to your yoke; my father chastised you with whips, and I — I chastise you with scorpions;'
fa i fanoroa’ o ajalahioo ty nilañonà’e ami’ty hoe: Nanoen-draeko mavesatse ty joka’ areo, fe ho tovoñako o joka’ areoo, nandafa anahareo an-karavantsy ty raeko f’ie ho fofoheko an-kalengo.
15 and the king hearkened not unto the people, for the revolution was from Jehovah, in order to establish His word that Jehovah spake by the hand of Ahijah the Shilonite unto Jeroboam son of Nebat.
Aa le tsy hinao’ i mpanjakay ondatio; ie toe fandahara’ Iehovà, hampijadoñe i enta’ey, i tsi­nara’ Iehovà am-pità’ i Akià nte Silò am’ Iarovame, ana’ i Nebatey.
16 And all Israel see that the king hath not hearkened unto them, and the people send the king back word, saying, 'What portion have we in David? yea, there is no inheritance in the son of Jesse; to thy tents, O Israel; now see thy house, O David!' and Israel goeth to its tents.
Aa ie nioni’ Israele iaby te tsy nihaoñe’ i mpanjakay, le hoe ty natoi’ ondatio amy mpanjakay: Ino ty anay amy Davide ao? Aman-dova amy ana’ Isaý hao zahay? Akia mb’an-kivoho’ areo ry Israele! Hajario i akiba’oy ry Davide. Aa le niavotse mb’ an-kiboho’ iareo mb’eo t’Israele.
17 As to the sons of Israel, those dwelling in the cities of Judah — over them reign doth Rehoboam.
Fe mbe nifehe o ana’ Israele nimo­neñe amo rova’ Iehodaoo t’i Rekhavame.
18 And king Rehoboam sendeth Adoram who [is] over the tribute, and all Israel cast at him stones, and he dieth; and king Rehoboam hath strengthened himself to go up into a chariot to flee to Jerusalem;
Nirahe’ i Rekhavame mpanjaka mb’eo, t’i Adorame, mpifeleke ty haba; f’ie finetsa’ Israele iaby vato le nihomake vaho nipitsike mb’ an-tsarete’e añe t’i Rekhavame nitson­demboke mb’e Ierosalaime mb’eo.
19 and Israel transgresseth against the house of David unto this day.
Aa le niola amy anjomba’ i Davidey t’Israele pake henane.
20 And it cometh to pass, at all Israel's hearing that Jeroboam hath returned, that they send and call him unto the company, and cause him to reign over all Israel; none hath been after the house of David save the tribe of Judah alone.
Ie amy zao, naho jinanji’ Israele iaby te tafampoly t’Iarovame, le nampisangitrife’ iereo mb’am-pivori-bey vaho nanoe’ iereo mpanjaka’ Israele iaby; leo raike tsy nañorike ty anjomba’ i Davide naho tsy Iehodà avao.
21 And Rehoboam cometh to Jerusalem, and assembleth all the house of Judah and the tribe of Benjamin, a hundred and eighty thousand chosen warriors, to fight with the house of Israel, to bring back the kingdom to Rehoboam son of Solomon.
Aa ie niheo mb’e Ierosalaime mb’eo t’i Rekhavame, le hene natonto’e ty anjomba’ Iehoda naho ty fifokoa’ i Beniamine, lahindefoñe soa-joboñe rai-hetse-tsi-valo-ale, hialy amy anjomba’ Israeley, hampolia’e amy Rekhavame ana’ i Selomò i fifeheañey.
22 And the word of God is unto Shemaiah a man of God, saying,
Fe niheo amy Semaià, ondatin’ Añahare, ty tsaran’ Añahare nanao ty hoe:
23 'Speak unto Rehoboam son of Solomon, king of Judah, and unto all the house of Judah and Benjamin, and the rest of the people, saying,
Saon­tsio t’i Rekhavame, ana’ i Selomò mpanjaka’ Iehoday naho i anjomba’ Iehoda naho Beniamine iabiy vaho o ila’ ondatio, ty hoe;
24 Thus said Jehovah, Ye do not go up nor fight with your brethren the sons of Israel; turn back each to his house, for from Me hath this thing been;' and they hear the word of Jehovah, and turn back to go according to the word of Jehovah.
Hoe ty nafè’ Iehovà: Tsy hionjoñe mb’eo nahareo, tsy hialy amo ana’ Israele roahalahi’ areoo; songa mimpolia mb’an-kiboho’e añe, fa amako o raha zao. Aa le hinao’ iereo ty tsara’ Iehovà, vaho nimpoly, ty amy tsara’ Iehovày.
25 And Jeroboam buildeth Shechem in the hill-country of Ephraim, and dwelleth in it, and goeth out thence, and buildeth Penuel;
Namboare’ Iarovame am-bohibohi’ i Efraime ao t’i Sekeme, le nimoneñe ao; vaho niavotse ama’e namboatse i Penoele.
26 and Jeroboam saith in his heart, 'Now doth the kingdom turn back to the house of David —
Le hoe ty fitsakorean-tro’ Iarovame, Himpoly amy anjomba’ i Davidey henane zao i fifeheañey,
27 if this people go up to make sacrifices in the house of Jehovah in Jerusalem, then hath the heart of this people turned back unto their lord, unto Rehoboam king of Judah, and they have slain me, and turned back unto Rehoboam king of Judah.'
naho hionjomb’ amy anjomba’ Iehovà e Ierosalaimey ondatio hanao soroñe; le hitolik’ amy talè’ iareoy, homb’amy Rekhavame mpanjaka’ Iehoda ty arofo’ ondatio vaho havetra’ iareo iraho, ie himpoly mb’ an-dRekhavame mpanjaka’ Iehoda ao.
28 And the king taketh counsel, and maketh two calves of gold, and saith unto them, 'Enough to you of going up to Jerusalem; lo, thy gods, O Israel, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.'
Aa le nisafiry i mpanjakay, naho nandranjy bania volamena roe, vaho nanao ty hoe am’ondatio, Loho sarotse ty fionjona’ areo mb’e Ierosalaime mb’eo: ingo o ‘ndrahare’oo ry Israele, o ninday azo boak’ an-tane Mitsraimeo.
29 And he setteth the one in Beth-El, and the other he hath put in Dan,
Napo’e e Betele ao ty raike le napo’e e Dane ao ty raike.
30 and this thing becometh a sin, and the people go before the one — unto Dan.
F’ie toe hakeo; amy te nionjoñe hitalaho ami’ty raik’ ama’e ondaty pake Daneo.
31 And he maketh the house of high places, and maketh priests of the extremities of the people, who were not of the sons of Levi;
Namboara’e kijà ka o haboañeo, vaho boak’ am’ ondaty tsotra iabio ty nanoe’e mpisoroñe fa tsy amo ana’ i Levio.
32 and Jeroboam maketh a festival in the eighth month, in the fifteenth day of the month, like the festival that [is] in Judah, and he offereth on the altar — so did he in Beth-El — to sacrifice to the calves which he made, and he hath appointed in Beth-El the priests of the high places that he made.
Noriza’ Iarovame ty sabadidak’ ami’ty volam-paha-valo, ami’ty androm-paha-folo-lime ambi’ i volañey, hambañe amy sabadidake e Iehoday, ie nañenga amy kitreliy; izay ty e Betele ao, ie nanoa’e soroñe i bania namboare’e rey; vaho najado’e e Betele ao o mpisoro’ o toets’ abo namboare’eoo.
33 And he offereth up on the altar that he made in Beth-El, on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, in the month that he devised of his own heart, and he maketh a festival to the sons of Israel, and offereth on the altar — to make perfume.
Aa le niañambone mb’amy kitrely niranjie’e e Betele ao amy faha-folo-lime ambi’ i volam-paha-valoiy, i volañe nitsakorè’e an-tro’ey avao; le nañoriza’e sabadidake o ana’ Israeleo, vaho niañambone mb’amy kitrely fañemboha’ey.

< 1 Kings 12 >