< Zephaniah 1 >

1 The word of the Lord, that was maad to Sofonye, sone of Chusi, sone of Godolie, sone of Amasie, sone of Ezechie, in the daies of Josie, the sone of Amon, king of Juda.
2 Y gaderinge schal gadere alle thingis fro the face of erthe, seith the Lord;
耶和华说: 我必从地上除灭万类。
3 Y gaderynge man and beeste, Y gaderynge volatils of heuene, and fischis of the see; and fallyngis of vnpitouse men schulen be, and Y schal leese men fro face of erthe, seith the Lord.
我必除灭人和牲畜, 与空中的鸟、海里的鱼, 以及绊脚石和恶人; 我必将人从地上剪除。 这是耶和华说的。
4 And Y schal stretche out myn hond on Juda, and on alle dwellers of Jerusalem; and Y schal lese fro this place the relifs of Baal, and the names of keperis of housis, with prestis;
我必伸手攻击犹大 和耶路撒冷的一切居民, 也必从这地方剪除所剩下的巴力, 并基玛林的名和祭司,
5 and hem that worschipen on roouys the knyythod of heuene, and worschipen, and sweren in the Lord, and sweren in Melchon;
与那些在房顶上敬拜天上万象的, 并那些敬拜耶和华指着他起誓, 又指着玛勒堪起誓的,
6 and whiche ben turned awei bihynde the bak of the Lord, and whiche `souyten not the Lord, nether enserchiden hym.
与那些转去不跟从耶和华的, 和不寻求耶和华也不访问他的。
7 Be ye stille fro the face of the Lord God, for niy is the dai of the Lord; for the Lord made redi a sacrifice, halewide hise clepid men.
你要在主耶和华面前静默无声, 因为耶和华的日子快到。 耶和华已经预备祭物, 将他的客分别为圣。
8 And it schal be, in the dai of sacrifice of the Lord, Y schal visite on princes, and on sones of the kyng, and on alle that ben clothid with pilgrimys, ether straunge, clothing.
到了我—耶和华献祭的日子, 必惩罚首领和王子, 并一切穿外邦衣服的。
9 And Y schal visite on ech that proudli entrith on the threisfold in that dai, whiche fillen the hous of her Lord God with wickidnesse and gile.
到那日,我必惩罚一切跳过门槛、 将强暴和诡诈得来之物充满主人房屋的。
10 And ther schal be in that dai, seith the Lord, a vois of cry fro the yate of fischis, and yellynge fro the secounde yate, and greet defoulyng fro litle hillis.
耶和华说:当那日, 从鱼门必发出悲哀的声音, 从二城发出哀号的声音, 从山间发出大破裂的响声。
11 Yelle ye, dwelleris of Pila; al the puple of Canaan was stille togidere, alle men wlappid in siluer perischiden.
玛革提施的居民哪,你们要哀号, 因为迦南的商民都灭亡了! 凡搬运银子的都被剪除。
12 And it schal be, in that tyme Y schal seke Jerusalem with lanternes, and Y schal visite on alle men piyt in her darstis, whiche seien in her hertis, The Lord schal not do wel, and he schal not do yuele.
那时,我必用灯巡查耶路撒冷; 我必惩罚那些如酒在渣滓上澄清的; 他们心里说: 耶和华必不降福,也不降祸。
13 And the strengthe of hem schal be in to rauyschyng, and the housis of hem in to desert; and thei schulen bilde housis, and schulen not enhabite; and thei schulen plaunte vyneyerdis, and thei schulen not drynke the wyn of hem.
他们的财宝必成为掠物; 他们的房屋必变为荒场。 他们必建造房屋,却不得住在其内; 栽种葡萄园,却不得喝所出的酒。
14 Nyy is the greet dai of the Lord, niy and swift ful myche; the vois of the dai of the Lord is bittir, a strong man schal be in tribulacioun there.
耶和华的大日临近, 临近而且甚快, 乃是耶和华日子的风声; 勇士必痛痛地哭号。
15 `The ilke dai is a dai of wraththe, dai of tribulacioun and angwisch, dai of nedynesse and wretchidnesse, dai of derknessis and myist, dai of cloude and whirlewynd,
那日是忿怒的日子, 是急难困苦的日子, 是荒废凄凉的日子, 是黑暗幽冥、密云乌黑的日子,
16 dai of trumpe and noise on strong citees and on hiye corneris.
是吹角呐喊的日子, 要攻击坚固城和高大的城楼。
17 And Y schal troble men, and thei schulen walke as blynde, for thei han synned ayens the Lord; and the blood of hem schal be sched out as erthe, and the bodies of hem schulen be as tordis.
我必使灾祸临到人身上, 使他们行走如同瞎眼的, 因为得罪了我。 他们的血必倒出如灰尘; 他们的肉必抛弃如粪土。
18 But and the siluer of hem, and gold of hem, schal not mowe delyuere hem in the dai of wraththe of the Lord; in fier of his feruour al erthe schal be deuourid, for he schal make ende with haastyng to alle men enhabitynge the erthe.
当耶和华发怒的日子, 他们的金银不能救他们; 他的忿怒如火必烧灭全地, 毁灭这地的一切居民,而且大大毁灭。

< Zephaniah 1 >