< Zechariah 9 >

1 The birthun of the word of the Lord, in the lond of Adrach, and of Damask, the reste therof; for `of the Lord is the iye of man, and of alle lynagis of Israel.
onus verbi Domini in terra Adrach et Damasci requiei eius quia Domini est oculus hominis et omnium tribuum Israhel
2 And Emath in termes therof, and Tirus, and Sidon; for thei token to hem wisdom greetli.
Emath quoque in terminis eius et Tyrus et Sidon adsumpserunt quippe sibi sapientiam valde
3 And Tirus bildide his strengthing, and gaderide siluer as erthe, and gold as fen of stretis.
et aedificavit Tyrus munitionem suam et coacervavit argentum quasi humum et aurum ut lutum platearum
4 Lo! the Lord schal welde it, and schal smyte in the see the strengthe therof, and it schal be deuourid bi fier.
ecce Dominus possidebit eam et percutiet in mari fortitudinem eius et haec igni devorabitur
5 Ascalon schal see, and schal drede; and Gasa, `and schal sorewe ful myche; and Accaron, for the hope therof is confoundid; and the kyng schal perische fro Gasa, and Ascalon schal not be enhabited;
videbit Ascalon et timebit et Gaza et dolebit nimis et Accaron quoniam confusa est spes eius et peribit rex de Gaza et Ascalon non habitabitur
6 and a departere schal sitte in Asotus, and Y schal distrie the pride of Filisteis.
et sedebit separator in Azoto et disperdam superbiam Philisthinorum
7 And Y schal take awei the blood therof fro the mouth of him, and abhomynaciouns of hym fro the myddil of teeth of hym, and he also schal be left to our God; and he schal be as a duyk in Juda, and Accaron as Jebusei.
et auferam sanguinem eius de ore eius et abominationes eius de medio dentium eius et relinquetur etiam ipse Deo nostro et erit quasi dux in Iuda et Accaron quasi Iebuseus
8 And Y schal cumpasse myn hous of these that holden kniythod to me, and goen, and turnen ayen; and `an vniust axere schal no more passe on hem, for now Y siy with myn iyen.
et circumdabo domum meam ex his qui militant mihi euntes et revertentes et non transibit super eos ultra exactor quia nunc vidi in oculis meis
9 Thou douyter of Sion, make ioie withoutforth ynow, synge, thou douyter of Jerusalem; lo! thi kyng schal come to thee, he iust, and sauyour; he pore, and stiynge on a sche asse, and on a fole, sone of a sche asse.
exulta satis filia Sion iubila filia Hierusalem ecce rex tuus veniet tibi iustus et salvator ipse pauper et ascendens super asinum et super pullum filium asinae
10 And Y schal leese foure horsid carte of Effraym, and an hors of Jerusalem, and the bouwe of batel schal be distried; and he schal speke pees to hethene men, and the power of him schal be fro see til to see, and fro floodis til to the endis of erthe.
et disperdam quadrigam ex Ephraim et equum de Hierusalem et dissipabitur arcus belli et loquetur pacem gentibus et potestas eius a mari usque ad mare et a fluminibus usque ad fines terrae
11 And thou in blood of thi testament sentist out thi boundun men fro lake, in which is not water.
tu quoque in sanguine testamenti tui emisisti vinctos tuos de lacu in quo non est aqua
12 Ye boundun of hope, be conuertid to strengthing; and to dai Y schewynge schal yelde to thee double thingis,
convertimini ad munitionem vincti spei hodie quoque adnuntians duplicia reddam tibi
13 for Y schal stretche forthe to me Juda as a bowe, Y fillide `the lond of Effraym. And Y schal reise thi sones, thou Sion, on thi sones, thou lond of Grekis, and Y schal sette thee as the swerd of stronge men.
quoniam extendi mihi Iudam quasi arcum implevi Ephraim et suscitabo filios tuos Sion super filios tuos Graecia et ponam te quasi gladium fortium
14 And the Lord God schal be seyn on hem, and the dart of him schal go out as leit.
et Dominus Deus super eos videbitur et exibit ut fulgur iaculum eius et Dominus Deus in tuba canet et vadet in turbine austri
15 And the Lord God schal synge in a trumpe, and schal go in whirlwynd of the south; the Lord of oostis schal defende hem, and thei schulen deuoure, and make suget with stoonys of a slynge; and thei drynkynge schulen be fillid as with wyn, and schulen be fillid as viols, and as hornes of the auter.
Dominus exercituum proteget eos et devorabunt et subicient lapidibus fundae et bibentes inebriabuntur quasi vino et replebuntur ut fialae et quasi cornua altaris
16 And the Lord God `of hem schal saue hem in that dai, as a floc of his puple, for hooli stoonus schulen be reisid on the lond of hym.
et salvabit eos Dominus Deus eorum in die illa ut gregem populi sui quia lapides sancti elevantur super terram eius
17 For what is the good of hym, and what is the faire of hym, no but whete of chosun men, and wyn buriownynge virgyns?
quid enim bonum eius est et quid pulchrum eius nisi frumentum electorum et vinum germinans virgines

< Zechariah 9 >