< Zechariah 7 >
1 And it is maad in the fourthe yeer of Darius, kyng, the word of the Lord was maad to Sacarie, in the fourthe dai of the nynthe monethe, that is Caslew.
Pripetilo se je v četrtem letu kralja Dareja, da je Gospodova beseda prišla Zahariju na četrti dan devetega meseca, torej v kislévu,
2 And Sarasar, and Rogumelech, and men that weren with hem, senten to the hous of the Lord, for to preye the face of the Lord;
ko so poslali v Božjo hišo Sarécerja in Regem Meleha in njune može, da molijo pred Gospodom
3 that thei schulden seie to prestis of the hous of the Lord of oostis, and to profetis, and speke, Whether it is to wepe to me in the fyuethe monethe, ether Y schal halowe me, as Y dide now many yeeris?
in da govorijo duhovnikom, ki so bili v hiši Gospoda nad bojevniki in prerokom, rekoč: »Ali naj bi jokal v petem mesecu in se zadrževal, kot sem to počel ta mnoga leta?«
4 And the word of the Lord was maad to me,
Potem je prišla k meni beseda Gospoda nad bojevniki, rekoč:
5 and seide, Speke thou to al the puple of the lond, and to prestis, and seie thou, Whanne ye fastiden, and weiliden in the fyueth and seuenthe monethe, bi these seuenti yeeris, whether ye fastiden a fast to me?
»Govori vsemu ljudstvu dežele in duhovnikom, rekoč: ›Ko ste se postili in žalovali v petem in sedmem mesecu, celo teh sedemdeset let, ali ste se sploh postili meni, celó zame?
6 And whanne ye eeten, and drunken, whether ye eten not to you, and drunken not to you silf?
In ko ste jedli in ko ste pili, mar niste jedli zase in pili zase?
7 Whether wordis of profetis ben not, whiche the Lord spak in the hond of the formere profetis, whanne yit Jerusalem was enhabited, and was ful of richessis, and it, and citees therof in cumpas therof, and at the south and in feeldi place was enhabited?
Mar naj ne bi slišali besed, ki jih je Gospod klical po prejšnjih prerokih, ko je bil Jeruzalem naseljen in v uspevanju in njegova mesta okoli njega, ko so ljudje naseljevali jug in ravnino?‹«
8 And the word of the Lord was maad to Sacarie, and seide, The Lord of oostis saith these thingis, and spekith,
Gospodova beseda je prišla Zahariju, rekoč:
9 Deme ye trewe dom, and do ye merci, and doyngis of merci, ech man with his brother.
»Tako govori Gospod nad bojevniki, rekoč: ›Izvajajte resnično sodbo in izkazujte usmiljenje in sočutja vsakdo svojemu bratu,
10 And nyle ye falsli calenge a widewe, and fadirles, ether modirles, and comelyng, and pore man; and a man thenke not in his herte yuel to his brother.
in ne stiskajte vdove, niti osirotelega, niti tujca, niti revnega, in naj si nihče izmed vas v svojem srcu ne domišlja zla zoper svojega brata.
11 And thei wolden not `take heede, and thei turneden awei the schuldre, and yeden awei, and `maden heuy her eeris, lest thei herden.
Toda zavrnili so, da bi prisluhnili in odmaknili so ramo in si zamašili svoja ušesa, da ne bi slišali.
12 And thei puttiden her herte as adamaunt, lest thei herden the lawe, and wordis whiche the Lord of oostis sente in his Spirit, bi the hond of the formere profetis; and greet indignacioun was maad of the Lord of oostis.
Da, svoja srca so naredili kakor diamantni kamen, da ne bi slišali postave in besed, ki jih je Gospod nad bojevniki poslal po svojem duhu po prejšnjih prerokih, zato je prišel velik bes od Gospoda nad bojevniki.
13 And it is doon, as he spak; and as thei herden not, so thei schulen crie, and Y schal not here, seith the Lord of oostis.
Zato se je zgodilo, da kakor je on klical in niso hoteli slišati, tako so klicali in nisem hotel slišati, « govori Gospod nad bojevniki,
14 And Y scateride hem bi alle rewmes, whiche thei knewen not, and the lond is desolat fro hem; for that there was not a man goynge and turnynge ayen, and thei han put desirable lond in to desert.
»temveč sem jih z vrtinčastim vetrom razkropil med vse narode, ki jih niso poznali. Tako je bila dežela za njimi zapuščena, da noben človek ni šel skoznjo niti se ni vrnil, kajti prijetno deželo so spremenili v opustošeno.«