< Zechariah 4 >

1 And the aungel turnede ayen, that spak in me, and reiside me, as a man that is reisid of his sleep.
et reversus est angelus qui loquebatur in me et suscitavit me quasi virum qui suscitatur de somno suo
2 And he seide to me, What seest thou? And Y seide, Y saiy, and lo! a candilstike al of gold, and the laumpe therof on the heed therof, and seuene lanternes therof on it, and seuene vessels for to holde oyle to the lanternes, that weren on the heed therof.
et dixit ad me quid tu vides et dixi vidi et ecce candelabrum aureum totum et lampas eius super caput ipsius et septem lucernae eius super illud septem et septem infusoria lucernis quae erant super caput illius
3 And twei olyues there onne, oon of the riythalf `of the laumpe, and `an other on the left half therof.
et duae olivae super illud una a dextris lampadis et una a sinistris eius
4 And Y answeride, and seide to the aungel that spak in me, and Y seide, What ben these thingis, my lord?
et respondi et aio ad angelum qui loquebatur in me dicens quid sunt haec domine mi
5 And the aungel that spak in me, answeride, and seide to me, Whether thou woist not what ben these thingis? And Y seide, No, my lord.
et respondit angelus qui loquebatur in me et dixit ad me numquid nescis quid sunt haec et dixi non domine mi
6 And he answeride, and seide to me, and spak, This is the word of the Lord, seiynge to Sorobabel, Not in oost, nether in strengthe, but in my spirit, seith the Lord of oostis.
et respondit et ait ad me dicens hoc est verbum Domini ad Zorobabel dicens non in exercitu nec in robore sed in spiritu meo dicit Dominus exercituum
7 Who art thou, greet hil, bifore Sorobabel in to pleyn? and he schal lede out the firste stoon, and schal make euene grace to grace therof.
quis tu mons magne coram Zorobabel in planum et educet lapidem primarium et exaequabit gratiam gratiae eius
8 And the word of the Lord was maad to me,
et factum est verbum Domini ad me dicens
9 and seide, The hondis of Sorobabel foundiden this hous, and the hondis of hym schulen perfourme it; and ye schulen wite, that the Lord of oostis sente me to you.
manus Zorobabel fundaverunt domum istam et manus eius perficient eam et scietis quia Dominus exercituum misit me ad vos
10 Who forsothe dispiside litle daies? and thei schulen be glad, and schulen se a stoon of tyn in the hond of Sorobabel. These ben seuene iyen of the Lord, that rennen aboute in to al erthe.
quis enim despexit dies parvos et laetabuntur et videbunt lapidem stagneum in manu Zorobabel septem isti oculi Domini qui discurrunt in universa terra
11 And Y answeride, and seide to hym, What ben these tweyne olyues on the riythalf of the candilstike, and at the lift-half therof?
et respondi et dixi ad eum quid sunt duae olivae istae ad dextram candelabri et ad sinistram eius
12 And Y answeryde the secounde tyme, and seide to hym, What ben the tweyne eeris, ether ripe fruyt, of olyues, that ben bisidis the twei bilis of gold, in whiche ben oile vesselis of gold?
et respondi secundo et dixi ad eum quid sunt duae spicae olivarum quae sunt iuxta duo rostra aurea in quibus sunt suffusoria ex auro
13 And he seide to me, and spak, Whether thou woost not what ben these thingis?
et ait ad me dicens numquid nescis quid sunt haec et dixi non domine
14 And Y seide, No, my lord. And he seide, These ben twei sones of oile of schynyng, whiche stonden nyy to the lordli gouernour of al erthe.
et dixit isti duo filii olei qui adsistunt Dominatori universae terrae

< Zechariah 4 >