< Song of Solomon 8 >

1 Who `mai grante to me thee, my brother, soukynge the tetis of my modir, that Y fynde thee aloone without forth, and that Y kisse thee, and no man dispise me thanne?
Dai chete wakanga uri sehanzvadzi kwandiri, akanwa pamazamu amai vangu! Ipapo kana ndaikuwana panze, ndaikutsvoda uye hapana aizondishora.
2 Y schal take thee, and Y schal lede thee in to the hous of my modir, and in to the closet of my modir; there thou schalt teche me, and Y schal yyue to thee drink of wyn maad swete, and of the must of my pumgranatis.
Ndaizokutora ndouya newe kumba kwamai vangu, ivo vakandidzidzisa. Ndaikupa waini yakaiswa zvinonhuhwira kuti unwe, nomukume wemitamba yangu.
3 His lefthond vndur myn heed, and his riythond schal biclippe me.
Ruoko rwake rworuboshwe rwuri pasi pomusoro wangu, uye ruoko rwake rworudyi rwakandimbundikira.
4 Ye douytris of Jerusalem, Y charge you greetli, that ye reise not, nether make the dereworthe spousesse to awake, til sche wole.
Imi vanasikana veJerusarema ndinokurayirai: Musazunguza kana kumutsa rudo kusvikira irwo rwada rwoga.
5 Who is this spousesse, that stieth fro desert, and flowith in delices, and restith on hir derlynge? Y reiside thee vndur a pumgranate tre; there thi modir was corrupt, there thi modir was defoulid.
Ndianiko uyo ari kuuya achibva kurenje akazendamira pamudiwa wake? Mukadzi Pasi pomuti womuapuro ndakakumutsa; ipapo mai vako vakakubereka, ipapo ivo vairwadziwa vakakubereka.
6 Set thou me as a signet on thin herte, as a signet on thin arm; for loue is strong as deth, enuy is hard as helle; the laumpis therof ben laumpis of fier, and of flawmes. (Sheol h7585)
Ndiise pamwoyo pako sechisimbiso, sechisimbiso paruoko rwako; nokuti rudo rwakasimba sorufu, godo rarwo seguva harishanduki. Runopisa serimi romoto, somurazvo mukuru kwazvo. (Sheol h7585)
7 Many watris moun not quenche charite, nether floodis schulen oppresse it. Thouy a man yyue al the catel of his hous for loue, he schal dispise `that catel as nouyt.
Mvura zhinji haigoni kudzima rudo; nzizi hadzigoni kurukukura. Kunyange munhu akapa pfuma yose yemba yake kuti awane rudo, zvingazvidzwa chose.
8 Oure sistir is litil, and hath no tetys; what schulen we do to oure sistir, in the dai whanne sche schal be spokun to?
Tine hanzvadzi yedu duku uye mazamu ake haasati akura. Tichaitireiko hanzvadzi yedu pazuva rokukumbirwa kwayo kuti iwanikwe?
9 If it is a wal, bilde we theronne siluerne touris; if it is a dore, ioyne we it togidere with tablis of cedre.
Kana ari rusvingo, tichavaka shongwe dzesirivha paari. Kana ari musuo, tichamukomberedza namapuranga omusidhari.
10 I am a wal, and my tetis ben as a tour; sithen Y am maad as fyndynge pees bifore hym.
Ndiri rusvingo, mazamu angu akaita seshongwe. Ndizvo zvandava pamberi pake, somunhu anouyisa kugutsikana.
11 A vyner was to the pesible; in that citee, that hath puplis, he bitook it to keperis; a man bryngith a thousynde platis of siluer for the fruyt therof.
Soromoni aiva nomunda wemizambiringa muBhaari Hamoni; akapa munda wake wemizambiringa kuvanhu vairima vachimuripira. Mumwe nomumwe wavo pachibereko chawo aiuya namashekeri chiuru esirivha.
12 The vyner is bifore me; a thousynde ben of thee pesible, and two hundrid to hem that kepen the fruytis therof.
Asi munda wangu wemizambiringa ndewangu kuti ndiupe; chiuru chamashekeri esirivha ndechako, iwe Soromoni, asi mazana maviri ndeevanochengeta michero yawo.
13 Frendis herkene thee, that dwellist in orchertis; make thou me to here thi vois.
Iwe unogara mumapindu unoshandirwa neshamwari, rega ndinzwe inzwi rako!
14 My derlyng, fle thou; be thou maad lijk a capret, and a calf of hertis, on the hillis of swete smellynge spices.
Handei mudiwa wangu, uite semhara kana setsvana pamusoro pamakomo azere zvinonhuhwira.

< Song of Solomon 8 >