< Romans 3 >

1 What thanne is more to a Jew, or what profit of circumcisioun?
Sena mulayeyengeti Bayuda bapita bantu ba mishobo naimbi? Ninga kupalulwa kukute pindu cini?
2 Myche bi al wise; first, for the spekyngis of God `weren bitakun to hem.
Pali bwinishi bunene pakuba Muyuda, pakwinga pakutanguna Lesa walapa Bayuda maswi akendi kwambeti basungenga.
3 And what if summe of hem bileueden not? Whethir the vnbileue of hem hath auoidid the feith of God?
Nomba nabambi pakati pabo nkabalashomeka, sena kubula lushomo kwabo ngakupesheti Lesa abule kushomeka?
4 God forbede. For God is sothefast, but ech man a liere; as it is writun, That thou be iustified in thi wordis, and ouercome, whanne thou art demed.
Sobwe, ico nkacela kwinshika! Lesa abe wakubinga, necikabeti bantu bonse nibandemishibili. Mbuli Mabala ncakute kwambeti, “Amwe Lesa, lekani bantu bonse benshibeti mukute kwamba cakubinga, Kayi cindi conse mukute kucaniketi muliya kampenda pakukombolosha.”
5 But if oure wickidnesse comende the riytwisnesse of God, what shulen we seie? Whether God is wickid, that bryngith in wraththe?
Lino na kwipa kwetu kulaleshengeti Lesa walulama, ngatwambeconi? Sena ngatwambeti Lesa nkalulama pakutupa cisubulo? Ndambanga mbuli bantu nabambi ncobakute kwamba.
6 Aftir man Y seie. God forbede. Ellis hou schal God deme this world?
Sobwe, Lesa nalabula kuba walulama, sena nalakombolosheconi bantu bonse bapacishi capanshi?
7 For if the treuthe of God hath aboundid in my lessyng, in to the glorie of hym, what yit am Y demed as a synner?
Nabambi ngabambeti, “Nakubepa kwakame kulaleshenga patuba kushomeka kwa Lesa ne kukonempesha bulemeneno bwakendi, nomba ngaung'ombolosheconi eti nkute bwipishi?”
8 And not as we ben blasfemed, and as summen seien that we seien, Do we yuele thingis, that gode thingis come. Whos dampnacioun is iust.
Lino nicani ncotwelela kwambileti “katwinsani byaipa kwambeti byaina biboneke?” Cakubinga bantu nabambi balatutukananga pakwambeti, tulamba makani awa. Bantu aba Lesa nakabape cisubulo celela.
9 What thanne? Passen we hem? Nay; for we han schewid bi skile, that alle bothe Jewis and Grekis ben vndur synne,
Nomba lino sena afwe Bayuda twapita bantu ba mishobo naimbi? Sobwe! Tulapandululu kendi kwambeti bonse balepisha, Bayuda pamo ne bantu ba mishobo naimbi.
10 as it is writun, For ther is no man iust;
Pakwinga Mabala akute kwambeti, “Paliya muntu walulama, sobwe naba umo kuliya.
11 ther is no man vndurstondynge, nethir sekynge God.
Kuliya muntu ukute kunyumfwishisha, kuliyawa muntu lalangaulunga Lesa.
12 Alle bowiden a wey, togidere thei ben maad vnprofitable; ther is noon that doith good thing, there is noon `til to oon.
Bantu bonse basula Lesa, kayi bonse basendama, paliya shikwinsa byaina, sobwe kuliya naba umo.
13 The throte of hem is an opyn sepulcre; with her tungis thei diden gilefuli; the venym of snakis is vndur her lippis.
Kwamba kwabo nikwakubepa, kayi kukute kushinisha. Milaka yabo ikute kwamba byakubepa kayi mumilomo yabo mukute kufuma maswi aipa aipa eti mata anjoka.
14 The mouth of whiche is ful of cursyng and bitternesse;
Mumilomo mwabo mwesula mashingo, mukute kufuma maswi aipa.
15 the feet of hem ben swifte to schede blood.
Nibantu bakute kufwambana kulinga ne kushina banabo.
16 Sorewe and cursidnesse ben in the weies of hem,
Bakute kononga ne kupensha bantu kulikonse nkobalayi,
17 and thei knewen not the weie of pees;
kayi nkabacinshi kwikala mulumuno.
18 the drede of God is not bifor her iyen.
Nkabakute kutina Lesa nambi pang'ana sobwe.”
19 And we witen, that what euere thingis the lawe spekith, it spekith to hem that ben in the lawe, that ech mouth be stoppid, and ech world be maad suget to God.
“Lino tucinshi kwambeti byonse byambwa mu Milawo ya Lesa, bikute kwamba pali abo balakonkelenga Milawo kwambeti bantu bonse pa cishi capanshi bakabule pakuyubila milandu Lesa njeshakabape.
20 For of the werkis of the lawe ech fleisch schal not be iustified bifor hym; for bi the lawe ther is knowyng of synne.
Pakwinga kuliyawa muntu Lesa ngwakute kubona walulama pacebo ca kukonkela Milawo. Mulawo ukute kutulesheti bantu bonse balepisha.”
21 But now with outen the lawe the riytwisnesse of God is schewid, that is witnessid of the lawe and the profetis.
Nomba lino nshila ilaboneke yakucaninamo bululami pamenso a Lesa, nteyo yakukonkela Milawo sobwe. Milawo iyo niya Mose ne bashinshimi bakute kuyinshila bukamboni.
22 And the riytwisnesse of God is bi the feith of Jhesu Crist in to alle men and on alle men that bileuen in hym; for ther is no departyng.
Nshila bantu njobakute kucaninamo bululami pamenso a Lesa nikushoma Yesu Klistu. Lesa eukute kululamika bantu bashoma Yesu Klistu, pakwinga kuliya bupusano pakati pa bantu bonse.
23 For alle men synneden, and han nede to the glorie of God;
Bantu bonse balepisha, kayi balalilwa kushika ku bulemeneno bwa Lesa.
24 and ben iustified freli bi his grace, bi the ayenbiyng that is in `Crist Jhesu.
Nsombi kwinamoyo kwakendi Lesa kwabulyo, bantu balulamikwa kupitila muli Klistu Yesu uyo walabalubula.
25 Whom God ordeynede foryyuer, bi feith in his blood, to the schewyng of his riytwisnesse, for remyssioun of biforgoynge synnes,
Lesa walamubengeti abe mulumbo kwambeti lufu lwakendi, lulesheti Lesa walulama uliyawa kubapa cisubulo abo balepisha mucindi cakunyuma
26 in the beryng up of God, to the schewyng of his riytwisnesse in this tyme, that he be iust, and iustifyynge hym that is of the feith of Jhesu Crist.
pacebo cakuba ne moyonteka. Nomba pacindi cino Lesa walabenga Yesu kwambeti aboneshe kululama kwakendi, ne kwambeti benshibeti nendi walulama, kayi uliyense washoma Yesu ukute kuba walulama pamenso a Lesa.
27 Where thanne is thi gloriyng? It is excludid. Bi what lawe? Of dedis doyng? Nay, but by the lawe of feith.
Nomba sena lino muntu ngolitukumuna? Sobwe, nkela kulitukumuna. Pacebo cini? Sena nipakukonkela Milawo? Sobwe, nsombi kushoma.
28 For we demen a man to be iustified bi the feith, with outen werkis of the lawe.
Neco lino tulabono kwambeti muntu ukute kuba walulama pamenso a Lesa na lashomo, nteko kukonkela Milawo sobwe.
29 Whethir of Jewis is God oneli? Whether he is not also of hethene men? Yhis, and of hethene men.
Sena Lesa ni Lesa wa Bayuda bonka? Sena ntendiye kayi Lesa wa bantu ba mishobo naimbi? Cakubinga endiye Lesa wa bantu ba mishobo naimbi.
30 For `oon God is, that iustefieth circumcisioun bi feith, and prepucie bi feith.
Lesa ni umo, neco endiye ukute kululamika Bayuda kupitila mulushomo kayi nabo bantu bakunsa bakute kuba balulama kupitila mulushomo.
31 Distruye we therfor the lawe bi the feith? God forbede; but we stablischen the lawe.
Sena ici cilambangeti Milawo iliyawa ncito pakwambeti nikupitila mulushomo? Sobwe! Empotulaiyumishinga Milawo.

< Romans 3 >