< Romans 15 >

1 But we saddere men owen to susteyne the feblenesses of sijke men, and not plese to vs silf.
Dolžni pa smo mi, kteri smo močni, slabosti slabih nositi in ne samim sebi po godu delati.
2 Eche of vs plese to his neiybore in good, to edificacioun.
Kajti vsak vas naj dela bližnjemu po godu na dobro za zbujanje pobožnosti.
3 For Crist pleside not to hym silf, as it is writun, The repreues of men dispisynge thee, felden on me.
Kajti tudi Kristus ni sebi po godu storil, nego kakor je pisano: "Ogovori tistih, kteri so tebe ogovarjali, padli so na me."
4 For what euere thingis ben writun, tho ben writun to oure techynge, that bi pacience and coumfort of scripturis we haue hope.
Ker karkoli se je poprej napisalo, napisalo se je za naš nauk, da s potrpljivostjo in s tolažbo pisem up imamo.
5 But God of pacience and of solace yyue to you to vndurstonde the same thing, ech in to othere aftir Jhesu Crist,
A Bog potrpljivosti in tolažbe naj vam da ene misli biti med seboj po Kristusu Jezusu,
6 that ye of o wille with o mouth worschipe God and the fadir of oure Lord Jhesu Crist.
Da enodušno z enimi usti slavite Boga in očeta Gospoda našega Jezusa Kristusa.
7 For which thing take ye togidere, as also Crist took you in to the onour of God.
Za to sprejemljite eden drugega, kakor je tudi Kristus sprejel nas na slavo Božjo.
8 For Y seie, that Jhesu Crist was a mynystre of circumcisioun for the treuthe of God, to conferme the biheestis of fadris.
Pravim namreč, da je Jezus Kristus sluga postal obreze za voljo resnice Božje, da bi potrdil obljube očetov.
9 And hethene men owen to onoure God for merci; as it is writun, Therfor, Lord, Y schal knowleche to thee among hethene men, and Y schal synge to thi name.
Pogani naj pa za voljo usmiljenja Boga poslavé, kakor je pisano: "Za to te bom spoznaval med pogani, in imenu tvojemu prepeval."
10 And eft he seith, Ye hethene men, be ye glad with his puple.
In zopet pravi: "Oveselite se, pogani, z njegovim ljudstvom."
11 And eft, Alle hethene men, herie ye the Lord; and alle puplis, magnefie ye hym.
In zopet: "Hvalite Gospoda vsi pogani in pohvalite ga vsa ljudstva."
12 And eft Isaie seith, Ther schal be a roote of Jesse, that schal rise vp to gouerne hethene men, and hethene men schulen hope in hym.
In zopet Izaija pravi: "Bode korenina Jesejeva in kteri bo vstal gospodovat nad pogani; v njega bodo upali pogani."
13 And God of hope fulfille you in al ioye and pees in bileuynge, that ye encrees in hope and vertu of the Hooli Goost.
Bog upanja pa naj vas napolni vsake radosti in mira v verovanji, da bi imeli obilnost v upanji, v moči duha svetega.
14 And, britheren, Y my silf am certeyn of you, that also ye ben ful of loue, and ye ben fillid with al kunnyng, so that ye moun moneste ech other.
A prepričan sem, bratje moji, tudi sam jaz za vas, da ste tudi vi sami polni dobrote, napolnjeni vsakega znanja, mogoči tudi eden drugega svariti.
15 And, britheren, more boldli Y wroot to you a parti, as bryngynge you in to mynde, for the grace that is youun to me of God,
Pa sem vam drzneje napisal, bratje, deloma, da vas zopet opomenem, po milosti, ktero mi je Bog dal.
16 that Y be the mynystre of Crist Jhesu among hethene men. And Y halewe the gospel of God, that the offryng of hethene men be acceptid, and halewid in the Hooli Goost.
Da bom služabnik Jezusa Kristusa med pogani, opravljajoč sveto službo evangelja Božjega, da postane prinesek poganov prijeten, posvečen v duhu svetem.
17 Therfor Y haue glorie in Crist Jhesu to God.
Imam torej hvalo v Kristusu Jezusu gledé Boga.
18 For Y dar not speke ony thing of tho thingis, whiche Crist doith not bi me, in to obedience of hethene men, in word and dedis,
Kajti ne bom se predrznil govoriti kaj, kar ni napravil Kristus po meni, za poslušnost poganov, z besedo in dejanjem,
19 in vertu of tokenes and grete wondris, in vertu of the Hooli Goost, so that fro Jerusalem bi cumpas to the Illirik see Y haue fillid the gospel of Crist.
V moči znamenj in čudežev, v moči duha Božjega tako, da sem od Jeruzalema in po okolici tja do Ilirika izpolnil evangelj Kristusov,
20 And so Y haue prechid this gospel, not where Crist was named, lest Y bilde vpon anotheres ground, but as it is writun,
Tako namreč prizadevajoč si, da se oznanja evangelj ne, kjer se je imenoval Kristus, da bi na tujej podlagi ne zidal,
21 For to whom it is not teld of him, thei schulen se, and thei that herden not, schulen vndurstonde.
Nego kakor je pisano: "Kterim se ni oznanilo za njega, videli bodo, in kteri niso slišali, razumeli bodo."
22 For which thing Y was lettid ful myche to come to you, and Y am lettid to this tyme.
To me je tudi naj bolje oviralo, da nisem prišel k vam.
23 And now Y haue not ferthere place in these cuntrees, but Y haue desire to come to you, of many yeris that ben passid.
Sedaj pa nič več mesta ne imajoč v teh zemljah, a imajoč željo priti k vam od več let,
24 Whanne Y bygynne to passe in to Spayne, Y hope that in my goyng Y schal se you, and of you Y schal be led thidur, if Y vse you first in parti.
Kedar pojdem na Španjsko, pridem k vam, ker upam tam tudi potujoč videti vas in da me boste vsi spremili tja, ko se vas poprej nekoliko navoljim.
25 Therfor now Y schal passe forth to Jerusalem, to mynystre to seyntis.
Sedaj pa potujem v Jeruzalem služit svetim.
26 For Macedonye and Acaie han assaied to make sum yifte to pore men of seyntis, that ben in Jerusalem.
Kajti Macedonija in Ahaja sta sklenili nekakošen sklad storiti za uboge onih svetih, kteri so v Jeruzalemu.
27 For it pleside to hem, and thei ben dettouris of hem; for hethene men ben maad parteneris of her goostli thingis, thei owen also in fleischli thingis to mynystre to hem.
Sklenili sta, tudi dolžni sta jim; kajti če so deležniki postali njih duhovnih stvari pogani, dolžni so tudi v telesnih stvareh postreči jim.
28 Therfor whanne Y haue endid this thing, and haue asigned to hem this fruyt, Y schal passe bi you in to Spayne.
To torej končavši in zapečativši jim ta sad, odpotoval bom preko vas na Španjsko.
29 And Y woot, that Y comynge to you, schal come `in to the abundaunce of the blessing of Crist.
A vem, kedar pridem k vam, da bom prišel v polnem blagoslovu evangelja Kristusovega.
30 Therfor, britheren, Y biseche you bi oure Lord Jhesu Crist, and bi charite of the Hooli Goost, that ye helpe me in youre preyeris to the Lord,
Prosim pa vas, bratje, po Gospodu našem Jezusu Kristusu in po ljubezni duha, da mi pomorete v molitvah za me k Bogu;
31 that Y be delyuerid fro the vnfeithful men, that ben in Judee, and that the offryng of my seruyce be acceptid in Jerusalem to seyntis;
Da se rešim tistih, kteri ne verujejo v Judeji, in da moja služba za Jeruzalem prijetna postane svetim;
32 that Y come to you in ioye, bi the wille of God, and that Y be refreischid with you.
Da v radosti pridem k vam po volji Božjej in si skupej z vami odpočijem.
33 And God of pees be with you alle. Amen.
A Bog mira bodi z vsemi vami! Amen.

< Romans 15 >