< Revelation 9 >

1 And the fyuethe aungel trumpide; and Y say, that a sterre hadde falle doun fro heuene in to erthe; and the keye of the pit of depnesse was youun to it. (Abyssos g12)
Eka malaika mar abich nogoyo turumbete, mine aneno sulwe moro mane oselwar e piny koa e polo. Sulweno ne omi kifungu mar bur matut maonge gikone. (Abyssos g12)
2 And it openede the pit of depnesse, and a smoke of the pit stiede vp, as the smoke of a greet furneis; and the sunne was derkid, and the eir, of the smoke of the pit. (Abyssos g12)
Kane oyawo burno, iro nowuokie machalo gi ich mach maduongʼ. Iro moa e burno noimo chiengʼ kod boche polo molokore maratengʼ. (Abyssos g12)
3 And locustis wenten out of the smoke of the pit in to erthe; and power was youun to hem, as scorpiouns of the erthe han power.
Kendo bonyo nowuok e yirono mopiyo e piny, to nomigi teko machalo gi teko thomoni manie piny.
4 And it was comaundid to hem, that thei schulden not hirte the gras of erthe, nether ony grene thing, nether ony tre, but oneli men, that han not the signe of God in her forhedis.
To nokwergi ni kik giketh lum manie piny kata gimoro mangʼich kata yien, to ginyalo mana hinyo jogo maonge gi kido mar Nyasaye e lela wengegi.
5 And it was youun to hem, that thei schulden not sle hem, but that thei schulden `be turmentid fyue monethis; and the turmentyng of hem, as the turmentyng of a scorpioun, whanne he smytith a man.
Ne ok omigi teko mar negogi to nomigi thuolo mar sandogi kuom dweche abich. To rem mane jogo oyudo ne chalgi mano miyudo ka thomoni okayo dhano.
6 And in tho daies men schulen seke deth, and thei schulen not fynde it; and thei schulen desire to die, and deth schal fle fro hem.
E ndalogo ji nodwar tho, to ok giniyude; ginigomb mondo githo to tho noring-gi aringa.
7 And the licnesse of locustis ben lijk horsis maad redi `in to batel; and on the heedis of hem as corouns lijk gold, and the facis of hem as the faces of men.
Bonyogo ne chalo gi farese moikore ni lweny. E wigi negirwako gik machalo gi osimbo mag dhahabu, to lend wangʼ-gi ne chalo gi lela wangʼ dhano.
8 And thei hadden heeris, as heeris of wymmen; and the teeth of hem weren as teeth of liouns.
Yie wigi ne chalo gi yie wi mon, kendo lekegi ne chalo gi leke sibuoche.
9 And thei hadden haburiouns, as yren haburiouns, and the vois of her wengis as the vois of charis of many horsis rennynge `in to batel.
Negirwako gige lweny mag akor machalo gi akor mar nyinyo, to bwombegi ne goyo koko mana ka farese mangʼeny kendo ka geche miywayo kadhi e lweny.
10 And thei hadden tailis lijk scorpiouns, and prickis weren in the tailis of hem; and the myyt of hem was to noye men fyue monethis.
Ne gin gi iwgi makecho kaka thomoni kecho, to e iwgigo ne gin gi teko mar sando kagikayogo ji kuom dweche abich.
11 And thei hadden on hem a kyng, the aungel of depnesse, to whom the name bi Ebrew is Laabadon, but bi Greek Appollion, and bi Latyn `he hath a name `Extermynans, that is, a distriere. (Abyssos g12)
Ruodhgi motelo nigi en malaika mar bur matut maonge gikone ma nyinge miluongego gi dho jo-Hibrania en Abadon, to gi dho jo-Yunani en Apoluon (tiende ni Ngʼat maketho gik moko). (Abyssos g12)
12 O wo is passid, and lo! yit comen twei woes.
Masira mokwongo osekadho, to masiche ariyo mamoko pod biro.
13 Aftir these thingis also the sixte aungel trumpide; and Y herde a vois fro foure corneris of the goldun auter, that is bifore the iyen of God,
Bangʼ mano malaika mar auchiel nogoyo turumbetene, mi nawinjo dwol moa e tunge mag kendo mar misango mar dhahabu manie nyim Nyasaye.
14 and seide to the sixte aungel that hadde a trumpe, Vnbynde thou foure aungels, that ben boundun in the greet flood Eufrates.
Eka dwolno nowacho ni malaika mar auchiel man-gi turumbete niya, “Gony malaike angʼwen motwe gibed thuolo gia e aora maduongʼ mar Yufrate.”
15 And the foure aungels weren vnboundun, whiche weren redi in to our, and dai, and monethe, and yeer, to sle the thridde part of men.
To nogony malaike angʼwen-go mane oseiki ni sa-no gi odiechiengno kod dweno gi higano, mondo gineg achiel kuom adek mar ji duto.
16 And the noumbre of the oost of horse men was twenti thousynde sithis ten thousynde. Y herde the noumbre of hem.
Kwan mar jolweny moidho farese ne oromo tara mia ariyo. Ne awinjo kar kwan-gi.
17 And so Y say horsis in visioun; and thei that saten on hem hadden firy haburiouns, and of iacynt, and of brymstoon. And the heedis of the horsis weren as heedis of liouns; and fier, and smoke, and brymston, cometh forth of the mouth of hem.
To farese gi joithgi mane aneno e fwenynano ne chalo kama: Joma noidhogi norwakore gi akor mag nyinyo makwar ka mach, kendo marambulu molil, kod ratongʼ gweno. Wi faresego ne chalo gi wi sibuoche, to mach gi yiro kod pilni mach ne wuok e dhogi.
18 Of these thre plagis the thridde part of men was slayn, of the fier, and of the smoke, and of the brymston, that camen out of the mouth of hem.
Masiche adekgo mag mach, yiro kod pilni mag mach mane wuok e dho faresego nonego achiel kuom adek mar kwan ji duto.
19 For the power of the horsis is in the mouth of hem, and in the tailis of hem; for the tailis of hem ben lyk to serpentis, hauynge heedis, and in hem thei noyen.
Teko mane faresego nigo ne ni e dhogi kendo e iwgi nikech iwgi mane nigi wigi ne chalo gi thuonde man-gi wiye ma gikechogo ka gihinyogo ji.
20 And the tothir men, that weren not slayn in these plagis, nether dyden penaunce of the werkis of her hondis, that thei worschipeden not deuelis, and simylacris of gold, and of siluer, and of bras, and of stoon, and of tre, whiche nethir mown se, nether heere, nether wandre;
To joma odongʼ mane masichego ok onego pod ne ok oweyo richo mar lamo gik mane giloso kendo gichweyo gi lwetgi; kendo ok giweyo lamo jochiende gi nyiseche manono molos gi dhahabu gi fedha kod mula gi kidi kod bao, ma gin gik ma ok nen bende ma ok winj wach, kendo ok wuothi.
21 and diden not penaunce of her mansleyngis, nether of her witchecraftis, nethir of her fornicacioun, nethir of her theftis, weren slayn.
Bende ne ok gilokore giweyo richo mar nego ji, kata timbe jwok kata terruok kata kuo mane gibedo ka gitimo.

< Revelation 9 >