< Revelation 22 +

1 And he schewide to me a flood of quic watir, schinynge as cristal, comynge forth of the seete of God, and of the lomb,
et ostendit mihi fluvium aquae vitae splendidum tamquam cristallum procedentem de sede Dei et agni
2 in the myddil of the street of it. And on ech side of the flood, the tree of lijf, bryngynge forth twelue fruytis, yeldinge his fruit bi ech monethe; and the leeues of the tree ben to heelthe of folkis.
in medio plateae eius et ex utraque parte fluminis lignum vitae adferens fructus duodecim per menses singula reddentia fructum suum et folia ligni ad sanitatem gentium
3 And ech cursid thing schal no more be; but the seetis of God and of the lomb schulen be in it. And the seruauntis of hym schulen serue to hym.
et omne maledictum non erit amplius et sedes Dei et agni in illa erunt et servi eius servient illi
4 And thei schulen see his face, and his name in her forheedis.
et videbunt faciem eius et nomen eius in frontibus eorum
5 And niyt schal no more be, and thei schulen not haue nede to the liyt of lanterne, nethir to liyt of sunne; for the Lord God schal lyytne hem, and thei schulen regne in to worldis of worldis. (aiōn g165)
et nox ultra non erit et non egebunt lumine lucernae neque lumine solis quoniam Dominus Deus inluminat illos et regnabunt in saecula saeculorum (aiōn g165)
6 And he seide to me, These wordis ben moost feithful and trewe. And the Lord God of spiritis of prophetis sente his aungel, to schewe his seruauntis, what thingis it bihoueth to be don soone.
et dixit mihi haec verba fidelissima et vera sunt et Dominus Deus spirituum prophetarum misit angelum suum ostendere servis suis quae oportet fieri cito
7 `And lo! Y come swiftli. Blessid is he, that kepith the wordis of prophesie of this book.
et ecce venio velociter beatus qui custodit verba prophetiae libri huius
8 And Y am Joon, that herde and say these thingis. And aftirward that Y hadde `herd and seyn, Y felde doun, to worschipe bifor the feet of the aungel, that schewide to me these thingis.
et ego Iohannes qui audivi et vidi haec et postquam audissem et vidissem cecidi ut adorarem ante pedes angeli qui mihi haec ostendebat
9 And he seide to me, Se thou, that thou do not; for Y am seruaunt `with thee, and of thi britheren, prophetis, and of hem that kepen the wordis of prophesie of this book; worschipe thou God.
et dicit mihi vide ne feceris conservus tuus sum et fratrum tuorum prophetarum et eorum qui servant verba libri huius Deum adora
10 And he seide to me, `Signe, ether seele, thou not the wordis of prophesie of this book; for the tyme is niy.
et dicit mihi ne signaveris verba prophetiae libri huius tempus enim prope est
11 He that noyeth, noye he yit; and he that is in filthis, wexe foul yit; and a iust man, be iustified yit, and the hooli, be halewid yit.
qui nocet noceat adhuc et qui in sordibus est sordescat adhuc et iustus iustitiam faciat adhuc et sanctus sanctificetur adhuc
12 Lo! Y come soone, and my mede with me, to yelde to ech man aftir hise werkis.
ecce venio cito et merces mea mecum est reddere unicuique secundum opera sua
13 Y am alpha and oo, the firste and the laste, bigynnyng and ende.
ego Alpha et Omega primus et novissimus principium et finis
14 Blessid be thei, that waischen her stoolis, that the power of hem be in the tree of lijf, and entre bi the yatis in to the citee.
beati qui lavant stolas suas ut sit potestas eorum in ligno vitae et portis intrent in civitatem
15 For with outen forth houndis, and witchis, and unchast men, and manquelleris, and seruynge to idols, and ech that loueth and makith leesyng.
foris canes et venefici et inpudici et homicidae et idolis servientes et omnis qui amat et facit mendacium
16 I Jhesus sente myn aungel, to witnesse to you these thingis in chirchis. Y am the roote and kyn of Dauid, and the schynynge morewe sterre.
ego Iesus misi angelum meum testificari vobis haec in ecclesiis ego sum radix et genus David stella splendida et matutina
17 And the spirit and the spousesse seien, Come thou. And he that herith, seie, Come thou; and he that thirstith, come; and he that wole, take he freli the watir of lijf.
et Spiritus et sponsa dicunt veni et qui audit dicat veni et qui sitit veniat qui vult accipiat aquam vitae gratis
18 And I witnesse to ech man herynge the wordis of prophesie of this book, if ony man schal putte to these thingis, God schal putte on hym the veniauncis writun in this book.
contestor ego omni audienti verba prophetiae libri huius si quis adposuerit ad haec adponet Deus super illum plagas scriptas in libro isto
19 And if ony man do awei of the wordis of the book of this prophesie, God schal take awei the part of hym fro the book of lijf, and fro the hooli citee, and fro these thingis that ben writun in this book.
et si quis deminuerit de verbis libri prophetiae huius auferet Deus partem eius de ligno vitae et de civitate sancta et de his quae scripta sunt in libro isto
20 He seith, that berith witnessyng of these thingis, Yhe, amen. I come soone. Amen. Come thou, Lord Jhesu.
dicit qui testimonium perhibet istorum etiam venio cito amen veni Domine Iesu
21 The grace of oure Lord Jhesu Crist be with you alle. Amen.
gratia Domini nostri Iesu Christi cum omnibus

< Revelation 22 +