< Revelation 18 >
1 And aftir these thingis Y siy another aungel comynge doun fro heuene, hauynge greet power; and the erthe was liytned of his glorie.
tadanantaraM svargAd avarOhan apara EkO dUtO mayA dRSTaH sa mahAparAkramaviziSTastasya tEjasA ca pRthivI dIptA|
2 `And he criede with strong vois, `and seide, Greet Babiloyn felde doun, felde doun, and is maad the habitacioun of deuelis, and the keping of ech vnclene spirit, and `the keping of ech vnclene foul, and hateful.
sa balavatA svarENa vAcamimAm aghOSayat patitA patitA mahAbAbil, sA bhUtAnAM vasatiH sarvvESAm azucyAtmanAM kArA sarvvESAm azucInAM ghRNyAnAnjca pakSiNAM pinjjarazcAbhavat|
3 For alle folkis drunkun of the wraththe of fornycacioun of hir, and kingis of the erthe, and marchauntis of the erthe, diden fornycacioun with hir; and thei ben maad riche of the vertu of delices of hir.
yataH sarvvajAtIyAstasyA vyabhicArajAtAM kOpamadirAM pItavantaH pRthivyA rAjAnazca tayA saha vyabhicAraM kRtavantaH pRthivyA vaNijazca tasyAH sukhabhOgabAhulyAd dhanAPhyatAM gatavantaH|
4 And Y herde another vois of heuene, seiynge, My puple, go ye out of it, and be ye not parceneris of the trespassis of it, and ye schulen not resseyue of the woundis of it.
tataH paraM svargAt mayApara ESa ravaH zrutaH, hE mama prajAH, yUyaM yat tasyAH pApAnAm aMzinO na bhavata tasyA daNPaizca daNPayuktA na bhavata tadarthaM tatO nirgacchata|
5 For the synnes of it camen `til to heuene, and the Lord hadde mynde of the wickidnesse of it.
yatastasyAH pApAni gaganasparzAnyabhavan tasyA adharmmakriyAzcEzvarENa saMsmRtAH|
6 Yelde ye to it, as sche yeldide to you; and double ye double thingis, aftir her werkis; in the drynke that she meddlid to you, mynge ye double to hir.
parAn prati tayA yadvad vyavahRtaM tadvat tAM prati vyavaharata, tasyAH karmmaNAM dviguNaphalAni tasyai datta, yasmin kaMsE sA parAn madyam apAyayat tamEva tasyAH pAnArthaM dviguNamadyEna pUrayata|
7 As myche as sche glorifiede hir silf, and was in delicis, so myche turment yyue to hir, and weilyng; for in hir herte sche seith, Y sitte a queen, and Y am not a widewe, and Y schal not se weiling.
tayA yAtmazlAghA yazca sukhabhOgaH kRtastayO rdviguNau yAtanAzOkau tasyai datta, yataH sA svakIyAntaHkaraNE vadati, rAjnjIvad upaviSTAhaM nAnAthA na ca zOkavit|
8 And therfor in o day hir woundis schulen come, deth, and mornyng, and hungur; and sche schal be brent in fier, for God is strong, that schal deme hir.
tasmAd divasa Ekasmin mArIdurbhikSazOcanaiH, sA samAplOSyatE nArI dhyakSyatE vahninA ca sA; yad vicArAdhipastasyA balavAn prabhurIzvaraH,
9 And the kingis of the erthe schulen biwepe, and biweile hem silf on hir, whiche diden fornicacioun with hir, and lyueden in delicis, whanne thei schulen se the smoke of the brennyng of it;
vyabhicArastayA sArddhaM sukhabhOgazca yaiH kRtaH, tE sarvva Eva rAjAnastaddAhadhUmadarzanAt, prarOdiSyanti vakSAMsi cAhaniSyanti bAhubhiH|
10 stondynge fer, for drede of the turmentis of it, and seiynge, Wo! wo! wo! thilke greet citee Babiloyn, and thilke stronge citee; for in oon our thi dom cometh.
tasyAstai ryAtanAbhItE rdUrE sthitvEdamucyatE, hA hA bAbil mahAsthAna hA prabhAvAnvitE puri, Ekasmin AgatA daNPE vicArAjnjA tvadIyakA|
11 And marchauntis of the erthe schulen wepe on it, and morne, for no man schal bie more the marchaundise of hem;
mEdinyA vaNijazca tasyAH kRtE rudanti zOcanti ca yatastESAM paNyadravyANi kEnApi na krIyantE|
12 the marchaundies of gold, and of siluer, and of preciouse stoon, and of peerl, and of bies, and of purpur, and of silk, and coctyn, and ech tre tymus, and alle vessels of yuer, and alle vessels of preciouse stoon, and of bras, and of yrun, and of marbil,
phalataH suvarNaraupyamaNimuktAH sUkSmavastrANi kRSNalOhitavAsAMsi paTTavastrANi sindUravarNavAsAMsi candanAdikASThAni gajadantEna mahArghakASThEna pittalalauhAbhyAM marmmaraprastarENa vA nirmmitAni sarvvavidhapAtrANi
13 and canel, and amonye, and of swete smellinge thingis, and oynementis, and encense, and of wyn, and of oyle, and of flour, and of whete, and of werk beestis, and of scheep, and of horsis, and of cartis, and of seruauntis, and other lyues of men.
tvagElA dhUpaH sugandhidravyaM gandharasO drAkSArasastailaM zasyacUrNaM gOdhUmO gAvO mESA azvA rathA dAsEyA manuSyaprANAzcaitAni paNyadravyANi kEnApi na krIyantE|
14 And thin applis of the desire of thi lijf wenten awei fro thee, and alle fatte thingis, and ful clere perischiden fro thee.
tava manO'bhilASasya phalAnAM samayO gataH, tvattO dUrIkRtaM yadyat zObhanaM bhUSaNaM tava, kadAcana taduddEzO na puna rlapsyatE tvayA|
15 And marchaundis of these thingis schulen no more fynde tho thingis. Thei that ben maad riche of it, schulen stonde fer, for drede of turmentis of it, wepynge, and mornynge, and seiynge, Wo!
tadvikrEtArO yE vaNijastayA dhaninO jAtAstE tasyA yAtanAyA bhayAd dUrE tiSThanatO rOdiSyanti zOcantazcEdaM gadiSyanti
16 wo! thilke greet citee, that was clothid with bijs, and purpur, and reed scarlet, and was ouergild with gold, and preciouse stoon, and margaritis,
hA hA mahApuri, tvaM sUkSmavastraiH kRSNalOhitavastraiH sindUravarNavAsObhizcAcchAditA svarNamaNimuktAbhiralagkRtA cAsIH,
17 for in oon our so many richessis ben destitute. And ech gouernour, and alle that saylen bi schip in to place, and maryneris, and that worchen in the see, stoden fer,
kintvEkasmin daNPE sA mahAsampad luptA| aparaM pOtAnAM karNadhArAH samUhalOkA nAvikAH samudravyavasAyinazca sarvvE
18 and crieden, seynge the place of the brennyng of it, seiynge, What is lijk this greet citee?
dUrE tiSThantastasyA dAhasya dhUmaM nirIkSamANA uccaiHsvarENa vadanti tasyA mahAnagaryyAH kiM tulyaM?
19 And thei casten poudre on her heedis, and crieden, wepynge, and mornynge, and seiynge, Wo! wo! thilke greet citee, in which alle that han schippis in the see ben maad riche of pricis of it; for in oon our it is desolat.
aparaM svaziraHsu mRttikAM nikSipya tE rudantaH zOcantazcOccaiHsvarENEdaM vadanti hA hA yasyA mahApuryyA bAhulyadhanakAraNAt, sampattiH sanjcitA sarvvaiH sAmudrapOtanAyakaiH, EkasminnEva daNPE sA sampUrNOcchinnatAM gatA|
20 Heuene, and hooli apostlis, and prophetis, make ye ful out ioye on it, for God hath demed youre dom of it.
hE svargavAsinaH sarvvE pavitrAH prEritAzca hE| hE bhAvivAdinO yUyaM kRtE tasyAH praharSata| yuSmAkaM yat tayA sArddhaM yO vivAdaH purAbhavat| daNPaM samucitaM tasya tasyai vyataradIzvaraH||
21 And o stronge aungel took vp a stoon, as a greet mylne stoon, and keste in to the see, and seide, In this bire thilke greet citee Babiloyn schal be sent, and now it schal no more be foundun.
anantaram EkO balavAn dUtO bRhatpESaNIprastaratulyaM pASANamEkaM gRhItvA samudrE nikSipya kathitavAn, IdRgbalaprakAzEna bAbil mahAnagarI nipAtayiSyatE tatastasyA uddEzaH puna rna lapsyatE|
22 And the vois of harpis, and of men of musik, and syngynge with pipe and trumpe, schal no more be herd in it. And ech crafti man, and ech craft, schal no more be foundun in it. And the vois of mylne stoon schal no more be herde in thee,
vallakIvAdinAM zabdaM puna rna zrOSyatE tvayi| gAthAkAnAnjca zabdO vA vaMzItUryyAdivAdinAM| zilpakarmmakaraH kO 'pi puna rna drakSyatE tvayi| pESaNIprastaradhvAnaH puna rna zrOSyatE tvayi|
23 and the liyt of lanterne schal no more schyne to thee, and the vois of the hosebonde and of the wijf schal no more yit be herd in thee; for thi marchauntis weren princis of the erthe. For in thi witchecraftis alle folkis erriden.
dIpasyApi prabhA tadvat puna rna drakSyatE tvayi| na kanyAvarayOH zabdaH punaH saMzrOSyatE tvayi| yasmAnmukhyAH pRthivyA yE vaNijastE'bhavan tava| yasmAcca jAtayaH sarvvA mOhitAstava mAyayA|
24 And the blood of prophetis and seyntis is foundun in it, and of alle men that ben slayn in erthe.
bhAvivAdipavitrANAM yAvantazca hatA bhuvi| sarvvESAM zONitaM tESAM prAptaM sarvvaM tavAntarE||