< Psalms 96 >

1 Singe ye a newe song to the Lord; al erthe, synge ye to the Lord.
あたらしき歌をヱホバにむかひてうたへ 全地よヱホバにむかひて謳ふべし
2 Synge ye to the Lord, and blesse ye his name; telle ye his heelthe fro dai in to dai.
ヱホバに向ひてうたひその名をほめよ 日ごとにその救をのべつたへよ
3 Telle ye his glorie among hethene men; hise merueilis among alle puplis.
もろもろの國のなかにその榮光をあらはし もろもろの民のなかにその奇しきみわざを顯すべし
4 For the Lord is greet, and worthi to be preisid ful myche; he is ferdful aboue alle goddis.
そはヱホバはおほいなり大にほめたたふべきものなり もろもろの神にまさりて畏るべきものなり
5 For alle the goddis of hethene men ben feendis; but the Lord made heuenes.
もろもろの民のすべての神はことごとく虚し されどヱホバはもろもろの天をつくりたまへり
6 Knouleching and fairnesse is in his siyt; hoolynesse and worthi doyng is in his halewing.
7 Ye cuntrees of hethene men, brynge to the Lord, bringe ye glorye and onour to the Lord;
8 bringe ye to the Lord glorie to hys name. Take ye sacrificis, and entre ye in to the hallis of hym;
その聖名にかなふ榮光をもてヱホバにあたへ 献物をたづさへてその大庭にきたれ
9 herie ye the Lord in his hooli halle. Al erthe be moued of his face;
きよき美しきものをもてヱホバををがめ 全地よその前にをののけ
10 seie ye among hethene men, that the Lord hath regned. And he hath amendid the world, that schal not be moued; he schal deme puplis in equite.
もろもろの國のなかにいへ ヱホバは統治たまふ世界もかたくたちて動かさるることなし ヱホバは正直をもてすべての民をさばきたまはんと
11 Heuenes be glad, and the erthe make ful out ioye, the see and the fulnesse therof be moued togidere; feeldis schulen make ioye,
12 and alle thingis that ben in tho. Thanne alle the trees of wodis schulen make ful out ioye, for the face of the Lord, for he cometh;
田畑とその中のすべての物とはよろこぶべし かくて林のもろもろの樹もまたヱホバの前によろこびうたはん
13 for he cometh to deme the erthe. He schal deme the world in equite; and puplis in his treuthe.
ヱホバ來りたまふ地をさばかんとて來りたまふ 義をもて世界をさばきその眞實をもてもろもろの民をさばきたまはん

< Psalms 96 >