< Psalms 84 >

1 The salm of the sones of Chore. Lord of vertues, thi tabernaclis ben greetli loued;
聖歌隊の指揮者によってギテトのしらべにあわせてうたわせたコラの子の歌 万軍の主よ、あなたのすまいはいかに麗しいことでしょう。
2 my soule coueitith, and failith in to the porchis of the Lord. Myn herte and my fleische; ful out ioyeden in to quyk God.
3 For whi a sparewe fyndith an hous to it silf; and a turtle fyndith a neste to it silf, where it `schal kepe hise bryddis. Lord of vertues, thin auteris; my king, and my God.
4 Lord, blessid ben thei that dwellen in thin hous; thei schulen preise thee in to the worldis of worldis.
あなたの家に住み、常にあなたをほめたたえる人はさいわいです。 (セラ)
5 Blessid is the man, whos help is of thee; he hath disposid stiyngis in his herte,
6 in the valei of teeris, in the place which he hath set.
7 For the yyuer of the lawe schal yyue blessyng, thei schulen go fro vertu in to vertu; God of goddis schal be seyn in Sion.
8 Lord God of vertues, here thou my preier; God of Jacob, perseyue thou with eeris.
万軍の神、主よ、わが祈をおききください。ヤコブの神よ、耳を傾けてください。 (セラ)
9 God, oure defender, biholde thou; and biholde in to the face of thi crist.
10 For whi o dai in thin hallis is bettere; than a thousynde. I chees to be `an out cast in the hous of my God; more than to dwelle in the tabernaclis of synneris.
11 For God loueth merci and treuthe; the Lord schal yyue grace and glorie.
12 He schal not depriue hem fro goodis, that gon in innocence; Lord of vertues, blessid is the man, that hopith in thee.

< Psalms 84 >