< Psalms 76 >

1 To the victorie in orguns, `the salm of the song of Asaph. God is knowun in Judee; his name is greet in Israel.
Kumutungamiri wokuimba nomutengeranwa une hungiso. Pisarema raAsafi. Rwiyo. Mwari anozivikanwa muJudha; zita rake iguru muIsraeri.
2 And his place is maad in pees; and his dwellyng is in Syon.
Tende rake riri muSaremu, ugaro hwake paZioni.
3 Ther he brak poweris; bowe, scheeld, swerd, and batel.
Ndipo paakavhuna miseve inovaima, nhoo neminondo, izvo zvombo zvokurwa. Sera
4 And thou, God, liytnest wondirfuli fro euerlastynge hillis;
Imi makashongedzwa nechiedza, kupfuura makomo akapfuma nemhuka.
5 alle vnwise men of herte weren troblid. Thei slepten her sleep; and alle men founden no thing of richessis in her hondis.
Varume vakashinga vakavata pasi vapambwa, vakavata hope dzavo dzokupedzisira; hakuna mumwe wavarwi angasimudza maoko ake.
6 Thei that stieden on horsis; slepten for thi blamyng, thou God of Jacob.
Pakutuka kwenyu, imi Mwari waJakobho, zvose bhiza nengoro zvinovata zvakati mwiro.
7 Thou art feerful, and who schal ayenstonde thee? fro that tyme thin ire.
Imi moga ndimi munofanira kutyiwa. Mukatsamwa, ndianiko angamira pamberi penyu?
8 Fro heuene thou madist doom herd; the erthe tremblide, and restide.
Muri kudenga makazivisa kutonga kwenyu, uye nyika yakatya ikanyarara,
9 Whanne God roos vp in to doom; to make saaf al the mylde men of erthe.
haiwa Mwari, pamakasimuka kuti mutonge, kuti muponese vanonetswa vose venyika. Sera
10 For the thouyt of man schal knouleche to thee; and the relifs of thouyt schulen make a feeste dai to thee.
Zvirokwazvo hasha dzenyu pamusoro pavanhu dzinokuvigirai kurumbidzwa, uye vanosara pahasha dzenyu vachadziviswa.
11 Make ye a vow, and yelde ye to youre Lord God; alle that bringen yiftis in the cumpas of it.
Itai mhiko kuna Jehovha Mwari wenyu mugodzizadzisa; nyika dzose dzakakupoteredzai ngadzivigire zvipo kuna Iye anofanira kutyiwa.
12 To God ferdful, and to him that takith awei the spirit of prynces; to the ferdful at the kyngis of erthe.
Anoputsa mweya yavatongi; anotyiwa namadzimambo enyika.

< Psalms 76 >