< Psalms 74 >

1 The lernyng of Asaph. God, whi hast thou put awei in to the ende; thi strong veniaunce is wrooth on the scheep of thi leesewe?
intellectus Asaph ut quid Deus reppulisti in finem iratus est furor tuus super oves pascuae tuae
2 Be thou myndeful of thi gadering togidere; which thou haddist in possessioun fro the bigynnyng. Thou ayenbouytist the yerde of thin eritage; the hille of Syon in which thou dwellidist ther ynne.
memor esto congregationis tuae quam possedisti ab initio redemisti virgam hereditatis tuae mons Sion in quo habitasti in eo
3 Reise thin hondis in to the prides of hem; hou grete thingis the enemy dide wickidli in the hooli.
leva manus tuas in superbias eorum in finem quanta malignatus est inimicus in sancto
4 And thei that hatiden thee; hadden glorie in the myddis of thi solempnete.
et gloriati sunt qui oderunt te in medio sollemnitatis tuae posuerunt signa sua signa
5 Thei settiden her signes, `ethir baneris, signes on the hiyeste, as in the outgoing; and thei knewen not.
et non cognoverunt sicut in exitu super summum quasi in silva lignorum securibus
6 As in a wode of trees thei heweden doun with axis the yatis therof in to it silf; thei castiden doun it with an ax, and a brood fallinge ax.
exciderunt ianuas eius in id ipsum in securi et ascia deiecerunt eam
7 Thei brenten with fier thi seyntuarie; thei defouliden the tabernacle of thi name in erthe.
incenderunt igni sanctuarium tuum in terra polluerunt tabernaculum nominis tui
8 The kynrede of hem seiden togidere in her herte; Make we alle the feest daies of God to ceesse fro the erthe.
dixerunt in corde suo cognatio eorum simul quiescere faciamus omnes dies festos Dei a terra
9 We han not seyn oure signes, now `no profete is; and he schal no more knowe vs.
signa nostra non vidimus iam non est propheta et nos non cognoscet amplius
10 God, hou long schal the enemye seie dispit? the aduersarie territh to ire thi name in to the ende.
usquequo Deus inproperabit inimicus inritat adversarius nomen tuum in finem
11 Whi turnest thou awei thin hoond, and `to drawe out thi riythond fro the myddis of thi bosum, til in to the ende?
ut quid avertis manum tuam et dexteram tuam de medio sinu tuo in finem
12 Forsothe God oure kyng bifore worldis; wrouyte heelthe in the mydis of erthe.
Deus autem rex noster ante saeculum operatus est salutes in medio terrae
13 Thou madist sad the see bi thi vertu; thou hast troblid the heedis of dragouns in watris.
tu confirmasti in virtute tua mare contribulasti capita draconum in aquis
14 Thou hast broke the heedis of `the dragoun; thou hast youe hym to mete to the puplis of Ethiopiens.
tu confregisti capita draconis dedisti eum escam populis Aethiopum
15 Thou hast broke wellis, and strondis; thou madist drie the flodis of Ethan.
tu disrupisti fontem et torrentes tu siccasti fluvios Aetham;
16 The dai is thin, and the niyt is thin; thou madist the moreutid and the sunne.
tuus est dies et tua est nox tu fabricatus es auroram et solem
17 Thou madist alle the endis of erthe; somer and veer tyme, thou fourmedist tho.
tu fecisti omnes terminos terrae aestatem et ver tu plasmasti ea
18 Be thou myndeful of this thing, the enemye hath seid schenschip to the Lord; and the vnwijs puple hath excitid to ire thi name.
memor esto huius inimicus inproperavit Dominum et populus insipiens incitavit nomen tuum
19 Bitake thou not to beestis men knoulechenge to thee; and foryete thou not in to the ende the soulis of thi pore men.
ne tradas bestiis animam confitentem tibi animas pauperum tuorum ne obliviscaris in finem
20 Biholde in to thi testament; for thei that ben maad derk of erthe, ben fillid with the housis of wickidnessis.
respice in testamentum tuum quia repleti sunt qui obscurati sunt terrae domibus iniquitatum
21 A meke man be not turned awei maad aschamed; a pore man and nedi schulen herie thi name.
ne avertatur humilis factus confusus pauper et inops laudabunt nomen tuum
22 God, rise vp, deme thou thi cause; be thou myndeful of thin vpbreidyngis, of tho that ben al dai of the vnwise man.
exsurge Deus iudica causam tuam memor esto inproperiorum tuorum eorum qui ab insipiente sunt tota die
23 Foryete thou not the voices of thin enemyes; the pride of hem that haten thee, stieth euere.
ne obliviscaris voces inimicorum tuorum superbia eorum qui te oderunt ascendit semper

< Psalms 74 >